Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
She Fever Too.
Mugsdaddy said:
I think I may have a dirty mind as this poem spoke to me way beyond the words.
September 5th, 2017 02:04
Mugsdaddy said:
I think I may have a dirty mind as this poem spoke to me way beyond the words.
September 5th, 2017 02:04
Jigsaw of Life.
myself and me said:
Life just like Jigsaw puzzles, you need to find the right piece and put it at the right place. some are easy, some are taken a long time to figure out.
Nice poem. Your love is the best piece in your wife\'s puzzle.
September 4th, 2017 16:30
myself and me said:
Life just like Jigsaw puzzles, you need to find the right piece and put it at the right place. some are easy, some are taken a long time to figure out.
Nice poem. Your love is the best piece in your wife\'s puzzle.
September 4th, 2017 16:30
Jigsaw of Life.
FredPeyer said:
Using a jigsaw puzzle as a metaphor for life is genius! Great writing, Goldfinch.
September 4th, 2017 14:12
FredPeyer said:
Using a jigsaw puzzle as a metaphor for life is genius! Great writing, Goldfinch.
September 4th, 2017 14:12
Jigsaw of Life.
Fay Slimm. said:
Such a good and inspired piece of advice my friend.
September 4th, 2017 13:54
Fay Slimm. said:
Such a good and inspired piece of advice my friend.
September 4th, 2017 13:54
Jigsaw of Life.
poetboy123 said:
A beautiful piece illustrating an eternal conflict we all have, keep it up Gold!
September 4th, 2017 13:45
poetboy123 said:
A beautiful piece illustrating an eternal conflict we all have, keep it up Gold!
September 4th, 2017 13:45
Two into One.
malubotelho said:
You were dripping blood from your pen. First time I read something like this from you. I think Eddy is spilling some blood on all of us. Now we have cute blood inspiration. Enjoyed very much reading.
September 4th, 2017 10:15
malubotelho said:
You were dripping blood from your pen. First time I read something like this from you. I think Eddy is spilling some blood on all of us. Now we have cute blood inspiration. Enjoyed very much reading.
September 4th, 2017 10:15
Jigsaw of Life.
Seek said:
Wow! What a perspective on life. The sadness does not obscure the positives though, IMHO. Great write!
September 4th, 2017 09:30
Seek said:
Wow! What a perspective on life. The sadness does not obscure the positives though, IMHO. Great write!
September 4th, 2017 09:30
Jigsaw of Life.
orchidee said:
I wish I would shut up - Sherry, come out of that cellar now! heehee.
September 4th, 2017 08:49
orchidee said:
I wish I would shut up - Sherry, come out of that cellar now! heehee.
September 4th, 2017 08:49
Jigsaw of Life.
dusk arising said:
This just isn\'t fair..... why do my jigsaws have bits missing. You\'ve done it again. Good writing sir!
September 4th, 2017 08:46
dusk arising said:
This just isn\'t fair..... why do my jigsaws have bits missing. You\'ve done it again. Good writing sir!
September 4th, 2017 08:46
Jigsaw of Life.
WL Schuett said:
Thoughtful piece yes life is a jigsaw.... the sadness underlying this poem is moving....
September 4th, 2017 07:45
WL Schuett said:
Thoughtful piece yes life is a jigsaw.... the sadness underlying this poem is moving....
September 4th, 2017 07:45
Jigsaw of Life.
The JIGSAW of LIFE a very evocative phrase ! We haven\'t forgotten that your beloved WIFE has Alzheimer\'s and pray for Patience for You and understanding for your Lady Wife. Unlike many in the 30 ~ 40 Age Group I love JIGGIES and find them very relaxing ! My GF (29) and I do the outline first and then complete ~ reliant on the Big Picture and the colour and shape of the individual pieces. Angela is good on Skies and Meadows and Water ~ I like lots of detail so we are a Good Team. Please check the new B & S Fusion on Drink ~ Yours BRIAN,
September 4th, 2017 04:40
The JIGSAW of LIFE a very evocative phrase ! We haven\'t forgotten that your beloved WIFE has Alzheimer\'s and pray for Patience for You and understanding for your Lady Wife. Unlike many in the 30 ~ 40 Age Group I love JIGGIES and find them very relaxing ! My GF (29) and I do the outline first and then complete ~ reliant on the Big Picture and the colour and shape of the individual pieces. Angela is good on Skies and Meadows and Water ~ I like lots of detail so we are a Good Team. Please check the new B & S Fusion on Drink ~ Yours BRIAN,
September 4th, 2017 04:40
Jigsaw of Life.
