Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

The Cost of Nature.
Michael Edwards said:

Wise philosophy Andy whatever day it is :)

April 24th, 2018 01:35

Does She Ever Stop?
kitcat said:

Oh wow I really loved your poem it made me laugh I can imagine you nodding your head and your feet itching to go Brilliant

April 23rd, 2018 14:22

Does She Ever Stop?
onepauly said:

one day at a time.

April 23rd, 2018 13:58

Does She Ever Stop?
Accidental Poet said:

Excellent write Andy. How many birthdays did you have while there in line?

April 23rd, 2018 07:52

Does She Ever Stop?
Fay Slimm. said:

This gave me a Monday morning smile as I think I know the same lady - - ha ha.

April 23rd, 2018 05:40

Does She Ever Stop?
Lorna said:

Oh dear and she\'s there every time you shop! ha ha.... So you pay twice for your groceries! The music really made her come alive and I\'m glad she\'s there and not here!

April 23rd, 2018 05:23

Does She Ever Stop?

YAKKITY YAK YAK YAK ~ When God made ADAM he created an introspective non talker ! EVE was just the opposite a non-stop talker ! When I\'m sitting in the Park I like to meditate but not Angela ~ she quickly finds another Lady an they gossip non-stop like Sisters and they\'ve only just met ~ amazing !
Its always LADIES on the check-out they fit neatly in the slot ! And they chatter just like WYNTON playing MOTO PERPETUO ! Thanks for sharing ~ Please check my latest FUSION # GOOD HABITS ~ BAD HABITS ? Yours BRIAN

April 23rd, 2018 04:31

Does She Ever Stop?
Laura🌻 said:

A great write and the perfect instrumental piece to showcase it!

I guess we have all come across those individuals who are blessed with verbal diarrhea!

I enjoyed listening to the talented Wynton Marsalis! Not only is he an international acclaimed musician, but he is also a great humanitarian!


April 23rd, 2018 02:21

Does She Ever Stop?
orchidee said:

Probably a load of old gossip! Shoppers were huffing and puffing in long queues in a shop, as they had not got enough tills open, and no self-service tills there either.
It\'s a pain if you have one or two items, and the person in front has about 3,647 items! Did you play the game \'Guess the quickest queue to get in to, to be served?\'

April 23rd, 2018 02:00

Does She Ever Stop?
Michael Edwards said:

I know the situation well. It\'s even worse when someone in front of you strikes up a conversation with her and holds everyone up. great write Andy.

April 23rd, 2018 01:47

Does She Ever Stop?
Michael Edwards said:

I know the situation well. It\'s even worse when someone in front of you strikes up a conversation with her and holds everyone up. great write Andy.

April 23rd, 2018 01:47

The Storm\'s Bass
Laura🌻 said:

A beautiful and poignant write! We do need to see and hear lightning and thunder to appreciate nature’s world in its quiet harmonious state! Listening to the music was so peaceful and magical!


April 23rd, 2018 01:11

The Storm\'s Bass

Ahhhh ANDY The great Alexander Borodin ~ Chemist and Composer famous for his work on ALDEHYDES (RCHO) and the opera Prince Igor ! He is a favorite of mine because as a Professor of Chemistry his chosen sphere of research was Organic Synthesis which is my sphere also ! He is also famous for his string quartets ~ his music has a haunting natural quality ! In the 21st C I would contend that Scientists are the best educated People because we understand the Universe (Thanks to the late Professor Stephen Hawking) but also Art ~ Music and Literature & Poetry as well ! Love the cadence in your poem ~ delightful ! Yours Brian ~ Poet & fellow Scientist ! Please check my Tribute to HMQ ~ Thanks BRIAN

April 22nd, 2018 10:52

The Storm\'s Bass
orchidee said:

A fine write, and fine furore you had there Gold.

April 22nd, 2018 07:52

The Storm\'s Bass
onepauly said:

nature creates beautiful music.

April 22nd, 2018 06:46

The Storm\'s Bass
Lorna said:

Even without the video you have created a symphony of nature Andy! I love your storm! Then I played the video and recognized the most beautiful magical piece of music........... I love the aetherial ..... like Rimsky-Korsakov\'s Scheherazade..........

April 22nd, 2018 05:38

The Storm\'s Bass
Michael Edwards said:

One of my favourite pieces of music to go with a superb poem - thanks Andy.

April 22nd, 2018 03:48

The Storm\'s Bass
Nicholas Browning said:

\"God is in his heaven, and all\'s right with the world.\" - A quote from Robert Browning. This came to mind when I read this. A beautiful incantation of nature\'s wondrous euphoria.

April 22nd, 2018 02:19

Silence with Somebody.
Accidental Poet said:

Silence is golden Andy. Great writing.

April 21st, 2018 17:39

Silence with Somebody.
kitcat said:

Oh that was so lovely and them words are so true It seems to hit you when you read it, brought back memories to me, you couldn\'t of wrote it better Brilliant

April 21st, 2018 12:15

Missed Pint.
kitcat said:

Ha ha Loved it typical eh? had to be a dream

April 21st, 2018 12:11

Silence with Somebody.
orchidee said:

Aww, why whenever I ask for song requests, do people always says \'The sound of silence\', please?! heehee.

April 21st, 2018 10:29

Silence with Somebody.
Lorna said:

To feel so accepted by someone that you can sit quietly with them and not worry is a dream come true..... and very rare. Lovely poem and thoughts. Thanks for the book suggestion as well Andy........

April 21st, 2018 06:28

Silence with Somebody.
Laura🌻 said:

So many emotions and feelings evoked while reading your poem! I envisioned a woman wanting to be alone in her own world!

I was intrigued by your note that you came across this idea from reading the book “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society “ by Mary Ann Shaffer!
It peeked my curiosity. I decided to research it! What an amazing story! Also found out it was made into a film that was released yesterday!

So when you say “she” in the poem, are you referencing the island and its residents during the WWII German occupation of Guernsey?


April 21st, 2018 05:56

Silence with Somebody.

Spanish saying !

Thanks ANDY ~ The BIBLE tells us
There will be silence in Heaven for 30 mins
AMEN ~ In the 21st C even Churches &
Services have become effused with
cacophony & razz-ama-tazz. Thank God
There will be SILENCE in HEAVEN !

Loved the Poem and its emphasis on
the importance of SILENCE ~ BRIAN
Please check my CATS ~ Thanks B !

April 21st, 2018 04:35

Silence with Somebody.
onepauly said:

you just described my life!

April 21st, 2018 04:24

Silence with Somebody.
Michael Edwards said:

I agree with Lee - a fine work.
And thanks for not having that awful wobbly thing at the top - I decided not to use it but thought I was alone.

April 21st, 2018 02:38

Silence with Somebody.
Lee Renard Caspian said:

I really liked this. I don\'t know why, but it really hit hard for me. Well done

April 21st, 2018 01:59

Silence with Somebody.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

April 21st, 2018 01:34

Missed Pint.
Lorna said:

In a Pig\'s Ear!!!! Off as quick as you can to the Pub Andy.....

April 20th, 2018 10:45

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