Comments received on poems by Noah Malice
Goldfinch60 said:
May that love come to you and be forever with you.
July 23rd, 2020 00:34
Goldfinch60 said:
May that love come to you and be forever with you.
July 23rd, 2020 00:34
dusk arising said:
tears of raindrops on windows bring out the melancholy often it seems in love songs
hope tinged with sadness, one wonders if you are thinking of someone out of your league here or perhaps they\'re \'spoken for\'
July 22nd, 2020 14:18
dusk arising said:
tears of raindrops on windows bring out the melancholy often it seems in love songs
hope tinged with sadness, one wonders if you are thinking of someone out of your league here or perhaps they\'re \'spoken for\'
July 22nd, 2020 14:18
benevolentbluebabe said:
Even the most stoic of hearts may be warmed, given the right counterpart : )
July 22nd, 2020 11:12
benevolentbluebabe said:
Even the most stoic of hearts may be warmed, given the right counterpart : )
July 22nd, 2020 11:12
fuck it
TWENTY3 said:
what is going on at Mps, its all guitars. This one stands out for the uniqeness and structure. So in some kind of conclusion, i say fuck it all!
July 22nd, 2020 05:12
TWENTY3 said:
what is going on at Mps, its all guitars. This one stands out for the uniqeness and structure. So in some kind of conclusion, i say fuck it all!
July 22nd, 2020 05:12
5 minutes
TWENTY3 said:
brilliant! My name Omega gets constant satelitte updates so I can\'t set the time 5 mins forward or backwards. Fuck! I really want my crops to dry up so I can argue with God.
July 17th, 2020 06:09
TWENTY3 said:
brilliant! My name Omega gets constant satelitte updates so I can\'t set the time 5 mins forward or backwards. Fuck! I really want my crops to dry up so I can argue with God.
July 17th, 2020 06:09
for scarlet poet
TWENTY3 said:
19 views and no comments, what is wrong with this place. This stands out higher than the usual rhetoric on this site.
July 17th, 2020 06:04
TWENTY3 said:
19 views and no comments, what is wrong with this place. This stands out higher than the usual rhetoric on this site.
July 17th, 2020 06:04
Better or Worse
TWENTY3 said:
great piece that clearly most have not understood enough to comment on.
July 17th, 2020 06:02
TWENTY3 said:
great piece that clearly most have not understood enough to comment on.
July 17th, 2020 06:02
Goldfinch60 said:
That happens and it gets worse with age unfortunately.
July 12th, 2020 04:17
Goldfinch60 said:
That happens and it gets worse with age unfortunately.
July 12th, 2020 04:17
my heart is a place
jarcher54 said:
The last couplet is a delightful expression of a shared experience!
now i don\'t know where
everything is in there
I will memorize that!
June 3rd, 2020 02:49
jarcher54 said:
The last couplet is a delightful expression of a shared experience!
now i don\'t know where
everything is in there
I will memorize that!
June 3rd, 2020 02:49
Learn from the Worst
Evergreen said:
Beautiful as always, so glad to be reading what you write
June 3rd, 2020 02:35
Evergreen said:
Beautiful as always, so glad to be reading what you write
June 3rd, 2020 02:35
Ride the wave draft 1
Evergreen said:
“Ride the wave; don’t let it ride you.” Love that
May 3rd, 2020 05:26
Evergreen said:
“Ride the wave; don’t let it ride you.” Love that
May 3rd, 2020 05:26
smile back draft 5
smallest_stars said:
\"The beacon of light
flashed from his face,
fragmenting the darkness
she felt its embrace...\"
February 4th, 2020 14:19
smallest_stars said:
\"The beacon of light
flashed from his face,
fragmenting the darkness
she felt its embrace...\"
February 4th, 2020 14:19
smile back draft 5
orchidee said:
Well, that\'s this fine poem finished, so that\'s one thing completed at least! lol.
January 2nd, 2020 02:42
orchidee said:
Well, that\'s this fine poem finished, so that\'s one thing completed at least! lol.
January 2nd, 2020 02:42
Evergreen draft 1
Evergreen said:
Correct. Love can be far from evergreen though evergreen is a beautiful word if I do say so myself. Thoroughly enjoyed this piece.
October 10th, 2019 23:54
Evergreen said:
Correct. Love can be far from evergreen though evergreen is a beautiful word if I do say so myself. Thoroughly enjoyed this piece.
October 10th, 2019 23:54
One Lost Soul
Evergreen said:
Love love loved this so much my friend. Your writing is my favorite.
August 21st, 2019 23:46
Evergreen said:
Love love loved this so much my friend. Your writing is my favorite.
August 21st, 2019 23:46
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