Comments received on poems by Neville

Somewhere on a Family Tree
orchidee said:

I was on (or in) a Family Tree, but the branch snapped off. Doh!
I talk some rubbish. lol.

July 13th, 2022 02:21

New Prints in Old Dust
orchidee said:

Good write N. Should I meet her?!

July 13th, 2022 01:39

New Prints in Old Dust
Goldfinch60 said:

We each see footprints in our lives that have brought us to where we are and to where we are going Neville.


July 13th, 2022 00:35

New Prints in Old Dust
Fay Slimm. said:

Leaving brave footprints to make way for the new is perhaps dangerous as future is ever an unknown adventure. Slow and sure and keeping a watch on how hard to press seems the best way. - - an engaging read on which to ponder mon ami...........x

July 12th, 2022 14:23

When the Shit First Hit the Fan
Dove said:

Truths spoken, you say it so poetically… Not everything smells of roses

July 12th, 2022 08:01

When the Shit First Hit the Fan
L. B. Mek said:

indeed, dear Poet
in those days
we all stepped on a little shit
and had the awareness
to smell it, on us..
where as now:
(we brush it all, \'under the carpet\'
till walking, becomes
still, we look for more room
to hide our shit
whenever, we mess up
\'denials and distractions
at all cost, Please;\'
you, rule
just give us enough room
to refute our realities
be that true, evolutionary state
of our weak willed
regressive, modernity...!)

July 12th, 2022 02:42

When the Shit First Hit the Fan
orchidee said:

Ohh, a mystery of life - why is it that s**t hits the fan, and not, say, I dunno, feathers or grass or something random. Best to be facing the opposite direction to the fan then! Oops!
I can see deeper meaning though in this.

July 12th, 2022 01:28

When the Shit First Hit the Fan
Goldfinch60 said:

True words Neville, we, the people, must do something to make life better.


July 12th, 2022 00:35

When the Shit First Hit the Fan
Doggerel Dave said:

Agreed Nev. Even in my (in this instance relatively short) lifetime the decline has been blindingly obvious.
And I don\'t think this is just the perception of an old \'un......
Neatly put. Thanks.

July 11th, 2022 19:13

Home for Breakfast
Goldfinch60 said:

After what you have seen you deserve your breakfast every day in your future life. You will not forget those scenes but you are strong enough to move on into your own better life Neville.


July 10th, 2022 00:30

Home for Breakfast
Bella Shepard said:

Scenes of war on the nightly news cannot even come close to the reality experienced first hand. Home again, breakfast; tea, toast, marmalade, juxtaposing normal with untold horrors witnessed. this poem is so wonderfully written from the heart and soul. A great write my friend!

July 9th, 2022 12:00

Home for Breakfast
Dove said:

Can’t imagine the horror and sadness, the toughest thing I had to face so I thought was that a Coyote had eaten one of my cats that ran out of the house. I heard scratching at my gate, and pounded on my window. A Coyote emerged from it then left as the flood lights turned on. When the morning daylight came, I thought I was going to wake up to a bloody mess, but there wasn’t any. An hour later I saw my cat and got him in. He slept a whole day, poor thing, and my heartache vanished.

Thanks again for your humanitarian efforts. Bless you

July 9th, 2022 09:18

Home for Breakfast
Doggerel Dave said:

Not to mention a hot shower clean sheets plus a restored sense of personal safety and gratitude.
Solid and real, Neville.

July 9th, 2022 07:46

Home for Breakfast
Fay Slimm. said:

So unutterably sickening is war\'s unforgettable aftermath and tragedy illuminated with experience as described here is most moving dear friend - - yes home for rest and marmalade toast but always seeing those choking children must be so very hard digest.................x

July 9th, 2022 02:33

Home for Breakfast
orchidee said:

A poignant write N.

July 9th, 2022 01:54

Clearly a Vague Recollection
Dove said:

Now, that is perfectly stated, A perfect love story. BTW the sci fi book is out, you can read more on my latest post.

