Comments received on poems by Rocky Lagou

A Golden Ocean Anchorage
theneophiles_words said:

This poem is a remarkable spectacle of that close-knitted tender bond.
The line \'You have to learn to anchor yourself first\' is engaging. We forget such a simple thing and get carried away with every other thing, and when you said, \'and decided to make it into a canvas\'; it showed no matter what life tosses us into, it\'s our steadiness and decisiveness that will help us sail throw it. Astonishing!😊✨

April 14th, 2022 07:31

The Spatula Can Support... or Slaughter (Haiku/Senryū #4)
Rozina said:

Yes you are right. Often we get it wrong sometimes we get it right. But being a parent was harder than any exam I ever sat.

April 14th, 2022 04:31

The Spatula Can Support... or Slaughter (Haiku/Senryū #4)
Michael Edwards said:

i read it and enjoyed for what it is - then I read your description of it and it took on a new meaning - either way a gem of a write.

April 13th, 2022 14:30

The Spatula Can Support... or Slaughter (Haiku/Senryū #4)
orchidee said:

Good write R.

April 13th, 2022 13:22

The Spatula Can Support... or Slaughter (Haiku/Senryū #4)
spilleronsheet said:

Wonder in her senyru
I witnessed childhood of many
In her senyru
I found advice
That spoke of kid and parents teaching in life
So well crafted dear Rocky

April 13th, 2022 12:52

The Spatula Can Support... or Slaughter (Haiku/Senryū #4)
Bella Shepard said:

I heard a discussion recently on our Public Radio about gentle parenting. I wonder where that would fit in. Maybe a cake server instead of spatula. Short but sweet!

April 13th, 2022 11:32

The Spatula Can Support... or Slaughter (Haiku/Senryū #4)
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

I think one of the greatest songs about the relationship of parents and their children is Cats In The Cradle by Harry Chapin. Great write Rocky🍻👏🕊🌞

April 13th, 2022 11:07

The Spatula Can Support... or Slaughter (Haiku/Senryū #4)
Paul Bell said:

Parents, who would have them.
I suppose, though, you do get to pick their care homes. You can see why kids divorce their parents now.

April 13th, 2022 10:42

The Spatula Can Support... or Slaughter (Haiku/Senryū #4)
Christina8 said:

This is absolutely wonderful--so deep for a Haiku/Senryu. I actually thought the spatula was meant to hurt but as you say, it\'s the parent. Sometimes we\'re succulent--well reared and others \"scared stoic\". Great piece of work Rocky, keep it up!

April 13th, 2022 09:34

Living Lady Lilac
Neville said:

these words are more than worthy of each & every one of my twelve reviewing predecessors comments .. and as many more who I would not be at all surprised shall eventually follow ...for tis truly splendid ............. Neville

April 13th, 2022 09:24

Living Lady Lilac
spilleronsheet said:

How wonderfully you played with words dear Rocky….always amazed my the ease with which you string the words….some advices, some satires, a bit of smirk yet posing intriguing questions….really enjoyed it….
And simply adored every line
Yet this caught me many a times
“ Light.

A promise to show you the door –

A door that ought to be opened of course.

A light that slowly flickers, however, – a Lie.”

April 13th, 2022 09:01

A Golden Ocean Anchorage
Rozina said:

Thank you for sharing this very meaningful beautiful poem. Mothers love unconditionally. We hope that whatever we shared and taught and bonded and loved with our sons and daughters will help to light their paths and ease their burden at some point in their lives.

April 12th, 2022 00:26

A Golden Ocean Anchorage
dean langmuir said:

Rocky,Keep leaving your shining sea on,take care.

