Comments received on poems by Rocky Lagou

spilleronsheet said:

A powerful message
An empowering tone
A thoughtful move breaking the old customary rules
Determined inside, one day shall surely shine outside
Beautiful imagery with a strong message
Well penned dear poet

February 18th, 2022 14:13

Paul Bell said:

Something tells me those ten milky men will still be around to protest their high status.

February 18th, 2022 13:05

If You Look Hard Enough, You\'ll Find It
Caring dove said:

Is it almost like feeling ‘ numb ‘ , and empty ? That is a kind of sadness in itself although you feel like your not feeling the sadness as much

February 18th, 2022 11:37

If You Look Hard Enough, You\'ll Find It
Caring dove said:

I think it’s better to be atleast in that place of feeling ‘ in between ‘ those feelings then caught in a place of despair

But yes happiness is what we all want !

Great poem 🙂 I like how you have expressed yourself

February 18th, 2022 11:36

Bella Shepard said:

Wow! You fill me with hope, I love this poem.

February 18th, 2022 11:20

Bella Shepard said:

The greatest gift in the world is to know that you are loved unconditionally. Beautifully said in this poem. Thank You!

February 18th, 2022 10:55

Ok Waleed said:

Nice last line

February 18th, 2022 09:12

Garth Rakumakoe said:

Such a sincere outpouring of emotion makes this not just any ordinary poem. The lived experience is felt through every line. I guess we move on but never forget. The finality of loss is just something we many a times we grapple to come to terms with. Kudos to you for such a compelling an honest write, dear writer.

February 18th, 2022 05:57

Rozina said:

Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. My mum passed away 2 years ago. So many wonderful memories I have of our time together. Your poem reminded me of the unconditional love mothers have for their children.

February 18th, 2022 03:11

Theo8176 said:

Magnificent. I can hear the dramatic tone which not only makes this poem so much more emotional but also a reflection for those who felt vulnerable when they lost the ones they loved. This sort of poem I can imagine myself in a situation like that with someone I lost who I love dearly. Bravo.

February 18th, 2022 02:34

Goldfinch60 said:

Very good words for your Mum.


February 18th, 2022 01:46

Samuel Kingsman said:

Beautiful poem! Nice write keep up the good work and can\'t wait to read some more of your poems ;)

February 17th, 2022 12:15

junia said:

thank you for sharing! Mourning is such a personal process. I love the imagery in: \"I felt like the sill and I felt like the latches.\" Also, the line \"Sealed up the night\" as it almost feels like closure - if there is such a thing in grief. But the night is something open, so I think the paradox makes it is a very fitting metaphor. I like it!

February 17th, 2022 11:24

Palebluecardigan said:

Thank you for sharing this to the community, it\'s vulnerability at its peak, truly emotional. It reminded me how we should be appreciative of our closed ones because of how short life really is. Another wonderful work!

February 17th, 2022 10:33

On the Brink of Memories
Desertwind said:

The poem sounded great.

February 17th, 2022 10:20

Amon said:

Exactly how it happen with me and my late dad during the early years after he passed on.
You touched my heart Rocky

February 17th, 2022 09:57

On the Brink of Memories
Rozina said:

There is so much woven into your poem. I feel that I need to go through it several times to understand the different layers. This is a great piece of a puzzle. Thank you.

February 17th, 2022 02:09

On the Brink of Memories
junia said:

I really like the vibes of this poem! I did actually not think about drugs at first haha but this might just be my naivety.
Especially the line with \"clouds of silver linings\" made me think of a mental safe-space. Something to come back to during difficult times. Also, a bit unconventional but, my mind brought up Taylor Swift lyrics. In her song \"gold rush\" she writes: \"gleaming, twinkling (...) so inviting, I almost jump in\".

February 16th, 2022 14:24

On the Brink of Memories
spilleronsheet said:

A beautiful imagery
With mix of old memories
With pinch of mystery
With dust of desire
With a bit of fantasy
With a sense of calm
And nevertheless an aroma of yearning
Well scripted dear Rocky

February 16th, 2022 13:43

On the Brink of Memories
orchidee said:

Good write Rocky.
A similar (maybe not?) quote to the one you posted - \'I was in such a rush, I met myself coming back from shopping, while I was on my way there! Eh? lol.

February 16th, 2022 12:30

The Day I Found Out You Wanted To Kill Me
Palebluecardigan said:

Such an emotional poem, loved the twist in the end. Wonderful work!!

February 16th, 2022 11:21

On the Brink of Memories
dusk arising said:

Like a dream having it\'s way with us we are led thru the teachings to behold that reality is but an illusion.

February 16th, 2022 11:13

I\'m a Woolgatherer
sorenbarrett said:

True once you think of it. This is usually out of mind but it happens continually. Well done

February 16th, 2022 11:10

On the Brink of Memories
Paul Bell said:

If this was a sixties\' poem, I would assume you\'re at Woodstock, and the drugs are just kicking in. In saying that, gnomes are pleasant wee things.

February 16th, 2022 10:52

A Fading Star
junia said:

I really like your style of writing, the single lines and that you add words in paranthesis. It gives your work a unique touch and, in a way, creates more room for interpretation even though or maybe because it gives the reader something new to hold onto.

February 16th, 2022 05:28

MY SILENT PROTEST (A Rant Against My Homophobic Father)
spilleronsheet said:

A very emotional write
Courageous to write and proud as an audience to read the honest feels
Each one is special
A special child of God
And to him it’s not about norms and rituals
To him initially is to love oneself
To cherish the feels of oneself
There will be fire
There will be pain
There will be anguish
When you take some different lane
But it’s alright be patient enough
Times are changing so shall the norms
Where kindness rests, a beautiful sun shall shine
And truly a rainbow shall greet after a downpour

February 16th, 2022 04:39

Free Me From Me
sorenbarrett said:

A wonderful self prayer full of positive affirmations. Uplifting

February 15th, 2022 20:39

The Day I Found Out You Wanted To Kill Me
Goldfinch60 said:

Good intriguing words Rocky and the end was quite a twist.


February 15th, 2022 01:51

The Day I Found Out You Wanted To Kill Me
Rozina said:

Fantastic story! Fantastic poem, I didn’t anticipate the ending. Really good read.

February 14th, 2022 22:03

A Fading Star
Poetic Dan said:

Wow what a trip I\'ll be sure to pop back for more!

Keep up the write
Much peace and respect

February 14th, 2022 14:36

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