Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Fluff it!
dusk arising said:

I do wish Orchdee would stop calling me his teddy bear!

April 16th, 2020 11:50

Fluff it!
orchidee said:

Why yes, of course! And I knew a grown man who always took a teddy bear with him wherever he went - causing various responses from people!

April 16th, 2020 11:42

Fluff it!
FredPeyer said:

What a beautiful picture, PD! Too bad we usually outgrow the unicorn and end up frantically looking for something to lean on.

April 16th, 2020 11:42

FredPeyer said:

...and there are so many laws still on the books from I don\'t know when that today make no sense whatsoever! I am sure we are breaking laws every day without even knowing it. The only way politicians can prove they did not sleep all day is by coming up with new laws all the time. :-)

April 15th, 2020 12:47

Goldfinch60 said:

It is the people who are forever doing wrong that makes the law become stronger, if all people would just be good it may be different.


April 15th, 2020 00:30

dusk arising said:

We all have to respect the law, otherwise society will collapse. It\'s a nice idea to think we could handle society without law in the world but frankly there are too many people doing daft things to make that even a sensible suggestion. Like recording a video whilst driving a car for instance.... multiply that up and you\'ll end up with catastrophe.
By and large the laws of this country are there to protect.

April 14th, 2020 18:22

Goldfinch60 said:

It is so strange not seeing friends and family and be able to give them a hug. Technology is OK but those hugs are important.
Keep safe ansd keep well Dan.


April 13th, 2020 04:11

Ready to rave
FineB said:

Hello Poetic Dan,

A lovely and great write.

Music is a wonderful thing. We need all the music and jazz that we can get to overcome these difficult times.
Keep healthy and writing FineB

April 13th, 2020 02:58

Ready to rave
Goldfinch60 said:

Music is so important in our lives and your young one has started to get into the rhythm of music and life, may her life be filled with music and love - always love.


April 12th, 2020 00:35

Ready to rave
dusk arising said:

Simple words Dan which contain wisdom of the ages.

April 11th, 2020 06:49

Cry to a coo
Neville said:

no doubt in my mind sir.. she got great parents … luv this post too..

April 5th, 2020 05:33

Cry to a coo
Goldfinch60 said:

The young can show us our previous lives.
Great for her to know that she has such loving parents and it will ever be so.


April 5th, 2020 01:31

To be is not to forget
Goldfinch60 said:

Each moment is so precious, treasure each one of them as I do.


April 3rd, 2020 01:02

To be is not to forget
Fay Slimm. said:

Really love that last line dear Dan -- a good mantra to keep well in mind.

April 2nd, 2020 16:19

To be is not to forget
dusk arising said:

Moments end.. thats natural. Surely taking the mental spirit of those bright moments with you wherever you go, whatever you do is a goal worth aiming for. If one achieves that then they are positive minded ..... what they call a \'glass half full\' type of person.

I don\'t like what you have put in big white writing in that picture of the dogs. But that\'s inside your mind. Only you can change that, but you have to want to change it. Once you can honestly say that you do want to change it... you\'re more than halfway there.... no cheating allowed on that one tho... has to be sincere.

April 2nd, 2020 10:32

Dazzle & Pizzazz
Goldfinch60 said:

I will keep on jamming as my neighbour gave me some home made apple and blackberry jam - it was wonderful - note the WAS!
Keep well Dan


March 29th, 2020 00:41

I can\'t write them a letter so I\'ll start with you!
dusk arising said:

Seeing your videos which are always so enjoyable and reading you on your subject of expertise (dogs) i\'d have no hesitation in following your advice.

I love dogs and clearly dogs love us too by and large.

That\'s one happy looking dog in your picture today no doubt pulling you along on that skateboard again.... loadsa fun.

March 27th, 2020 04:42

I can\'t write them a letter so I\'ll start with you!
Saxon Crow said:

Must admit being a harness owner I never understood the, reason for it. Dogs instinctively want to pull, more than others. Nowadays I know my dog is safe off the lead but it still doesn\'t mean that I will let her off it. I agree with collars and haltiies.

March 27th, 2020 03:28

Still trying Mr Lee
Goldfinch60 said:

All we can do is what we are able to do at the time, but we must always be there for ourselves and each other.


March 25th, 2020 03:06

Still trying Mr Lee
PoeticBiscuit said:

The first few lines hold so much truth. Well written as always my friend.


March 24th, 2020 14:23

Still trying Mr Lee
dusk arising said:

I reckon that if you can give 100% of yourself to a task then you must have a simple life. Most people have lives which tug them this way and that. i.e. i must get this task over by 3.45 so that i can get nappies for my daughter on the way home etc.

March 24th, 2020 13:12

Still trying Mr Lee
Amon said:

I feel relieved of some pounds - Good thing Dan

March 24th, 2020 06:20

Still trying Mr Lee
Saxon Crow said:

Good poem Dan - If i were a transformer I\'d be soundwave!!

March 24th, 2020 05:31

Work turned to poetry, just happy to be me
Goldfinch60 said:

Dogs can be so understanding Dan, I was brought up with them and they always new my feelings.


March 24th, 2020 01:55

Work turned to poetry, just happy to be me
orchidee said:

I don\'t think we could train cats as we train dogs. We might get scratched to pieces!

March 23rd, 2020 11:22

Work turned to poetry, just happy to be me
Saxon Crow said:

Mate you\'ve been living my life!
Totalkt agree about dogs. They are the definitive empath!

March 23rd, 2020 07:32

Patty cake
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write Dan the Man.


March 19th, 2020 10:13

Patty cake
dusk arising said:

Patty cake, patty cake bakers Dan
parades his daughter around in her pram
all the blokes smile
and all the gals coo
cos new baby girl is Dan\'s bit of glam.

March 19th, 2020 06:25

Patty cake
dusk arising said:

The leader of the poetic clan
was a southern gent they call Dan
but quite unlike mine
his humour\'s sublime
i think he might need a brain scan

He\'s deffo the video king
his doggies give videos zing
i just hope and i pray
that one silly day
the bugger doesn\'t start to sing

so today i wrote these few lines
just to show sometimes i can rhyme
I\'m keeping it daft
it\'s my well practiced craft
polished off with a large glass of wine

March 19th, 2020 04:33

Mad world privileges
Goldfinch60 said:

Respect for all is no longer part of our lives for so many people. Yes those who have want more for completely selfish reasons.
When I went round the Supermarket a few days ago to do my regular shop I did get more that usual, I got a four litre carton of milk instead of a two litre one - a friend was going to be with me for a few days. In going round though I couldn\'t stop laughing at all the empty shelves - \"Nowt so queer as folk\".
Good write Dan, all will be well and our lives may hopefully learn from this time.


March 19th, 2020 01:15

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