Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Freedoms expanding, no questioning if permission was granted!
dusk arising said:

Interesting to read your comment about blame. You are happy and you are to blame for that.

\"Life\'s light and dark poetic symphony\" what a great phrase you have made there. \"All I need is the air that I breathe\" is really a statement of contentment which is why i chose it for my music the other day. Long ago i accepted myself for what I am and how i think i fit/don\'t fit into the way of things. That ended all inner conflicts. Accepting the past had passed there really was no point in dwelling upon those events... exactly as your learned words tell today. You have travelled far Dan.

January 1st, 2021 10:38

More than words
Jerry Reynolds said:

Very enjoyable to read Dan.

December 31st, 2020 14:00

More than words
Fay Slimm. said:

A lovely and caring tribute for that special lady who lights up your life Dan - thank you for sharing it.

December 31st, 2020 09:59

More than words
dusk arising said:

It\'s so good to see the love in your words today Dan. To be able to express the love in your heart and before your eyes means you have a treasure any man would be proud of. Stand tall, the tallest of tall, for there is no greater gift than the sharing of love.

December 31st, 2020 08:02

More than words
Amon said:

well written Dan

December 31st, 2020 07:40

More than words
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan.

December 31st, 2020 06:05

River of thoughts to an ocean of dreams
L. B. Mek said:

within your choice words of nature anchored transparency - we too, recognise those emotions - we could not gather to form tangible thought\'s, let alone have them be versed: so poetically...
thanks for sharing your comforting words of wisdom dear Poet,
Happy New Year, stay safe

December 31st, 2020 06:04

More than words
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful loving words Dan. Your love will undoubtedly go on forever.


December 31st, 2020 05:08

River of thoughts to an ocean of dreams
FineB said:

Thank you Poetic Dan.

An inspirational write.

We shouldn\'t lose hope in our lives especially through this pandemic.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during these challenging times.

December 31st, 2020 02:23

River of thoughts to an ocean of dreams
Goldfinch60 said:

This is a wonderful poem Dan and may you live in love and light forever.


December 31st, 2020 01:29

River of thoughts to an ocean of dreams
Fay Slimm. said:

Your inner essence shines with love and humility in this verse of tribute to one lovely lady who now departed leaves inspirational lessons for those who know of her battle with cancer. Thanks for this beautiful read Dan which is now in my list of favourites.

December 30th, 2020 17:02

River of thoughts to an ocean of dreams
FredPeyer said:

I like your poem, P D, and I think it sounds much nicer to say that I am surrounded by dreams than just water!

December 30th, 2020 16:52

River of thoughts to an ocean of dreams
Jerry Reynolds said:

Sorry for your loss. Be well.

December 30th, 2020 15:08

River of thoughts to an ocean of dreams
Bragee said:

πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

December 30th, 2020 13:52

River of thoughts to an ocean of dreams
dusk arising said:

Cancer is just evil Dan. I lost my brother to it about 5 years back and it had a go at me last year. I came away from it very sick from the treatments but although they never give the all clear, they tell me the treatments worked. They keep an eye on me. Why do i tell all this... easy answer... to get cancer out and away from the terrified cupboard.... the best thing anyone can do for themselves about cancer is to expect to get it, look for it and report it early.... that way they can treat it.... if you\'re scared of it and wont report yer symptoms it\'ll kill ya.
The best tool anyone can have is a positive frame of mind - facing up to it and telling yourself you\'re going to win. These days it can be cured if caught early. My brother was negative about it and it killed him. He was afraid to face up to it and it had him.
I tell this to everyone when the subject arises.

Yes, as your post says, our thoughts are the foundations upon which our dreams romance. Carry the good thoughts of good experiences and let those other thoughts fall into the mists of unwelcome. I think that encourages a healthier mind, a more positive outlook, a happier life.
Just like my old pal \'desiderata\' encourages, be proud of your achievements - there will always be greater and lesser persons - be at one with who you actually are.

Wishing you and yours a safe and healthy new year Dan and many more happy years to come.