April 11th, 2022 17:32

A Golden Ocean Anchorage
Christina8 said:

Rocky, this is beyond words. So intimate and one of self discovery. \"My whole life I expected others to be the anchor,\" And comforting images of your mother with the sea of yellow. I just don\'t have the words, honestly, to review this art piece.----Christina

April 11th, 2022 17:23

A Golden Ocean Anchorage
Neville said:

you have written here what I long to do & feel ........................................ N

April 11th, 2022 16:37

A Golden Ocean Anchorage
Dahlia said:

beautifully expressed your sage soul shines through, what wonderful wisdom you painted here, may life continue to bring you all that is your truest purpose!
Dahlia ✌💖

April 11th, 2022 12:48

A Golden Ocean Anchorage
spilleronsheet said:

Loose thyself in your mother’s arm
There she holds me to protect
But one day i must step out
Step out from the veil of her shadow
Cause the sky awaits my flight

I could feel the strong bond between mother and child
The evolution of a child into adulthood
And the independence and responsibility one needs to shoulder upon
A beautiful imagery portraying the most loveable relationship
Very well inked dear Rocky

April 11th, 2022 12:43

A Golden Ocean Anchorage
Bella Shepard said:

Dear Rocky, I\'m sighing as I read, for the beauty of your words. I think I\'m glimpsing the child, dependent on the all comforting, all loving mother, \"the sea of yellow unfolding all the mysteries of the world\" and yet the child, at some point must become the all encompassing self. The mother always being a piece of that self. A true gem of a poem.

April 11th, 2022 12:16

Giving Up Poetry
Poetic Dan said:

Your title was perfect and made me click then so many smiles ready a flow so slick. Appalling or a calling still sits so well and rest I\'d gladly drift under your spell.

I really hope this vent helped

April 11th, 2022 08:45

Living Lady Lilac
theneophiles_words said:

Isn\'t it stupid.....I fell for an entire forest just because I love the leaf?
You very well joint the dent(disappointment) of the precious idea(love) with an echo of notes(roll). The grim reality we tend to omit often. Intriguing as always.:)

April 7th, 2022 23:32

Giving Up Poetry
Ash :) said:

Poetry is something many do for various reasons. I do it to express thing I cant express on paper or in words. Poetry is something I do to escape. Rocky you have so much to give, so much inspiration, so much pain, so much love. We dont always write for others, some of we write for oursleves.

April 6th, 2022 15:45

May You Await Me on the Moon?
theneophiles_words said:

\'Swirling ripples with the notion of tranquility, make a wish to the light left on\' These lines just struck my mind while reading your piece. I admire you for the resilience and the perception that you possess. The bond and the chord play a very passionate role in everyone\'s life. This one has my heart from now on, and yes, she is undeniably proud to see how much you have grown to be.😊

April 6th, 2022 02:02

Living Lady Lilac
Bella Shepard said:

A lovely write dear Rocky, the nature of love. There is always
vulnerability when you allow someone into your life. I think love is probably the most powerful, complicated and, difficult emotion we can experience. But after 52 years, I wouldn\'t have it any other way. Turns out, it\'s what you make it.

April 5th, 2022 15:11

Living Lady Lilac
LMTobin said:

I enjoyed the alliteration you used throughout the poem with the roll of the \"L\' continually :)
It made me think of how we keep rolling through life looking for love and sensing the disappointment.
Good job.

April 5th, 2022 14:47

Living Lady Lilac
Paul Bell said:

Love, itself, is a fallacy, otherwise I\'d be off with a princess. Life on the other hand, unless destined, can be achieved, through hard work, maybe a little luck on the way. Mind you, health always tops the lot in the living game.,

April 5th, 2022 13:53

Living Lady Lilac
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

An interesting poem .. good way with words .. I think there is a lot of disappointment in life , not just love .. things can just let us down I guess and really affect us emotionally

April 5th, 2022 12:36

Living Lady Lilac
Dahlia said:

this is beautiful, Rocky
& it rings very true

April 5th, 2022 12:17

Living Lady Lilac
dusk arising said:

Love it ! Super important questions for which one has to find any meaningful answers for themselves.

All a bit of a careless mysyery to the young but the middle aged begin to \"see through a glass darkly\" and from there on in.. good luck lol.

By the time old age creeps across your bones all this will be sussed by you. How do I know... because you\'re one of those who perceives the questions... so many don\'t give them a thought.

April 5th, 2022 10:35

Living Lady Lilac
dean langmuir said:

Awesome ,lilacs are talking to us today,thank you for listening to them,take care.

April 5th, 2022 10:16

Living Lady Lilac
orchidee said:

Good write R.

April 5th, 2022 10:08

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