Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Coffee Meetings
willyweed said:

Great one Golden, coffee is good if its good I went to Asia they are crazy for it. call me old fashion but I like the old way no designer coffee for this cowboy. good write lets get a coffee. peace ww

May 20th, 2018 08:10

Coffee Meetings
MrNobody40 said:

Of course the coffee sets the mood for the rest of the meeting. :)

May 20th, 2018 07:36

Coffee Meetings
Michael Edwards said:

Great observation and where have the true coffee houses gone? The one\'s where you could select what type of coffee you wanted - country of origin, coffee variety etc. All we get now is coffee forced through a machine, with frothy milk, with different flavours,. has the world gone mad? I want REAL coffee properly brewed and allowed to stand so that the natural flavours can be enjoyed as they are in wine and tea. Sorry - I think I\'ve had this rant here on mps before. Must put it into a poem.

May 20th, 2018 06:12

Coffee Meetings
ForeverJesus7 said:

That is a very clever piece.
Persistence is key

May 20th, 2018 05:32

Coffee Meetings
dusk arising said:

For the first time in years i wandered through Worcester city t he other day and i was taken aback by the number of coffee houses and eateries. And the prices of a cup of coffee!!!
I think i\'lll need to dress up for the occasion next time i fancy a coffee.

May 20th, 2018 03:58

Coffee Meetings

Thanks ANDY ~ I some American Coffee Shops you have at least 20 to choose from ! A Friend of mine had done a POST-DOC in the USA and he came back a \"coffee ~ freak\" First we had to choose our beans (or a blend) the whole process took about an hour ! My Granny always used CAMP which was a thick black liquid ! Siblings always produce harmony ~ when i give a talk on BING ~ I always play few duets with the Andrew Sisters ~ there are about 25 think ! Love the Coffee Song ~ thanks for sharing ! Please check my BALM IN GILEAD ~ Yours BRIAN

May 20th, 2018 03:49

Ragtime Trovatore.
willyweed said:

wonderful work G. ww

May 19th, 2018 10:42

Ragtime Trovatore.
Laura🌻 said:

A great write along with a wonderful video! “Il Trovatore” is a great one! I saw a performance of it not too long ago by a local group of opera singers! It was fantastic!


May 19th, 2018 10:15

Ragtime Trovatore.

THANKS ANDY ~ A great version of the Anvil ~ fitting for such a HAPPY DAY ~ My DAD is a Pianist / Organist and my MUM is a Singer and afficianados of the Opera ! For me OPERA is the ultimate STAGE performance ~ a perfect Symbiosis of Singing & Acting ! I love G & S and have attended the Annual G & S Festival in BUXTON ~ now moved to HARROGATE ~ both Towns are fitting venues ! My fave is always the MIKADO a trans-cultural masterpiece JAPAN is on my TO GO List ! For me today\'s WEDDING is a UK-USA Opera can\'t wait for the Service ~ its now 11am ~ just an hour away ! Thanks for OPERA & ODE ~ Yours BRAIN ~ Please check my completed FUSION (ARTISTS) and Poems ~ B.

May 19th, 2018 05:10

Ragtime Trovatore.
Michael Edwards said:

Fine write and one of my favourite choruses - would love to hear the ragtime version.

May 19th, 2018 02:07

Ragtime Trovatore.
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Gold.

May 19th, 2018 01:29

The Office.
Laura🌻 said:

A great write! I enjoyed Leroy Anderson’s “The Typewriter! Never heard his version before; but I have seen Jerry Lewis’ version! He was absolutely hysterical! So many laughs! If you haven’t seen that version, give it a look!
My office was my classroom! No cubicles there. I Loved it!


May 18th, 2018 16:36

The Office.
DesertWords said:

Isn\'t retirement nice! Wish I could have enrolled years ago!

May 18th, 2018 14:50

The Office.
MrNobody40 said:

I, too, used to work in an office. I have since given up the business world for good. Thank goodness.

May 18th, 2018 09:25

The Office.
dusk arising said:

Being self employed and semi retired it does feel odd to be getting a pension paid to me for doing nothing!
Great video, made me chuckle too, and the whole thing is so well written - by whom i wonder and what other gems did they pen?

May 18th, 2018 09:07

The Office.
FineB said:

Thanks Goldfinch.

As I read this superb write I am in the office!

I did not want to come in but the Good Lord made me!

Great tribute to the work place jungle that is the office!

Thank God the Royal Wedding is this weekend I can forget my office troubles and enjoy the party!

Keep writing

May 18th, 2018 03:25

The Office.

