Comments received on poems by Neville

dusk arising said:

Aches which nag you and only time will heal are the weight of life\'s unfairness sometimes. Personally i try to shrug them off with the selfish consolation that, somewhere, someone probably felt/feels the same about me.

Your piece is compact and powerful saying so much to, and for, those who empathise.

June 24th, 2019 07:36

There Are No Graves
Fay Slimm. said:

The suddeness of your final line jerks this reader\'s heart to the core - - so finely expressed the sheer devastation and a must for reading again as a sad but classic addition to my favourites ...............x Fay

June 24th, 2019 04:11

There Are No Graves
sylviasearcher said:

I liked this one

June 24th, 2019 03:50

There Are No Graves
orchidee said:

Oohh I\'ll come over and cheer ya up. I\'ll be singing, mind ya. Ya could end up worse for my visit! heehee.

June 24th, 2019 03:49

Goldfinch60 said:

Super write, those aches may always be with you.

June 24th, 2019 01:00

SerenWise said:

Beautiful little write, encasing a lot of feeling

June 23rd, 2019 15:44

Michael Edwards said:

There\'s beauty in this little gem of a write - nice one Neville.

June 23rd, 2019 14:40

orchidee said:

Would I swoon if I enquired further? lol.

June 23rd, 2019 12:27

kevin browne said:

You can\'t get even with this sort of pain. Aches can heal slowly, but in sad situations you must maybe look to higher horizons. Great work though.

June 23rd, 2019 12:14

Fay Slimm. said:

A unique way of looking at aches love can create then leave behind
- - and from your tender heart I can believe every line...............

June 23rd, 2019 11:58

When You Were Perfect
Fay Slimm. said:

A moving and honest appeal to a long-gone lover with reasons for looking back to happier times - sad that only the memory remains of a perfect experience - another small gem to add to my faves Nev..........

June 23rd, 2019 11:34

Mirrors Cracked
Suresh said:

They ask, but don\'t listen
What good is talking, if no one is listening
Silence is golden
Keep your thoughts to yourself
Say it like you have

June 22nd, 2019 08:30

SerenWise said:

Beautifully written, conjured up vivid images in my mind

June 21st, 2019 22:31

Old Sea Walls
dusk arising said:

Aaaah dear old skeggy of yesteryear when the slot machies took 1d which were still made of copper and coppers gave directions.

There\'s melancholic yearning in your words...

June 21st, 2019 11:56

Old Sea Walls
Suresh said:

Did drive through Sofia on my Eastern European trip in mid \'60s. My favorite memories are of Odessa, St. Petersburg and Budapest.
I\'m sure they have all become the global cookie cutters by now.
Great visual in your poem thou.

June 21st, 2019 10:50

Old Sea Walls
orchidee said:

A fine write Neville. I got as far as Bognor or Clacton. Are they near Bulgaria?

June 21st, 2019 02:13

Old Sea Walls
Michael Edwards said:

A super write about a country you are making me want to visit more and more. I do have an on-line artist friend in Bulgaria - which rouses my interest even more.

June 21st, 2019 01:44

Old Sea Walls
Fay Slimm. said:

Days of yore peeping again from time\'s saline jaw - and you saw it momentarily for the beauty it was - a potent story which I saw too in your admirable wording Nev.

June 21st, 2019 01:02

Life Before Bar-codes
Goldfinch60 said:

I can still remember life before adding machines, let alone computers. Slower happier days.

June 21st, 2019 00:13

Life Before Bar-codes
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes - before time sped into the confusion of what to press where and when and of course how - - on yes Nev -- - I remember it well.

June 20th, 2019 16:12

Fay Slimm. said:

An endearing tribute to a gem from the daisy family that graces every crack and crevice - - a lovely read Nev.

June 20th, 2019 16:06

Life Before Bar-codes
Michael Edwards said:

Ah days of steam pud and chips in newspaper - I remember what it was like.

June 20th, 2019 11:10

Life Before Bar-codes
Suresh said:

You mean when people actually had to think for themselves and remember things ....AHHHHH!!Well my memory cells were never that good... what to do

Thnx for taking me back then

June 20th, 2019 10:03

Life Before Bar-codes
dusk arising said:

Before double yellow lines, before we got old, before cashpoints and self service checkouts.... look what you\'ve started !! Actually, well done, a quick trip down a light hearted memory lane.

June 20th, 2019 08:06

Life Before Bar-codes
orchidee said:

Good write Neville. Yes, I was in a supermarket then. We had price-label \'guns\'. We were like children hiding our toys, as there were not enough guns to go round. Ridiculous! I hid mine the night before in the pet food section of the store\'s basement.
And yes - was there life before my singing?!

June 20th, 2019 02:59

Suresh said:

I am sure I just saw a painting from Michael that\'s well described by your poetic words.

June 19th, 2019 16:29

dusk arising said:

Hardy little bloomers - it still feels like winter here.

June 19th, 2019 14:13

Michael Edwards said:

In bloom in my garden too - fine write Neville

June 19th, 2019 08:20

Goldfinch60 said:

That love can fill all the cracks that come with nature and the natural world.

June 19th, 2019 03:04

orchidee said:

I thought you meant Fleabag! heehee. A fine write Neville.

June 19th, 2019 02:07

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