July 8th, 2022 10:19

Clearly a Vague Recollection
spilleronsheet said:

This poetry was a mystery
From yearnings
To love
To thrill
To further emotions
Was it the confidence of the lady
Or the virtue of patience
When broken hearts could move with time
Truly lost in words dear Neville…

July 8th, 2022 09:01

Clearly a Vague Recollection
L. B. Mek said:

\'smelling of time itself\'

July 8th, 2022 05:03

Clearly a Vague Recollection
Fay Slimm. said:

Great read Nev - had me pondering why the draped female who wanted her man smelling of time. Hhmm - though with no clue this feels like a Nev-kinda- dream woven with special threads of intrigue - - but after several reads I see a near-broken relationship on the way to be mended. Hope this detective work hits one or two nails tho\' still in awe of your take on those clear but vague recollections............. x

July 8th, 2022 03:10

Clearly a Vague Recollection
orchidee said:

Good write N. Should I meet her?! lol.

July 8th, 2022 01:58

Waving at Amphitrite
Paul Bell said:

Something tells me that\'s a long queue, but hey, if you don\'t ask you don\'t get. If only it was today, and you could send her a little message online.

July 7th, 2022 11:48

A Very Sudden Realisation
Matthew Kx said:

Very visual, imagery and message on point. Thanks for sharing.

July 7th, 2022 10:45

Waving at Amphitrite
Doggerel Dave said:

Not good at yer myfs n stuff, but I\'d say go for it....

July 7th, 2022 07:48

A Very Sudden Realisation
Accidental Poet said:

You\'re still my hero N. 😊

July 7th, 2022 04:12

Waving at Amphitrite
L. B. Mek said:

(so, your Inspirational poetry
is back
and thus, my qwerty keys are flying again
thank you!
thank you!
thank you!
\'The\' Poet is back!!!!!!!)
does water in the sea, recycle?
does rain, wash anew
those rivers of history?
if not
let us swim, dear friend
dip our toes
and jump, head first
place our bets
all in!
swim - back
to those Grecian, pillars
of mythology, comforts
where God\'s
visited us, and swam in the same
we \'tadpole-d\', out from..
swim - back
to a society, that had
a dedicated island of Lesbos
than just a month, in a year
of politically - feigned, equality..
swim - back
to wisdom and knowledge
we of modernity, choose
to forget and taint
so as to hide, from its complexities
and truth\'s
like, when a Goddess we can never
aspire, to believe-in
can be worshiped
for simply breathing, near
our dreams..
like, when we could look
and covet
that grace
only a woman, can gift our life\'s
without, being made to feel
lice creeps
plotting, insidious attraction
in our innocent heart\'s..
dear Poet supreme
let\'s swim - back
and indulge, in a mirage
of Time
where, we fallible humans
brushed wishes and
shooting stars
with those, wingless angels
and gods
lowered near enough, to reach
and imperfect, enough
for us to aspire
and imitate or at least
exist, aside...
(it all ended
with \'cleanliness is next to godliness\'
became, a thing
we can never, shower our myth\'s
in-to, our realities
however much we scrape and clean
our fears in-to, morbid dreams..)

July 7th, 2022 04:07

Waving at Amphitrite
Fay Slimm. said:

After such an expressively written invite that Greek goddess would never need asking twice to take you first in an oceanic \"saline embrace\" Nev. - - to drown in love makes a dream of a read ..............x

July 7th, 2022 02:40

Waving at Amphitrite
orchidee said:

Doh! I wrote a similar poem, but after first two lines I swooned. Fido said it\'s too much for me! lol.

July 7th, 2022 02:01

Waving at Amphitrite
Goldfinch60 said:

Why not indeed take you first, it may be in your dreams Neville but the possibility is there.


July 7th, 2022 01:11

A Very Sudden Realisation
Doggerel Dave said:

Trip worthwhile to you, I think. And the return not just an exit. A journey with extra depth.
Thanks Nev.

July 6th, 2022 08:36

spilleronsheet said:

Good to read from you again…a void was felt…and the generosity will be if we get to read more and more wonderful poetry from you…

July 6th, 2022 08:01

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