Comments received on poems by L. B. Mek

LIZ said:

The atrocities of life!! \"click, tic, flic\"---this is so, to your face!!!The struggles of life!! Lies we accept as a way to escape. So much going on; torture; rape!

Sexual slavery, forced pregnancy, enforced much we fail to see! Because it\'s It is, what it is!

We\'re so used to the lies....and the ridiculous ways of life that we fail to question it all. So we keep doing the same things over and over again....expecting a different result.

Our leaders don\'t talk anymore! They\'re occupied making sure to keep us in the treat us like puppets with no minds.

In looking back, at each path taken, every decision, will we be proud?....will it be \"all we ever wanted?\" or did we just cowered out?

Bombarded much? DAMN!!

By the way, doesn\'t he look a little like Teddy Swims? šŸ˜³

I love your mind!!

October 13th, 2023 05:04

Lorenz said:

we implore you great god of the final bug !

October 13th, 2023 04:10

In memory of Sinead Oā€™Connor
Thomas W Case said:

She will be missed. Such a tender soul. Beautiful, moving poem. Very well crafted.

October 13th, 2023 02:28

Itā€™s not ok, it will NEVER be alright!
Thomas W Case said:

Powerful and poignant.

October 13th, 2023 01:06

Itā€™s not ok, it will NEVER be alright!
sorenbarrett said:

Behind you all the way L.B. What takes real courage is to be nonviolent in the face of violence, Gandhi, Martin Luther King great examples. We have not traveled far from our violent past and need a step up in evolution if we wish to consider ourselves as good as other animals.

October 10th, 2023 04:53

Itā€™s not ok, it will NEVER be alright!
Introverted Sage said:

Hurt people - hurt people. It\'s up to the brave to break the cycles!
Love heals.
Great write

October 10th, 2023 02:04

Itā€™s not ok, it will NEVER be alright!
MendedFences27 said:

MEK, very well spoken and I agree with your stance. We have three daughter\'s and warned them about such men who, as you say, are truly cowards in sheep\'s clothing. Thanks for speaking out on this subject. - Phil A.

October 9th, 2023 22:35

Itā€™s not ok, it will NEVER be alright!
Bella Shepard said:

So many factors in play. I remember from childhood how gender roles were portrayed. Boys played with toy guns, GI Joe, cowboys and indians, teaching them the strong arm role. Girls got baby dolls to play mother, small kitchen equipment to pretend cook and care for the home with small cleaning implements. It was role playing for life. We can\'t teach dominance to one and submission to the other, they need to be equal. Sadly today, very little has changed, in spite of the progress women appear to have made, the double standard is still there. I applaud your words dear L.B. and I wholeheartedly agree that violence is the greatest folly of humankind, for in its futility we waste the precious resources of humanity. Thank you my friend for your outrage at such travesties, for in acknowledgment perhaps there can be change.

October 9th, 2023 15:45

Itā€™s not ok, it will NEVER be alright!
SureshG said:

Itā€™s not just physical, for emotional violence can be just as traumatic.

So itā€™s NEVER alright, as you have so poetized

October 9th, 2023 06:47

Itā€™s not ok, it will NEVER be alright!
Neville said:

.......... it just had to be said .. Amen

October 9th, 2023 03:29

Itā€™s not ok, it will NEVER be alright!
Teddy.15 said:

I\'d quote every line, you write from your heart about subjects that matter not just to you but to all. Powerful and so very empathetic with a mountain of compassion and wisdom. Truly one of my favourite poets of all time ā¤ļø

October 9th, 2023 02:05

Itā€™s not ok, it will NEVER be alright!
LIZ said:

This is such a serious subject! I wish I could say I can\'t relate. I wish I could
say I don\'t understand. But THIS, is such a big truth. It\'s NEVER ok. Violence creates more violence. And it can go from \"subtle\" ways to uncontrolled abuse. It only takes one time! It\'s not just men either! It goes both ways. It\'s cowardly! Definitely thought provoking this morning! Thank you for being brave enough to \"say it like it is\"!! I read, and learn šŸ™ Thank you!!

October 9th, 2023 00:19

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
Bella Shepard said:

I must confess I know very little about rap, but I can understand the compelling nature of it, and the need of expression for those who began by talking about life in the streets, real life events. You spurred me to do some googling and I learned quite a bit. It is a remarkable genre of music, and I can appreciate your feeling of loss for the genuine article. A great write my friend!

October 4th, 2023 13:25

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
šŸ¤s.zaynab.kamoonpurišŸŒ·šŸ¦šŸ˜½ said:

Woah a hardhitting ranting slam like poem expressing criticism eloquently. Kudos!!

October 4th, 2023 06:14

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
Introverted Sage said:

I feel like it\'s by design. So much knowledge was laced within rhymes and now it\'s all bs and lies.
Great write!

October 3rd, 2023 01:54

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
Parisab said:

I love this topic and can go on forever. Indeed the rap and hip hop industry is mutating into more commercialism and for a wider audiences. At the same time, I have personally seen it is still unapologetic, oppositional, and full of contradiction, at its core. I have hope for the generation of very special talent and invention. It is a cultural phenomenon so it changes as the American values (and those of the world) change. You may not get shot at but people can forget you, no matter the talent, in all the noise that is in the cloud space. I think that gangster rap is 50 but the offspring can have great potential. Thanks for the well penned poem as always.

