Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

May every petal be a step
Caring dove said:

Beautiful words . ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚ this is definitely one of the best Iโ€™ve read from you ,

Lovely words

April 9th, 2021 09:15

May every petal be a step
orchidee said:

Good write Dan.

April 9th, 2021 06:32

May every petal be a step
L. B. Mek said:

\'I think it may be true when they say, this feeling can conquer all
The only requirements is time mixed nurture and letting go\'..
such a great line
insightful in its potential for universally accessible, interpretation..
glad to read your good news, happy for you my friend
thanks for sharing

April 9th, 2021 05:37

Give anything but hate
L. B. Mek said:

conveying message of acceptance and patience
emphatic volition - expressed with imaginative brevity
utilising abstract to depict actuality
as more choice
than that narrow heritage of circumstance
we like to hide behind,
a wonderful write my friend!
old refreshed with the new, always our avenue
for gifted horizons with a hopeful view...

April 6th, 2021 04:07

Better to of loved just pick those pieces up
L. B. Mek said:

\'Pop on yesterday to read posts and got inspired as always...\'
that\'s the wonder of this wonderful MPS community you\'ve all helped cultivate,
it\'s such a rare gift of inclusivity
in these challenging times of weaponised - diversity
by separatist mindsets to unity, within humanity!..
a wonderful read as always, dear poet

April 5th, 2021 04:59

Give anything but hate
Michael Edwards said:

I love it - one of your very best.

April 5th, 2021 03:32

Give anything but hate
Doggerel Dave said:

A very neat and entertaining little write, Dan....You\'ve written poems before, haven\'t you? :-)

April 5th, 2021 02:12

Give anything but hate
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write Dan.



April 5th, 2021 00:38

Better to of loved just pick those pieces up
Goldfinch60 said:

Two souls as one is real love Dan.


April 5th, 2021 00:15

Better to of loved just pick those pieces up
orchidee said:

Good write Dan.

April 4th, 2021 08:57

Better to of loved just pick those pieces up
SureshG said:

So memorable, so well said

April 4th, 2021 06:49

Better to of loved just pick those pieces up
Fay Slimm. said:

A piece filled with gems dear Dan - souls interconnecting brings bountiful blessings.

April 4th, 2021 06:22

All in a word....
SureshG said:

Very well said, sir!

April 4th, 2021 05:55

All in a word....
Goldfinch60 said:

You have really found your way into a great life with your wife and baby making it so wonderful. You can only move forward now in love and happiness.


April 3rd, 2021 00:35

All in a word....
A.H. Browning said:

โ€œLife, was first and wife is best, this is all nothing but a never-ending testโ€

Nice write.

Love that.
Kindest Regards,
AH Browning.

April 2nd, 2021 18:06

Side by side
Jerry Reynolds said:

Well written, Dan.

March 29th, 2021 08:11

Side by side
AuburnScribbler said:

A really nice message here Poetic Dan, and beautifully delivered.

Bravo, and I hope all is well.

March 29th, 2021 07:33

Side by side
L. B. Mek said:

\'For mistakes can be made but always forgiven

If you hide no emotions and come back to equilibrium\'..
indeed, truth will out!
that\'s that blinked-truth, between you and that reflection in the mirror,
you acknowledge your truth and that reflection gets ever clearer..

March 29th, 2021 05:15

Co creation is the only way
L. B. Mek said:

indeed, we owe our first breath to their last sipped sigh\'s of regret,
as those before us, we too deserve to strive and cement this legacy of continuity for humanity, however trivial our pages entry..
very true words my friend, a reassuring read

March 29th, 2021 04:45

Side by side
orchidee said:

Good write Dan.
I\'m all confused. lol. Am I \'Me, Myself, or I\'? I might be all three of those guys. I bet they are one and the same guy!

March 29th, 2021 02:00

Side by side
Goldfinch60 said:

So very true Dan.


March 29th, 2021 01:45

Side by side
Caring dove said:

Nice words ๐Ÿ™‚ I need that , more confidence in who I am ,

Iโ€™m glad you are feeling confident ๐Ÿ™‚

Itโ€™s difficult when we feel unsure of ourselves

March 29th, 2021 01:31

Co creation is the only way
Goldfinch60 said:

Very true words Dan and the picture is so wonderful in showing your child the glory of the wild world in all its forms.


March 29th, 2021 00:44

Co creation is the only way
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good read, Dan.

March 28th, 2021 18:24

Inside every living being
dusk arising said:

Reading your posts over the last few years its clear that you have grown. Writing poetry does that for people if they put their heart into it and you have truly put your heart into your words. We can all clearly see that Dan.

It\'s great to see you acknowledging that there will be down periods and that you are preparing yourself with new gained self knowledge and faith for those times if and when they arise.

On a side note, I have really enjoyed seeing the videos of your daughters progress as she grows. It will be joyous to watch her character developing.

March 28th, 2021 17:35

Co creation is the only way
orchidee said:

Good write and pic Dan.

March 28th, 2021 06:35

Co creation is the only way
Caring dove said:

Nice words ๐Ÿ™‚

March 28th, 2021 03:55

Co creation is the only way
Poetic Dan said:

Well every time I edit the video the same thing happens... maybe it\'s what you get from doing it all in your phone!

March 28th, 2021 03:17

Inside every living being
dusk arising said:

Reading your posts over the last few years its clear that you have grown. Writing poetry does that for people if they put their heart into it and you have truly put your heart into your words. We can all clearly see that Dan.

It\'s great to see you acknowledging that there will be down periods and that you are preparing yourself with new gained self knowledge and faith for those times if and when they arise.

On a side note, I have really enjoyed seeing the videos of your daughters progress as she grows. It will be joyous to watch her character developing.

March 27th, 2021 07:06

Inside every living being
orchidee said:

Good write and pic Dan.

March 27th, 2021 02:44

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