Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
Avoidance Failed.
FredPeyer said:
Goldie, this one is precious and funny. Goes to show that life is all about expectations. Sometimes the brain tells you one thing when reality is another. Good write!
I assume \'Specsavers\' is maybe a second-hand store like Goodwill over here.
October 28th, 2017 12:37
FredPeyer said:
Goldie, this one is precious and funny. Goes to show that life is all about expectations. Sometimes the brain tells you one thing when reality is another. Good write!
I assume \'Specsavers\' is maybe a second-hand store like Goodwill over here.
October 28th, 2017 12:37
Avoidance Failed.
WL Schuett said:
Don’t need glasses to see the humor, fun poem
October 28th, 2017 07:39
WL Schuett said:
Don’t need glasses to see the humor, fun poem
October 28th, 2017 07:39
Avoidance Failed.
Accidental Poet said:
Yes, I was rather puzzled at the mention of Specsavers, but that\'s ok. Think I get the idea of it. Great write Goldie.
October 28th, 2017 07:32
Accidental Poet said:
Yes, I was rather puzzled at the mention of Specsavers, but that\'s ok. Think I get the idea of it. Great write Goldie.
October 28th, 2017 07:32
Avoidance Failed.
Michael Edwards said:
I doubt if out trans Atlantic friends will appreciate the reference to Specsavers but that doesn\'t matter - still a great fun write.
October 28th, 2017 05:51
Michael Edwards said:
I doubt if out trans Atlantic friends will appreciate the reference to Specsavers but that doesn\'t matter - still a great fun write.
October 28th, 2017 05:51
Avoidance Failed.
orchidee said:
Oh lol, good write Gold. At one rather eccentric church they had two collections. One was literally a hat passed round! But no surprise really. Some there are potty enough for anything! You know, usual things for a Vicar\'s leaving-do: two African warriors with war paint yelling ooh-arggh and all that rubbish. The Vicar was embarrassed, though a bit eccentric too himself.
October 28th, 2017 01:45
orchidee said:
Oh lol, good write Gold. At one rather eccentric church they had two collections. One was literally a hat passed round! But no surprise really. Some there are potty enough for anything! You know, usual things for a Vicar\'s leaving-do: two African warriors with war paint yelling ooh-arggh and all that rubbish. The Vicar was embarrassed, though a bit eccentric too himself.
October 28th, 2017 01:45
Stopped By Music.
FredPeyer said:
Thank you, Goldfinch, for both the music and the poem. Music, writing, painting, in all its different forms and shapes is a gift of the Gods! Also am quite taken with these last three lines. Mind you, the rest of the poem is great too, but the last three lines do stand out.
October 27th, 2017 11:49
FredPeyer said:
Thank you, Goldfinch, for both the music and the poem. Music, writing, painting, in all its different forms and shapes is a gift of the Gods! Also am quite taken with these last three lines. Mind you, the rest of the poem is great too, but the last three lines do stand out.
October 27th, 2017 11:49
Stopped By Music.
Louis Gibbs said:
The magic of music, the universal language ... well captured in this fine write, Goldie!
October 27th, 2017 10:08
Louis Gibbs said:
The magic of music, the universal language ... well captured in this fine write, Goldie!
October 27th, 2017 10:08
Stopped By Music.
WL Schuett said:
I listen to the music after reading your poem and thought that it was an amazing piece , thanks !
October 27th, 2017 10:03
WL Schuett said:
I listen to the music after reading your poem and thought that it was an amazing piece , thanks !
October 27th, 2017 10:03
Stopped By Music.
Accidental Poet said:
So true Goldie. I listened to the pianist playing in the video and I could see the similarity between his playing and your writing. The notes of the piano are as to the words you pen, emotional and poetic. Excellent write Goldie.
October 27th, 2017 08:03
Accidental Poet said:
So true Goldie. I listened to the pianist playing in the video and I could see the similarity between his playing and your writing. The notes of the piano are as to the words you pen, emotional and poetic. Excellent write Goldie.
October 27th, 2017 08:03
Stopped By Music.
myself and me said:
I can hear the music and see you lost in it.
October 27th, 2017 07:58
myself and me said:
I can hear the music and see you lost in it.
October 27th, 2017 07:58
Stopped By Music.
Christina8 said:
Music IS powerful! It can persuade us to do things, fall in love, etc. As Michael said, I love the last three lines. Wonderful!
October 27th, 2017 06:26
Christina8 said:
Music IS powerful! It can persuade us to do things, fall in love, etc. As Michael said, I love the last three lines. Wonderful!