Accidental Poet said:
Excellent poem of the puzzle of life. Sadly, sometimes there\'s a missing piece that can\'t be found. Thanks for sharing Goldfinch. My adoptive mother passed from Alzheimer\'s Disease . Hugs for your wife.
September 4th, 2017 02:34
Accidental Poet said:
Excellent poem of the puzzle of life. Sadly, sometimes there\'s a missing piece that can\'t be found. Thanks for sharing Goldfinch. My adoptive mother passed from Alzheimer\'s Disease . Hugs for your wife.
September 4th, 2017 02:34
Jigsaw of Life.
Michael Edwards said:
So well written but such sadness behind the lines.
September 4th, 2017 02:08
Michael Edwards said:
So well written but such sadness behind the lines.
September 4th, 2017 02:08
Jigsaw of Life.
orchidee said:
Good write G/F. I got problems with a \'jigsaw\' of sorting out these sherries in me cellar! So many of them.
September 4th, 2017 01:42
orchidee said:
Good write G/F. I got problems with a \'jigsaw\' of sorting out these sherries in me cellar! So many of them.
September 4th, 2017 01:42
Two into One.
WL Schuett said:
Good fun mr. Hyde ... seems good to do something different
September 3rd, 2017 16:45
WL Schuett said:
Good fun mr. Hyde ... seems good to do something different
September 3rd, 2017 16:45
Two into One.
myself and me said:
It seems you are all ready to celebrate Halloween. Goose bump all over me.
Chilly writing.
September 3rd, 2017 11:06
myself and me said:
It seems you are all ready to celebrate Halloween. Goose bump all over me.
Chilly writing.
September 3rd, 2017 11:06
Two into One.
Louis Gibbs said:
I see you are in touch with the dark side we all possess and explore from lifetime to lifetime. A sign of a well-balanced soul, Goldie. Well expressed!
September 3rd, 2017 10:59
Louis Gibbs said:
I see you are in touch with the dark side we all possess and explore from lifetime to lifetime. A sign of a well-balanced soul, Goldie. Well expressed!
September 3rd, 2017 10:59
Two into One.
dusk arising said:
Fangs very much for that. It gave me a thirst. Very enjoyable reading.
September 3rd, 2017 06:25
dusk arising said:
Fangs very much for that. It gave me a thirst. Very enjoyable reading.
September 3rd, 2017 06:25
Two into One.
Fay Slimm. said:
A scary end to my morning read Goldie - shall have to watch out for those dark alley-walks from tonight.
September 3rd, 2017 04:06
Fay Slimm. said:
A scary end to my morning read Goldie - shall have to watch out for those dark alley-walks from tonight.
September 3rd, 2017 04:06
Two into One.
Frank Prem said:
Put those things away GF. Fangs for the poem, though.
September 3rd, 2017 03:19
Frank Prem said:
Put those things away GF. Fangs for the poem, though.
September 3rd, 2017 03:19
Two into One.
FredPeyer said:
I didn\'t think you had it in you Goldfinch! Jekyll and Hyde! Man, I love your poem. Sorry Cat, but this little bird here put Eddy to shame!
September 3rd, 2017 02:46
FredPeyer said:
I didn\'t think you had it in you Goldfinch! Jekyll and Hyde! Man, I love your poem. Sorry Cat, but this little bird here put Eddy to shame!
September 3rd, 2017 02:46
Two into One.
lanaevans said:
Don\'t act like you didn\'t know what happened to eddy.
