Comments received on poems by Neville

Reed Song
orchidee said:

Good write N.
But only you and I are perfect! lol.

June 4th, 2022 01:59

Reed Song
dusk arising said:

When I get the urge, bullrushes I call them, i begin perfect and fee just as you describe but alas fall to being bruised and bent double... we are talking about gardening aren\'t we?

June 4th, 2022 01:48

Reed Song
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

A reed in the wind is just the way it’s meant to be .. tho it’s not perfect .

A good writing ))

June 4th, 2022 01:13

Where Recollections Reside
SureshG said:

You take us on a journey of exoticism and eroticism- I don’t dare say where my memories reside

June 3rd, 2022 09:30

Where Recollections Reside
Goldfinch60 said:

Those places that have created memories will always be in our minds and hearts Neville.


June 3rd, 2022 00:39

Where Recollections Reside
MendedFences27 said:

Memories, both fond and fondled, where do they reside? People will say in the heart, but we all know they are in the brain. Tucked away safe and sound and only recalled when sparked by a stimulation.
A sweet recollection poetically recalled and spicing the life of all who read it. - Phil A.

June 2nd, 2022 12:24

Where Recollections Reside
Rocky Lagou said:

I can feel this vivid journey of recollection just playing out before me. I swear memories have a power so beyond and wonderful. I love this Neville!

June 2nd, 2022 09:51

Where Recollections Reside
Fay Slimm. said:

Your recollections so aptly poemed bring to mind the special attachment your pen has for detail mon ami -- -such a treat of a read ...............x

June 2nd, 2022 05:15

Where Recollections Reside
Paul Bell said:

Always wondered if trees hated humans. We always seem to be sticking things into them. Probably why they fall on top of us. She was worth it, wasn\'t she.

June 2nd, 2022 04:58

Where Recollections Reside
L. B. Mek said:

\'Oh’ yes,
can you see that old chestnut tree
with your
name and
my initials carved deftly and deep ..\'
(there are a few, around London
that bare my initials
and to know of them is to map
my heart\'s bruises
but, like all things
there\'s always, A one
that stands out
that shameful stain, We
our love\'s youthful zeal
on a harmless, tree
in Russell Square gardens
decades later
whenever I feel the need, to revisit
and feel that Passion, again
I brush my fingers
upon, it\'s lingering testimony
to She
who visits me, in every other dream
I can still, smell
and hear
and so vividly
thank you!
for inspiring these words
from me dear Poet supreme
one day, I hope
I too can scribble words
that can touch you
in a similar way..

June 2nd, 2022 04:58

Where Recollections Reside
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lucky to have such nice memories . A lovely poem )

June 2nd, 2022 02:56

Where Recollections Reside
dusk arising said:

Amazing aren\'t they. Those precious moments we can cherry pick from life. Held in cumulative they bring the reward of knowing we\'ve shared in the rich bounty of life for the living. As gently we relax into older years and applaud the young for their living joy.

June 2nd, 2022 02:37

Where Recollections Reside
orchidee said:

A fine write N. You meeting any of these lassies lately? Could I meet some of them?! lol.

June 2nd, 2022 02:36

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
a thousand wishes said:

I loved reading this! I truly felt the meaning of your words so thank you

June 1st, 2022 08:20

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
Goldfinch60 said:

Those memories of passed loves can be so powerful Neville. Good words.


June 1st, 2022 00:38

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
Accidental Poet said:

Can\'t help but wonder if a room was rented back then to create more memories. 😜

May 31st, 2022 18:38

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
MendedFences27 said:

\"Do you ever look back,\" is somewhat rhetorical. We all look back and what we remember are those we met along the way. How we remember is altered by the experience. Whether, pleasant or grotesque.
Looking back can be a great source of poetry, especially if well done, like here in your poem. I doubt if anyone started reading and didn\'t get to the final line. A most interesting recollection. - Phil A.

May 31st, 2022 15:53

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
Michael Edwards said:

Supremo - yus I do look back lest I forget where I\'m gong. Fine words Neville.

May 31st, 2022 15:13

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
Rocky Lagou said:

This is splendid Neville. I felt as if it were me reliving these \"times of prime.\" It seemed like you were so ready to take the next step, but unfortunately the one you\'re addressing doesn\'t seem to feel the same. Wonderful anyways.

May 31st, 2022 08:49

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
dusk arising said:

Oh my, If I had listened to words of certain people I surely would not have such a colourful past to look back upon with a smile.
So it should be, so it should continue. Though I think most folk are more liberally minded today than when i was a young corruptable thing.

May 31st, 2022 07:59

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
Fay Slimm. said:

A dip into memory never read more attractive -- your pen conjures lessons aplenty such as \"never listen to rantings of jealousy - -
another peach of a read mon ami - -

May 31st, 2022 07:20

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
L. B. Mek said:

\'stream of consciousness\'
thank you, dear Poet supreme

May 31st, 2022 05:57

Do You Ever Look Back on Those Days
orchidee said:

Nope, I don\'t recall the A309, but I know a bit of the A310. You anywhere near it?! lol.
I\'m a jealous old woman... lol.

May 31st, 2022 02:30

Fay Slimm. said:

One I must have missed and lovely indeed to end my sleepless interlude
with a \"no need for words embu \" of thanks for your poetic company mon cher ami..................x

May 28th, 2022 22:44

Take Me Somewhere
Fay Slimm. said:

Ha - a girl after my own heart was She of the open air garden suggestion - -nearly as good as skinny dipping together methnks...........x

May 28th, 2022 22:15

White Violets
Fay Slimm. said:

What a telling word is \"pearlescent\" when on a green sweater that moved so seductively - - good memories eh my romantic friend. ?

May 28th, 2022 22:06

I Do so Hope There are Saxophones in Heaven
Fay Slimm. said:

Couldnt sleep so had a peep at a few of your back numbers I may have missed - - the title of this one has me smilin\' - - have always loved the sound of cool sax -play...............x

May 28th, 2022 21:56

Somewhere Down Turn Again Lane
Goldfinch60 said:

Emotive words Neville.


May 28th, 2022 00:48

Somewhere Down Turn Again Lane
ChrisLyn🕊 said:

I may be dumb for asking this but what is the Turn again lane?

May 27th, 2022 13:15

Somewhere Down Turn Again Lane
dusk arising said:

Ah, images of butterflies on the wing on that one day they live for.... all that growing from a bug then to pupate and break free into flight all for one good shag.... well the human version has a lot more going for it... you can even stop by the pub and reflect as you eye up the barmaid. Mindfully contemplating your next conquest in the traditional crimson blooded male tradition.

May 27th, 2022 12:03

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