October 27th, 2017 06:26
Stopped By Music.
Michael Edwards said:
Great write and those last three lines are priceless.
October 27th, 2017 04:22
Michael Edwards said:
Great write and those last three lines are priceless.
October 27th, 2017 04:22
Stopped By Music.
Laura🌻 said:
Great write Gold! The musical accompaniment enhances the writing! All we have to do is close our eyes and enjoy ! Thank you for the posting!
October 27th, 2017 04:15
Laura🌻 said:
Great write Gold! The musical accompaniment enhances the writing! All we have to do is close our eyes and enjoy ! Thank you for the posting!
October 27th, 2017 04:15
Stopped By Music.
orchidee said:
Another fine write Gold. Did you stop half-way through your cornflakes?! And did any music sound in 1066?!
October 27th, 2017 02:58
orchidee said:
Another fine write Gold. Did you stop half-way through your cornflakes?! And did any music sound in 1066?!
October 27th, 2017 02:58
Water is Life.
Fay Slimm. said:
So true your wise words Goldi - thanks for posting a tribute to water.
October 26th, 2017 13:19
Fay Slimm. said:
So true your wise words Goldi - thanks for posting a tribute to water.
October 26th, 2017 13:19
Water is Life.
THREE minutes without OXYGEN
THREE days without WATER
THREE weeks without FOOD
Yes indeed ANDY Water is an essential for like God was very lavish with H2O when he created Planet Earth and there is a Lake Windermere (11 sq miles and 50ft deep) for every person ! BUT distribution of potable water is the problem ! Millions in Developing Countries don\'t have access to the pure clean water that we wash our cars with ~ we must conserve our water and support WATER AID ! Thanks for Caring ! The TRINITY should get a NOBEL PRIZE for designing the WATER CYCLE ~ AWESOME ! BRIAN
October 26th, 2017 12:37
THREE minutes without OXYGEN
THREE days without WATER
THREE weeks without FOOD
Yes indeed ANDY Water is an essential for like God was very lavish with H2O when he created Planet Earth and there is a Lake Windermere (11 sq miles and 50ft deep) for every person ! BUT distribution of potable water is the problem ! Millions in Developing Countries don\'t have access to the pure clean water that we wash our cars with ~ we must conserve our water and support WATER AID ! Thanks for Caring ! The TRINITY should get a NOBEL PRIZE for designing the WATER CYCLE ~ AWESOME ! BRIAN
October 26th, 2017 12:37
Water is Life.
Louis Gibbs said:
So easy to take for granted in our \'advanced\' societies, this precious commodity. Well spoken in this good write, Goldie.
October 26th, 2017 08:27
Louis Gibbs said:
So easy to take for granted in our \'advanced\' societies, this precious commodity. Well spoken in this good write, Goldie.
October 26th, 2017 08:27
Water is Life.
myself and me said:
We have taken a lot of things for granted, especially water. A good reminder. Thank you.
October 26th, 2017 07:55
myself and me said:
We have taken a lot of things for granted, especially water. A good reminder. Thank you.
October 26th, 2017 07:55
Water is Life.
Laura🌻 said:
A great poem Gold
to remind us of a precious and a necessity of life! Many of us do take it for granted and waste so much of it! It’s shameful and sinful!
Thank you!
October 26th, 2017 07:11
Laura🌻 said:
A great poem Gold
to remind us of a precious and a necessity of life! Many of us do take it for granted and waste so much of it! It’s shameful and sinful!
Thank you!
October 26th, 2017 07:11
Water is Life.
Christina8 said:
I believe we take water for granted because there are so many poor and developing countries that struggle to find clean drinking water. Fine write GF! Such a simple thing we don\'t give much thought to usually. Great message
October 26th, 2017 06:45
Christina8 said:
I believe we take water for granted because there are so many poor and developing countries that struggle to find clean drinking water. Fine write GF! Such a simple thing we don\'t give much thought to usually. Great message
October 26th, 2017 06:45
Water is Life.
FredPeyer said:
Water and salt, without it we would not be around anymore! Love the poem and the message.
October 26th, 2017 04:06
FredPeyer said:
Water and salt, without it we would not be around anymore! Love the poem and the message.
October 26th, 2017 04:06
Water is Life.
Michael Edwards said:
Well written tribute to such a valuable and essential commodity or should I call it a resource?
October 26th, 2017 03:25
Michael Edwards said:
Well written tribute to such a valuable and essential commodity or should I call it a resource?
October 26th, 2017 03:25
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