December 30th, 2020 12:17

River of thoughts to an ocean of dreams
orchidee said:

A sensitive write Dan.

December 30th, 2020 11:55

Ripple to wave, nothing can take it away
Suresh said:

Poetically emotional.
Well done

December 29th, 2020 06:00

Ripple to wave, nothing can take it away
Neville said:

this is so good and on so many levels ... the fact someone recommended you to another made me smile... and the subsequent post you pinned to this page has helped to hold it there ... Seasons Best sir Dan .................... Neville

December 27th, 2020 05:30

Changing times & still a need to rhyme!
FineB said:

Hello Poetic Dan,

Merry Xmas.

Good write.

Keep ✍ writing and safe during these challenging times.

December 26th, 2020 06:24

Ripple to wave, nothing can take it away
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good read. Have a Happy Holiday and Stay Safe.

December 24th, 2020 17:13

Ripple to wave, nothing can take it away
orchidee said:

Awww, I just knew you\'d be able to do it - deal with that doggy. The sweetest doggies in that clip - dachshund and the others! :)

December 24th, 2020 14:48

Ripple to wave, nothing can take it away
L. B. Mek said:

\'but got told by another dog walker to give me a call as it\'s been said I can work miracles.....\' (if I say so myself), lol
nothing more rewarding than to see a good person rise and rise again, as many times as it takes! own that power of self-worth and pride: earned outright, from having overcome all the obstacles in their lives and knowing - they\'re now well equipped for all the future stumbles that await...
more power to you Dan!
keep singing your song and sharing all that positivity you\'ve mind from within...
Happy holidays dear Poet, stay safe and revel - indulgently, in your well earned rewards of \'innocent minds, looking-up at you with contagious: carefree smiles\'

December 24th, 2020 06:34

Ripple to wave, nothing can take it away
Goldfinch60 said:

Those \'better days\' have certainly come your way Dan and in the life you now have each day will be better than the day before.
Wonderful words Dan.


December 24th, 2020 02:00

Fusion inspired to no longer survive
Goldfinch60 said:

You have become part of that dance Dan and will be able to dance for eternity in the wonderful life that you have found.


December 19th, 2020 01:41

Fusion inspired to no longer survive
FredPeyer said:

P D, my dance card still has some open dates. You are welcome to that waltz anytime!

December 18th, 2020 21:22

Fusion inspired to no longer survive
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good read Dan. Have a Happy Holiday

December 18th, 2020 14:53

Fusion inspired to no longer survive
AuburnScribbler said:

Powerful words here Poetic Dan, and I totally understand the chosen picture to accompany the piece.

I hope that all is well and that you have a safe and Merry Christmas.

December 18th, 2020 10:27

Changing times & still a need to rhyme!
L. B. Mek said:

such a true point, especially the \'intended\' element of your message,
sadly we are all subjected to varied childhood\'s and thus instilled with such differing fundamentals to that core foundation we establish - as to the true worth of a life, of other\'s and especially our own,
I have found those with little self-respect tend to demonstrate the cruellest of outwardly symptoms, as-if in each act of brutality they indulge - they are daring for anything within existence to stop them, because when they experienced whatever ill-fate imbued such hate - within them: nothing came to their aid...
while those with a much more \'humane\' foundation of self-worth have the \'luxury/ability\' to empathise the consequences of their actions, they know how shocking physical pain is: when it\'s experienced rarely...
a brilliantly simplified write, to what is a deeply complex and disturbingly common aspect of human nature,
thank you for inspiring my little scribbled reply, hope I interpreted the sentiment\'s in you write accurately

December 17th, 2020 05:12

Changing times & still a need to rhyme!
Goldfinch60 said:

So true Dan.


December 17th, 2020 01:21

Changing times & still a need to rhyme!
FredPeyer said:

Three kids and I only slapped one of them once after he said something bad about his mother. The slap was not premeditated, came out of nowhere and I still regret it today so many years later. My son though later said he deserved it.
Very well written PD and I agree with you despite my one slip!

December 16th, 2020 12:04

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