October 3rd, 2023 00:26

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
Neville said:

I have a confession to make and because I know that this is going to be seen by minions of folk out there am prepared to take some flack .. I have never been that much into rap but my son grew up with Tupac and we have had many discussions about the merits of rap and I am happy to accept the poetic merits so much of it contains .. I still think Dylan was the original rapist .. with Johnnie\'s in the basement .. I also caught the news about Tupac\'s killer finally being caught .. I\'m a bit out of my depth here but as always found todays offering thoroughly enjoyable and again take my trilby off to you brother .. Neville

October 2nd, 2023 10:38

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
aDarkerMind said:

well Mek, the gloves were off for this masterpiece, and oh my! straight to the point - strong as an ox -;
not one word out of place, and here am I....100% behind you.

October 2nd, 2023 09:39

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
2781 said:

We are what we eat.

October 2nd, 2023 06:36

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
sorenbarrett said:

I have been biased in the past with a generally all inclusive love for music except for rap. Sure there were a few pieces I liked but generally I steered clear. Until recently I discovered Ren a non commercial (until his recent internet success) rapper, singer, actor, guitar player and message giver, against violence, against suicide, against large pharmaceutical corporations, greed etc. There are always exceptions I guess. Oh he\'s English too. Nice write L.B.

October 2nd, 2023 05:32

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
Teddy.15 said:

Having been born close to Brixton in 1974 I know the culture of rap and what it means to be an artist of it, it\'s poetry in a different form and it only works if the words mean something.this is another amazing feast dear Mek. A culture that is a dying breed. We need to bring the education back because music of all types is incredibly important. I grew up with breakdance and I really appreciate this fact. ā¤ļø a wonderful poet you are. Now I miss London.

October 2nd, 2023 03:20

fifty & Waning, witnessing rapā€™s Decimation
LIZ said:

You already know how I feel about this....especially because you and I have the exact same playlist šŸ˜
This is absolutely incredible! And the video goes perfectly with it!!!

\"Fckrā€™s, they took Nippsey and left us with Drake\"- A very bold statement....but you ain\'t lying! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø \"The killing of rap\"! This is why I gravitate towards..\'back in the day\' rap...or any type of music for that matter...when lyrics were based on real life situations. It was a way of life! Raw feelings. Real stories about the person\'s past...and struggles/circumstances.

Now we got fake shit! Everyone\'s CREATING a \"hype\" in order to get paid. And those who\'ve truly lived the life, paved the way, and have struggled to survive are left behind...forgotten. Time has been overtaken by \"RapGod fallacies\"--false truths....just to rise to fame. Fuckers!! There\'s no true RAP (rhythm and poetry) anymore! Where it used to express a person\'s Identity and characteristics, it now shows someone\'s crave for a quick check.

MFs can\'t even own their own lyrics.
\"theyā€™ve built a careerĀ On the back of ghost writers\" - You\'re not kidding!

I can hear the frustration in every word. It\'s unfortunate really...but it\'s reality.
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Let\'s keep the \"real\" ones alive! I love your mind!! šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«

October 2nd, 2023 03:14

of Wisdom #2
Bella Shepard said:

Golden words my friend! The wonderful journey of life should be one of learning and exploring, for there is no one way of anything. The inquisitive mind is flexible, where the rigid mind can easily break. I love the last stanza, in encapsulates our very existence.

September 28th, 2023 11:19

of Wisdom #2
Introverted Sage said:

The music is so fulfilling reading this!
A forever learner!
..and all the knowledge you can try to consume this life, you still wouldn\'t know half of it!
Love this!

September 25th, 2023 23:42

of Wisdom #2
Firefall said:

There is so much truth in your writing. I am an avid reader and love learning about all points of view. Dealing with those that are intellectually incurious are very frustrating and the book banners are the worse.

September 25th, 2023 20:29

of Wisdom #2
Neville said:

Just say it like it is why dont\'cha šŸ‘

September 25th, 2023 11:42

of Wisdom #2
sorenbarrett said:

There is always one, I know because I have been there. I was the one who in insecurity knew everything and was never wrong. Now I know nothing and not even sure of my own existence. So true L.B. Everything changes and can be seen from so many different perspectives. Most of what I was taught in school is now considered wrong and what is right today will probably be wrong tomorrow.

September 25th, 2023 05:46

of Wisdom #2
Goldfinch60 said:

The value in reading many books is always awe inspiring Mek.


September 25th, 2023 02:48

of Wisdom #2
LIZ said:

Because....\"every mind is a world\"--a lot of people have \"knowledge\"-but WISDOM--gives the individual the ability to USE that knowledge to actually understand and have insight...common sense. Doesn\'t matter how much knowledge we have if we can\'t grasp diversity. We\'re fools if we think we\'ll find all the answers in a single book...or a single experience for that matter.
Love this live beautiful!

September 25th, 2023 02:26

of Wisdom #2
2781 said:

\"And further, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.\"

September 25th, 2023 02:08

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