HI ANDY ~ If you read my contribution to the OFFICE (FUSION) you will know my OFFICE is an extension to the ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE LAB and is full of BRASS MICROSCOPES and rocks & minerals & fossils ! It\'s the first Personal Office I\'ve had and the Coffee (Jamacian Blue Mountain) is on the perk all day ~ I even have a fridge for Milk & petri dishes with cultures etc etc ! I love my office and it is a Haven for Staff & Students under stress. I love my JOB and am never stressed. I have heard the Manual Typewriter Concerto (alas PC\'s are silent !) but never seen it performed ~ thanks for that ~ Yours BRIAN ~ Love your poem too ~ I expect to retire @ 70 (2053) so I don\'t even think about it !!! ~ Every blessing B !

May 18th, 2018 03:17

The Office.
Michael Edwards said:

I recall my office - I was so fortunate to have a job I loved and hated to give up on retirement - but a big thank you to the National Health Service for now paying my pension - I\'m one of the fortunate ones.

May 18th, 2018 02:41

The Office.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Well, you worked to help other\'s pensions, and to gain your own pension, that you contributed to, and which others are now contributing to.

May 18th, 2018 01:50

Wheeled Freedom.
Laura🌻 said:

A beautiful read. I’m so happy for your wife and you...together you can enjoy once again the gorgeous English landscape! If it’s anything like the images in the George Butterworth’s music video, both of you are blessed to enjoy such landscape! I wish you both many more of those beautiful days you share and be one with nature once again!

I enjoyed the video very much! The landscape and the rural roads remind me a bit of where my mother was born...a verdant, luscious region!


May 17th, 2018 09:32

Wheeled Freedom.
SLR said:

Beautiful images. Great mental pics! There\'s nothing like communing with nature. Peaceful, calming. I\'m so glad she was able to get back to nature.

May 17th, 2018 08:59

Just a Book.
FineB said:

Hi Goldfinch60,

I have seen the film -The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Good film a little gem of a film.

One of my favourites for this year.

I have the book on my shelf which I no doubt will read!

Thank you for this wonderful poem - no one can underestimate the power of a good book!

Keep writing

May 17th, 2018 06:50

Wheeled Freedom.
Goldfinch60 said:

Thank you da, your comments are much appreciated.

May 17th, 2018 06:42

Wheeled Freedom.
dusk arising said:

That is so good to read, especially now that summer is in the air and the buzz of life is all around and to be enjoyed. Natures beauty still rich and green awaiting the suns scorchings.
May you share many more pleasant together times with this new found release.

May 17th, 2018 04:25

Wheeled Freedom.
Poetic Dan said:

A writing as delightful as nature is, thank you for sharing this moment of your lives. To show how the most simplest of things can brings us joy.
I hope the next trip there\'s no white lines

May 17th, 2018 01:49

Wheeled Freedom.
orchidee said:

A fine write and pic Gold. Glad you\'re getting out and about in this freedom. Did you have to \'get your coat\' as they say? Or warm enough without one? Weather keeps jumping about these days.

May 17th, 2018 01:28

Wheeled Freedom.

Where\'ere on Earth I roam or stand
I\'m always nearer to God\'s heart
In ENGLAND\'S green & pleasant Land !

Thanks for sharing ANDY ~ you are an inspiration !
Love the tune and tnhe video ~ Perfection !
So many people grumble about incapacity and stay
housebound. I love your attitude \"Count your
Blessings and get out and about with your lover !
You can get specially adapted cars ~ Friends of
mine have them ~ that can accommodate a
Wheelchair ~ Praying for you now that Summer is
almost here ~ GOD BLESS BRIAN !
Please check today\'s POEM ~ Thanks B.

May 17th, 2018 01:10

Wheeled Freedom.
Michael Edwards said:

Ah - sweet and so engaging - great write.

May 17th, 2018 01:09

Unbearable Bearable.
Michael Edwards said:

Laughter is the water of our soul - love the Mozart.

May 16th, 2018 05:21

Unbearable Bearable.

As the great late (SIR) JOHN LENNON
said of ELVIS ~ Before MOZART there
really was NOTHING ~ AWESOME !

Thanks for sharing it has put me in a
mood for work ~ on my BIKE !

Thanks for the poem ~ I always look on
\"The Bright Side of Life\" I was born an OPTIMIST
and I know I will surely DIE AS ONE !
ANGELA is now in NEW ZEALAND (boo hoo)
but with SKYPE I can visit her and chat every day


Thanks for POEM on FUSION ~ I posted
\"LIGHT OF THE WORLD\" it has now been replaced
by DALI\'s \"The Persistence of Memory\" for MIKE

May 16th, 2018 03:35

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