Comments received on poems by Rocky Lagou

This Lady Gowns Justice
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Really like this .. very nicely expressed ! 🙂

March 2nd, 2022 11:36

This Lady Gowns Justice
Quijote said:

nice take on Themis the goddess of divine law and order. Let us hope she weight Putin\'s crimes and applies appropriate punishment

March 2nd, 2022 11:24

This Lady Gowns Justice
dusk arising said:

I agree with Neville that you have captured the essence of this lady.

If only the purity of her virtue were realised in the practice of law and justice in our system.

March 2nd, 2022 10:54

The Butterfly was Poetry!
Bella Shepard said:

As I read your poem my head is reeling and my mind is saying \"Yes, yes, oh my goodness Yes\". When a transformative moment, such as you describe hits you it is cause to rejoice. Beautifully written. Thank you!

March 2nd, 2022 10:48

This Lady Gowns Justice
Neville said:

It seems to me you captured the very essence of her perfectly .. bravo .. that\'s justice for ya ...................... N

March 2nd, 2022 10:38

The Butterfly was Poetry!
Rozina said:

I really enjoyed your poem. What you say is very real. Thank you Rocky.

March 1st, 2022 18:29

The Butterfly was Poetry!
orchidee said:

I ain\'t no butterfly. I\'m cooped up here in this cocoon thingy. I will only spread my wings when I sing proper.
\"Ohh, it will be never, then!!\" Aww, they are horrible to me, saying that. But I started it all off, saying I\'m the world\'s worst singer.
They are gonna report me for insulting cats, cos they say \'It\'s much worse than two cats fighting\'. Doh!
Oh, it\'s all nutty! hehehehe.

March 1st, 2022 15:54

The Butterfly was Poetry!
sorenbarrett said:

Quite a trip rather an odyssey, Interesting and with hidden meanings. Well done

March 1st, 2022 13:41

The Butterfly was Poetry!
orchidee said:

A fine write Rocky.
Yes, the day I began poetry - a fine day!
The day I began singing - a day of doom for all! (heehee).
Well, they all think it\'s two cats fighting.

March 1st, 2022 13:13

The Butterfly was Poetry!
Simplyalice said:

Blooming writer and blooming butterfly, uncanny yet so similar.

Good one Rocky Lagou !

March 1st, 2022 12:15

The Butterfly was Poetry!
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Hello rocky .. I love this .. I never used to write at all ., but I feel like i can’t help but want to write sometimes , as if it’s just who I am and part of me

This is engaging to read .. sad that the butterfly passed away ., how it inspired one to write .. sometimes we end up changing from that caterpillar into a butterfly .. or atleast into more freedom and I guess we can have that with writing .. a sense of freedom

I like your story ! 🙂 I once saw a butterfly on the ground struggling and it made me feel sad

March 1st, 2022 12:13

Whole World Watching
Paul Bell said:

Putin I expect will take seriously ill soon and will pop his clogs. They\'ll make him a hero as befitting as that seems, then the decent Russian people will rebuild Ukraine.

March 1st, 2022 12:06

Whole World Watching
Quijote said:

Keep that blue and yellow flag flying……..Putin will get his punishment probably by his own….if they have any sense at all

March 1st, 2022 12:03

Whole World Watching
theneophiles_words said:

Another fine one rocky!!!
\"History never repeats itself, but it rhymes\"; It\'s we who could not identify Where, How, and What unexpected happened and failed to learn from those events. I genuinely feel rather than following someone\'s perspective. One should look carefully into these events; so we refrain from being a part of the blind herd. And yes, never bypassing the fact that the \"whole world is watching\".
Hoping; for all this to end soon.

March 1st, 2022 06:34

Whole World Watching
junia said:

I\'ve read a few poems about the war in the last couple of days and yours is one I really like (if there is something like that). War is beyond words and one struggles to talk about it in any context. But because you use so few words per line and leave room for the reader this actually feels real. I also think it\'s really good that you don\'t use the word \"I\".

March 1st, 2022 06:32

Whole World Watching
Goldfinch60 said:

We all need peace for the whole world Rocky but many just will not be that way.
May peace always be with you.


March 1st, 2022 01:39

Whole World Watching
Rozina said:

Very good lines. Your poem is so meaningful.

March 1st, 2022 01:07

The Day I Found Out You Wanted To Kill Me
Dhanya said:

l thought this was a very beautifully done poem. There is so much wisdom in your words of acceptance and understanding for the hopes of peace. You seem to be giving the much-needed vibes about how nonviolence can be done. Good Job!

February 28th, 2022 20:37

Whole World Watching
orchidee said:

A fine write Rocky.

February 28th, 2022 15:04

Whole World Watching
spilleronsheet said:

Peace an expensive state of living
Coming at high price
So well penned with just the apt amount of breaks and space
So eloquent dear Rocky

February 28th, 2022 14:39

Whole World Watching
Crowns4Christ said:

It\'s such a sad time in today\'s world,all the wars, disasters and hatred,but REJOICE,the Lord is coming soon to end this vile evilness
Great heartfelt poem Rocky

February 28th, 2022 14:28

Whole World Watching
Christina8 said:

Yes it seems that historically one thing we never learn from is history. It\'s hard for me to watch the news cause I feel helpless. all I can do is pray. But your poem is excellent and was worth the read.

February 28th, 2022 13:28

Whole World Watching
sorenbarrett said:

Political issues never end. But poetry and music lift us beyond. For the occasion put on fish (Pisces) with Jinjer. (They are a Ukrainian female fronted Heavy Metal Band) Listen to the words. Well done

February 28th, 2022 12:08

Insipid Cups of Coffee
BlueLight said:

The bitter truth is better than a sweet lie. I wonder the \'humans\' were born this or have become like this...

February 26th, 2022 00:25

We\'ll Be the Sunrise! (Haiku/Senryū #2)
Rozina said:

Wow! Stunning.

February 25th, 2022 21:32

We\'ll Be the Sunrise! (Haiku/Senryū #2)
sorenbarrett said:

Very nice Rocky. A wonderful Haiku.

February 25th, 2022 17:26

We\'ll Be the Sunrise! (Haiku/Senryū #2)
spilleronsheet said:

Beautiful compilations with emotions penned
A wonderful haiku ringing motivations at end
Giving me gentle advice as they weave by
Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece my dear friend

February 25th, 2022 15:13

We\'ll Be the Sunrise! (Haiku/Senryū #2)
Michael Edwards said:

Welcome to the world of 575s - a great form if you forget the strict rules and just maintain the syllable count - great 575s by the way.

February 25th, 2022 14:56

We\'ll Be the Sunrise! (Haiku/Senryū #2)
junia said:

I really like this, Rocky! Especially \"cry with me once more\". It\'s not about suddenly giving up crying, but about slowly getting better, choosing to be happy. The sunrise is a great metaphor. You think it might take a long time but at one point you look up and the sun has risen and you wonder how it got there so quickly. That\'s how it goes with being happy as well.

February 25th, 2022 11:03

Insipid Cups of Coffee
Rozina said:

The next cup of coffee I drink I\'ll remember your poem and explanation. I love coffee but can drink tea without any problems.

February 24th, 2022 21:54

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