September 3rd, 2017 02:03
lanaevans said:
Don\'t act like you didn\'t know what happened to eddy.
September 3rd, 2017 02:03
Two into One.
orchidee said:
Did you have a bad hair day?! Or you heard me sing, and it drove you to that?! lol.
September 3rd, 2017 01:52
orchidee said:
Did you have a bad hair day?! Or you heard me sing, and it drove you to that?! lol.
September 3rd, 2017 01:52
Ignorance in Age.
Accidental Poet said:
So true in many aspect in life.
Question: I\'ve been trying to figure out how to add photos and videos to an entry. I\'ve inserted embed codes and photos from my PC but nothing shows up in the preview. Any ideas what I\'m doing wrong?
September 2nd, 2017 20:43
Accidental Poet said:
So true in many aspect in life.
Question: I\'ve been trying to figure out how to add photos and videos to an entry. I\'ve inserted embed codes and photos from my PC but nothing shows up in the preview. Any ideas what I\'m doing wrong?
September 2nd, 2017 20:43
Ignorance in Age.
myself and me said:
Isn\'t ignorant is the highest level of wisdom?
Very nice writing.
September 2nd, 2017 15:47
myself and me said:
Isn\'t ignorant is the highest level of wisdom?
Very nice writing.
September 2nd, 2017 15:47
Ignorance in Age.
malubotelho said:
As we get older we learn to be more grateful, to be humble, to accept things and people and we discover that many question we had still without answer and we then realize that it is not so important anymore. Then we are somehow happier. We don\'t need to know everything. I just love the calm way you write. Very soothing. Thanks
September 2nd, 2017 13:51
malubotelho said:
As we get older we learn to be more grateful, to be humble, to accept things and people and we discover that many question we had still without answer and we then realize that it is not so important anymore. Then we are somehow happier. We don\'t need to know everything. I just love the calm way you write. Very soothing. Thanks
September 2nd, 2017 13:51
Ignorance in Age.
FredPeyer said:
You hit the nail on the head, Goldfinch. Absolutely true and beautifully expressed! Kudos
September 2nd, 2017 13:00
FredPeyer said:
You hit the nail on the head, Goldfinch. Absolutely true and beautifully expressed! Kudos
September 2nd, 2017 13:00
Ignorance in Age.
poetboy123 said:
We learn the value of knowledge after being ignorant, the more you know the more you realize you still don\'t know. Spectacular piece!
September 2nd, 2017 11:15
poetboy123 said:
We learn the value of knowledge after being ignorant, the more you know the more you realize you still don\'t know. Spectacular piece!
September 2nd, 2017 11:15
Ignorance in Age.
ANDY ~ Thanks for the memories ! MILES DAVIS (1926 ~ 1991) regarded as \"The most revered Jazz trumpeter of all time\" Gone but (due to a plethora of excellent recordings) never forgotten ! I agree with the accolade given to \"Kind of Blue\" ~ Miles Davis Sextet 1959 ~ it does merit its appellation \"Most successful Jazz Album ever\" The sweetest HORN ever ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ BRIAN
September 2nd, 2017 09:39
ANDY ~ Thanks for the memories ! MILES DAVIS (1926 ~ 1991) regarded as \"The most revered Jazz trumpeter of all time\" Gone but (due to a plethora of excellent recordings) never forgotten ! I agree with the accolade given to \"Kind of Blue\" ~ Miles Davis Sextet 1959 ~ it does merit its appellation \"Most successful Jazz Album ever\" The sweetest HORN ever ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ BRIAN
September 2nd, 2017 09:39
Ignorance in Age.
Louis Gibbs said:
Sounds like a case of wisdom transplanting knowledge ... congratulations on the achievement, Goldie! Well expressed.
September 2nd, 2017 08:38
Louis Gibbs said:
Sounds like a case of wisdom transplanting knowledge ... congratulations on the achievement, Goldie! Well expressed.
September 2nd, 2017 08:38
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