Comments received on poems by A Boy With Roses

Outward to Otherworlds
Caring dove said:

And it can get easier ) a good writing . Like your mention of nature in this I think nature can bring a lot of comfort . And I love your last line about the angels .. they are there to comfort us and help us .. and I believe in them so much

September 18th, 2022 12:39

As I Lay Dying
jarcher54 said:

You often sing songs of heartbreak... I\'ll reread this one later. It\'s full of moving images, your gift of combining the unexpected into intriguing, coded messages! Missed you my complicated songbird!

September 6th, 2022 22:22

This Landscape is Changing
L. B. Mek said:

all the best!
thanks for sharing, dear poet

July 28th, 2022 01:29

Orange Tree
Bella Shepard said:

I find that the beauty of poetry is expression without reservation, where else can you feel so free. I had to read this aloud with the timbre and tone it deserves. It is soul searching and heart-felt. Wonderful words arranged perfectly.

July 16th, 2022 09:07

Orange Tree
Draven said:

Oh wow, this is beautifully written, heart wrenching full of imagery and so melancholic. Nicely done.

July 16th, 2022 07:47

Youth and Decay
L. B. Mek said:

really like your purposed use
of repetition, to add
a different depth, aside
the wisdom of your poetry..
brilliantly realised!
thanks for sharing, dear poet
at least you made it, to page 7
get lost, seven syllables

July 8th, 2022 03:50

I Adore the War We Live In
L. B. Mek said:

wonderful flow, so well written
thanks for sharing, dear poet

July 5th, 2022 03:47

Carrot Milk
L. B. Mek said:

(shadows, in their midst
crimson, in their tears
defiance, beneath their feet
path of life, plagued by defeat
these, be those
that had fate
tattoo, bitter regret
in their veins
and brave hope, pumping
in their heart
life\'s, true soldiers
waging war, against
nuclear ill-fate
with their volition\'s
poetic bows and arrows
bleeding ink
sipping on salty tears
finding comfort
in that bleak midnight
of life
striving forth, in fighting - for
all those, they remember
and yearn
to have by their side
once again..)

July 4th, 2022 04:18

Love in the Dark
arqios said:

A quite atmospheric poem were more than one thing is laid bare. Also curious how my current posting (that focal point) lays somewhere in the same vicinity. Thanks for sharing.

July 2nd, 2022 18:32

Big White Cloud
arqios said:

Peace and hope.

June 30th, 2022 22:22

Big White Cloud
Raven333 said:

It is sad when we lose someone but I like to believe that we will see our loved ones again. enjoyed it

June 30th, 2022 20:43

Titanium Touch
orchidee said:

Good write G.

June 26th, 2022 02:07

jarcher54 said:

I talk to you like god... we all do that and yet you put it into words so adeptly... good honest love-ramble here... universal and intense, bitter and sweet. And the ending... oh my!

June 22nd, 2022 02:16

L. B. Mek said:

\'How long can I possibly go on... changing the bulbs of our saxophone apocalypse?

Fingers entwined in a sentimental embrace. I can\'t stop\'..
(Embrace your poetic Genius
don\'t hide it, it must be scary
but you owe it to yourself)
\'in my humble opinion\'
I aspire to write like you someday
thank you! for choosing to share
dear Poet

June 21st, 2022 04:03

arqios said:

Faithful love carries with it a pain that is both beautiful and inescapable. Thanks for sharing.

June 20th, 2022 02:57

orchidee said:

Good write G.

June 20th, 2022 01:49

His Pale Skin
orchidee said:

I don\'t know about the spacing - it happened to me too! Not fixed it yet - if we can?!

June 15th, 2022 02:03

His Pale Skin
arqios said:

A menagerie of images and movement, a kaleidoscope of emotion.

June 14th, 2022 21:04

His Pale Skin
a thousand wishes said:

Wow. Very descriptive and emotional. Nice use of imagery. This poem is a true work of art

June 14th, 2022 21:02

A Boy With Roses said:

Appreciate the sweet comment... very sweet...


However, I don\'t necessarily care for views posting here. I actually used to post on other poetry sites (where I was more popular than here) and get upwards to fifty views and more on each poem, with the most being around 400 views. I deleted my old account on All Poetry and the owner emailed me. I prefer the layout of this site I guess, with how it feels more like a portfolio which is why I\'m more consistent with posting. (Although there seems to be a lot of conservative and prudish cunts here). So I don\'t mind getting low clicks whatsoever. I\'d consider my writings quite evocative and some stuff homoerotic, so I can understand why some just don\'t care. But I write for myself.

Besides, I\'m in the process of hand writing and editing poems. Sometimes I post here for the space, but this isn\'t long term nor my endgame. One day I will vanish, lol.

June 9th, 2022 19:17

arqios said:

Solid as the paragraph gives that concrete look the words give that concrete feel. Deeply moving write.

June 8th, 2022 18:34

You\'ll Never Understand
arqios said:

A potent poem. Thanks for sharing.

June 8th, 2022 01:58

Nocturnal Creature
arqios said:

The image of sticking sea urchins is a sensory overload! Rhyming lichen and radio static raises the bar thereinafter! Quite the delight to read.

June 6th, 2022 04:12

_Daisy said:

this is such a lovely poem with magical performance of language!

June 1st, 2022 19:30

arqios said:

Very liquidy and somewhat blue.
Quite fluidly moving in its hues.

May 27th, 2022 20:20

Study in Watercolour
arqios said:

Reading it felt like a painting that one goes into. Kinda Mary Poppins like but with a more continental feel -VanGogh, Vermeer and the French and Italians too.

May 27th, 2022 20:17

jarcher54 said:

Who says you are insane? I said crazy!

May 20th, 2022 20:24

Secrets of a Tulip Chamber
geekslutnerdgirl said:

I love this. it is fantastic.

May 11th, 2022 22:28

Let Us Live Like Angels
empty vial said:

beautiful poem, viper blossom!

May 9th, 2022 10:07

Hanging Garden
Crowns4Christ said:

Oh Jordan, this is so sad it makes me emotional, and not many things do that, haha,
But this piece did, love is so sacred, and beautiful,it makes me sad when I hear of lost love, keep being you, you\'re a great writer and a great person, be persistent in what you want,
Persistence IS key, like my husband always says

April 30th, 2022 14:29

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