Comments received on poems by arqios

inside out
orchidee said:

Two left feet? or two right feet?!

February 8th, 2023 07:36

inside out
Neville said:

you speak on behalf of many here CB .. speaking as a child of the .... \'s that is :)

February 8th, 2023 06:06

peering and squinting
Goldfinch60 said:

We must always keep our eyes open cb as there is much that we may miss in our lives.


February 8th, 2023 02:45

peering and squinting
orchidee said:

Good write CB.

February 7th, 2023 11:54

tongue in cheek
Doggerel Dave said:

Yes - any communication is not worth a candle until it is received and acknowledged.

February 6th, 2023 21:42

tongue in cheek
Bella Shepard said:

Oh, the anticipation of acceptance the validation, don\'t we all seek it? The rush when you get the notification someone has commented on your poem. You hold your breath, click and sign in. They liked it! You bring it all to fruition in this delightful poem dear friend. What a wonderful feeling of community when we all support each other.

February 6th, 2023 16:17

tongue in cheek
Fay Slimm. said:

An intriguing question hidden in these phrases that refer yet do not disclose names or faces - hoping your piece will be read and without tongue in cheek then digested by whomsoever with pleasing results An engaging read.

February 6th, 2023 10:08

tongue in cheek
Neville said:

you just made me wonder a little bit

February 6th, 2023 08:06

tongue in cheek
orchidee said:

What thought process did I ever have, with me 3 brain cells? They often go on holiday, so I don\'t even have 3 sometimes! lol.

February 6th, 2023 07:57

pinch and a punch
orchidee said:

A poignant write CB.
Yes KP horrible to me. At the start of each new month I get a pinch and a punch from her! lol.
And - reading other comments here - you seen Yul Brynner\'s wig? lol.

February 3rd, 2023 09:53

pinch and a punch
Neville said:

sadly I like this and know that feeling only too well

February 3rd, 2023 08:33

pinch and a punch
Doggerel Dave said:

An appropriate in memoriam, Rik.
I felt that having experienced not dissimilar circumstances. Thanks.

February 3rd, 2023 06:35

pinch and a punch
L. B. Mek said:

\'a moment\'s flicker\'
arrowed brevity
thanks for sharing, dear Poet

February 3rd, 2023 06:19

memorial garden
L. B. Mek said:

\'Quietude\'s: Tranquillity\'
such a smooth flow, a soothing read
thank you

February 3rd, 2023 03:35

memorial garden
Bella Shepard said:

My father was a veteran of WWII, and both he and my mother are buried in our National Cemetery. Your words so aptly describe the feeling I get when I visit. Standing by their gravesite, looking out over thousands of gravestones, all identical, there is a peace and symmetry like no where else, your \"white noise\" where memories flutter about like moths. Beautiful dear poet!

February 2nd, 2023 13:50

memorial garden
orchidee said:

Good write CB.
Ohh, I love the white noise - when KP\'s gone. Can\'t stand her nagging! lol.

February 2nd, 2023 09:42

memorial garden
Neville said:

white noise will send you round the bend if you aint careful .. but then again, so can manicured lawns ..

February 2nd, 2023 05:03

flowershop blather
orchidee said:

Liking alliterations, etc.
No use me banging me head against a brick wall - out with it, says Fido, you\'ve hardly the foggiest what this is about!\' lol.
You lost me after \'emeralds\'. Doh!

February 1st, 2023 08:27

flowershop blather
sorenbarrett said:

Emeralds caught my eye in that it is my birthstone. The idea that it stands for wit, eloquence, and foresight was a nice way to begin this poem. It caught me off guard with September since it is usually May but then I thought wpring to fall there is green. I loved \"mists of myth bloom\" \"a citadel in recluse\" and I thought of Emerald City and the poppyfields bringing on dreams. The last two lines were genious \"wordless tail of heart dried before its start\" So many emotions that pass so quickly they dry before they start. Lovely

February 1st, 2023 07:37

flowershop blather
Neville said:

you were quite write :)

February 1st, 2023 05:11

Bella Shepard said:

Your poem puts me in mind of a spell being cast, so enjoyed it. And the accompanying graphic is great, the music so cat-like, especially at the end.

January 31st, 2023 15:12

Neville said:

a tad more than very muchly enjoyed crypticbard :)

January 31st, 2023 09:00

orchidee said:

Good write CB.

January 31st, 2023 05:44

not to be messed with
sorenbarrett said:

This is thought provoking and maybe shouldn\'t be. The chesire cat and I think of Lewis Carrol, then the cat reminds me of Hemmingway and his six toed cats, the upside down smile and things are reversed. The lady from down under, Australia? Is it the rhyme? Freshly frayed? Usually frays take a long time. Browned Gown? How do you brown a gown? In the oven of course. See my poor mind has just gone down a rabbit hole.

January 30th, 2023 05:28

not to be messed with
L. B. Mek said:

loved this, dear Poet
took me back to T.S. Eliot
in style
and especially a few lines
from his \'Rhapsody on a Windy Night\':
\'The street lamp said, \'Regard that woman
Who hesitates towards you in the light of the door
Which opens on her like a grin.
You see the border of her dress
Is torn and stained with sand,
And you see the corner of her eye
Twists like a crooked pin.\'
(and you know he liked his cats as well

January 30th, 2023 05:14

not to be messed with
orchidee said:

Good write CB.
One of our two cats rolls over on the ground! She is playing really, but we are careful not to get scratched.
Our other big Tom cat rolls over a bit too, but can\'t be bothered with our fussing sometimes. lol.

January 30th, 2023 04:04

ever closer
Bella Shepard said:

Dear poet this is so incredibly creative. Is it indeed your voice that I hear reading this poem? If so, I love hearing these wonderful words spoken from the mouth of the creator. You have captured so well our subconscious surrender to the rumblings of the world, as they become the background noise of life. This truly is such a fav!

January 29th, 2023 16:20

ever closer
orchidee said:

A fine write CB.

January 29th, 2023 05:05

Why do we trust in you?
Neville said:

sadly, there are far too many sullied once pristine sheets .. well poemed sir ........................ Neville

January 28th, 2023 13:29

Why do we trust in you?
Bella Shepard said:

So relevant and succinctly versed dear poet. You\'ve hit the proverbial nail on the head. How long ago was it that we buried trust? I don\'t remember being invited to the funeral. A great write!

January 28th, 2023 11:48

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