Comments received on poems by Neville

Any Colour at All
orchidee said:

A fine write N.

August 3rd, 2019 10:02

Any Colour at All
dusk arising said:

Whether its the drugs i\'m on i dont know but... reading yours and others poetry inspires me to write.
My initial response/comment for your piece today has become a piece i will post today, obviously inspired by your poem.
Yours is another of your atmospheric super writes today.

August 3rd, 2019 07:16

Any Colour at All
kevin browne said:

I have to agree here with Fay. Your contrast of loving reveals the ;amdscapes of though which are totally showered in a colourful and delightful love affair. Top write, Mr Neville...!!

August 3rd, 2019 05:17

Any Colour at All
Fay Slimm. said:

Touch penned so well and the rest though fired through with pathos gives multi-colourful meaning to special closeness......... another gem of a read Nev................. x Fay

August 3rd, 2019 04:14

Any Colour at All
Poetic Dan said:

Brilliant we will never truly appreciate the all the colours until they are gone!

August 3rd, 2019 03:59

A Gift of Seasons
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful piece Neville I am sure there will be many more summers in your life.

August 3rd, 2019 00:25

A Gift of Seasons
Suresh said:

With each summer, there will be an autumn, winter and fall - such are the seasons, such is life.
Thnx for the journey

August 2nd, 2019 22:46

A Gift of Seasons

HI NEVILLE - Angela here ! Brian and I love every season and the many Poems that they spawn ~ love yours ! I have been in NEW ZEALAND for over 12 months and (as you know) in the S Hemisphere all the Seasons are opposite from the UK & USA ! Also we are almost 12 hours ahead of the UK ! (right now its 9:15am Saturday !) Its the middle of Winter but by 12 noon it will be 13C (55F) warm enough to go sailing ! Brian tells me Essex will be 25C (77F) tomorrow but Lerwick (Scotland) will only be 13C (55F) in the middle of Summer ! So NZ Poems about the Seasons dont relatea to the Months ! Here Christmas & New Year is in the Middle of Summer etc. However wherever we happen to be on the Planet we always pray that we will get ONE LAST SUMMER - AMEN !

Blessings & Peace & Joy
Yours ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

August 2nd, 2019 16:31

A Gift of Seasons
Christina8 said:

I love this piece, N!!! did get the ending and it was superb. (Yet those springs yearn to be relived).....Great one!

August 2nd, 2019 09:49

A Gift of Seasons
dusk arising said:

Beyond my words to tell you how good this piece is Neville.
For mature readers there is so much in there yet it is so beautifully compact.
Sincerely, may there be many more summers for you and we your readers to enjoy your works to come.
A must for favourites.

August 2nd, 2019 07:32

A Gift of Seasons
orchidee said:

A poetic piece N.
This is not original from me, but - \'With my singing, it\'s always Winter\'. I mean the days it\'s cold, dark, gloomy. Yep, me singing will depress ya! What you folk doing being happy and Summery? Just listen to me singing. You\'ll be gloomy in no time. lol.

August 2nd, 2019 03:47

A Gift of Seasons
Fay Slimm. said:

An emotive plea for summer\'s smile and scribed with a notion of time passing - sad yet so moving my friend.

August 2nd, 2019 02:52

A Gift of Seasons
Michael Edwards said:

A superb piece - your work just gets better and better.

August 2nd, 2019 02:51

Fonts and Guises
Goldfinch60 said:

That range of fonts and guises is immeasurable in our world of words, as you show us all Neville.

August 2nd, 2019 00:49

Fonts and Guises
Christina8 said:

This was such a delightful read. Neville! I just love the last three lines......C

August 1st, 2019 12:44

Fonts and Guises
Suresh said:

Your words, in any font or guises, not for only sages, but for all ages

August 1st, 2019 11:31

Fonts and Guises
sylviasearcher said:

I read this earlier and was going to come back with some proper words. I still don’t have them but i just felt this poem 🌈

August 1st, 2019 07:12

Fonts and Guises
Michael Edwards said:

You\'re a poetic sage who flavours the day.

August 1st, 2019 05:31

Fonts and Guises
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes true heroes exist to better others and what better than using not swords but words. A truth indeed my friend..............

August 1st, 2019 02:07

Fonts and Guises
orchidee said:

Ohh, hail fount of all wisdom (is that you, or partly so.?!).
Well, there\'s something sort of psychological in fonts, I think, e.g. in church \'All join in the words in bold print\'\' and italics used as \'instructions\', etc.
Got headache now, thinking too deep this time of morning!

August 1st, 2019 01:40

Fonts and Guises
dusk arising said:

You exist, and very actively, in the tradition of wisdom imparted by the poetic sage.

August 1st, 2019 01:31

Mirror Envy
FineB said:

Hello Neville,

A superb write!

Keep on writing!


July 31st, 2019 13:29

Mirror Envy
Suresh said:

...but must there always be pain. I guess so, because memory of pain keeps us alert

July 31st, 2019 12:41

Mirror Envy
Michael Edwards said:

No gain without pain - tell that to the remainers - another great enigmatic penning Neville.

July 31st, 2019 10:23

Mirror Envy
Christina8 said:

well, there\'s nothing like pain to make you feel alive again! A great write for today, Neville!

July 31st, 2019 09:45

Mirror Envy
Goldfinch60 said:

Strong write Neville, those images seen from afar are so important to us as they bring memories from the past.

July 31st, 2019 04:49

Mirror Envy
Fay Slimm. said:

The read saddens yet strength guides the pen of your poetic defiance dear Nev. . Memories are a real saving grace to many. Warm hugs at your back from me and all friends here .............. Fay.

July 31st, 2019 03:14

Mirror Envy
dusk arising said:

Amazing association of mirrors and memories and coupled to inner pain.
Have you considered writing mystery novels... several of your poems have a marvelous mystery element which cause me to linger and wonder. And of course i don\'t always get my brain to arrive at a suitable resolution, but that\'s the essence of mystery after all.

July 31st, 2019 03:13

Mirror Envy
orchidee said:

A fine write N.

July 31st, 2019 02:54

On finding Truth
Goldfinch60 said:

Those truths must always be seen by those in the future.

July 31st, 2019 00:38

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