Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Mad world privileges
Michael Edwards said:

sad times - great write.

March 18th, 2020 10:26

Mad world privileges
Mil57Man said:

Sign of the times. We\'re being used as pawns things always look darkest just before the dawn. continue to fight the good fight, here comes The Light.

March 18th, 2020 08:42

Mad world privileges
Saxon Crow said:

Couldn\'t agree more mate. You may have got the impression in previous poems that I would love to return to tribal living where one person matters for the whole. And yes it is shaming to see what is happening. However, there is hope as there are amazing acts of kindness taking place too. For example, I made my wife a cup of coffee this morning. I am so going straight to heaven!

March 18th, 2020 05:06

Mad world privileges
dusk arising said:

There#s a lot to be said for the wisdom in your words. Especially the last line.
But here we are in northern europe with the society which surrounds us today. That\'s the one we have to face and deal with. Fortunately there are many many good people out there.

March 18th, 2020 04:46

Goldfinch60 said:

That darkness may well be there but beyond that darkness is light and that will be there for you Dan just look for that twinkle in the sky and you will know that all will be well.


March 17th, 2020 01:40

dusk arising said:

When i sit by the crashing ocean (not talking about south coast ripples) when i look up to a clear night skies quilt of stars, when i sit upon a small mountain beneath brilliant sunshine or threatening dark clouds..... i feel insignificant. What am i and all my worries, woes, hopes and dreams compared to the magnificence of what i am looking at..... i call that the great leveller...... i know you are sensitive enough to feel it (but i couldn\'t begin for one moment to think Donald Trump ever felt it). Then i reflect upon just how much joy the world as it is brings to me. How much i have to offer the world. How much i can communicate my thoughts to you Dan and others. You people validate me and we and your family and friends validate you. You and me, us and the rest of the people are not insignificant at all. We are an intelligent intermingling throng of people largely enduring the struggle to survive and feed our loved ones.... and to put a smile on each others faces.
And you do those things well don\'t you.... that\'s not insignificant.

March 16th, 2020 13:31

anonymousblue said:

There is something immensely calming and subtly beatiful about this fine poem. Thanks for sharing.

March 16th, 2020 11:23

Saxon Crow said:

Dan mate - we are not insignificant we are the Universe in all its tiny gargantuousness. Awesome poem though totally get the vibe my friend

March 16th, 2020 10:08

orchidee said:

Well, I\'m sure you\'re a significant poet, even if we feel like ants in the universe. \'Who ya calling an ant?\' someone replied to me. lol.

March 16th, 2020 07:37

Fun house
Goldfinch60 said:

Seeing new life through childrens eyes is an amazing experience.
Good write Dan.


March 16th, 2020 00:39

Fun house
dusk arising said:

Expands the mind doesn\'t it.

March 15th, 2020 18:17

Fun house
Michael Edwards said:

Great write

March 15th, 2020 16:16

Fun house
Saxon Crow said:

Mate i couldnt agree more. My little one is teaching me to look at nature again through her eyes. Its amazing. Good write by the way!

March 15th, 2020 14:12

Fun house
Laura🌻 said:


Children are amazing...
especially at this stage!
I love the clip.
Hugs & kisses to that beautiful baby!😚


March 15th, 2020 11:25

Fun house
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Dan.

March 15th, 2020 10:52

Every biscuit but one
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write Dan.

Many years ago when I was the computer bod in a housing department we were getting a brand new system in and we had meetings every morning to talk about progress, we obviously had coffee and biscuits. One guy that came was the Computer Manager for the whole firm and I am sure he would kill anyone who ate any of \'HIS\' jammy dodgers!


March 14th, 2020 01:46

Every biscuit but one
Saxon Crow said:

Pink wafer now thats really posh
Back in the day for those who had dosh
And robin hood liked his lincoln
While King John ate his with stilton
Theres a biscuit for every occasion
But to be honest Dan
Chocolate cake is my persuasion!
Sorry mate!

Good write Dan haha

March 13th, 2020 11:40

Every biscuit but one
orchidee said:

Good write Dan.
Someone gave me a packet of coconut ring biscuits. it was empty. They said - you can have the holes in the middle of the biscuits. Doh!
So I gave them some Polo Mints - empty packet cos.... same as above!

March 13th, 2020 10:22

Every biscuit but one
sylviasearcher said:

I love all biscuits, even a garibaldi!

Who couldn’t love a poem about biscuits!

March 13th, 2020 09:29

Every biscuit but one
dusk arising said:

I am most definitely a garibaldi biscuit.... full of dead flies .....and frightening to little children.... ho ho ho

March 13th, 2020 08:34

Every biscuit but one
PoeticBiscuit said:

Seems like you enjoyed writing this one, and I for one enjoyed reading it. For multiple reasons.

March 13th, 2020 08:29

Some words bring tension
Neville said:

Live and let live... makes sense to me

another lovely video Dan .. go well and stay safe...

March 12th, 2020 09:36

Some words bring tension
Saxon Crow said:

Dan you\'re a poet warrior. Shout it loud my friend.... and I won\'t mentione the J word!

March 12th, 2020 07:22

Some words bring tension
anonymousblue said:

You sound like an angrier Walt Whitman in this poem, which is very interesting and fresh. Well done.

March 12th, 2020 06:01

Some words bring tension
dusk arising said:

I always enjoy your vids mate and this one was a pleasure.
Yep, religion or ones faith or that god thing. Huge subject but i find it sickening to read the preaching \'holier than thou\' crap rolled out by so many. And what is so funny is that most of them belong to different \'strains\' of the same religion who have fallen out with each other and set up their own church. He he he they can\'t even agree among themselves.

March 12th, 2020 04:42

Some words bring tension
Laura🌻 said:


...Suum Cuique...
to each his own!

A great write that makes perfect sense!

I enjoyed the video!
Thank you for sharing!


March 12th, 2020 02:53

Needles eye
Neville said:

Great poetry Dan and what a smashing video too...

All Good Things to You and da Family


March 11th, 2020 12:35

Needles eye
dusk arising said:

What a superb video, those dogs love being out with you and so obedient.

Not absolutely sure where you are coming from in your words today but having got to know you through poetry i guess that whatever drifts your way you will tug it through the eye of the needle. That eye will be narrow and difficult some days but wide and welcoming other days...

Stay in contact with your mind.

March 11th, 2020 11:36

Needles eye
Fay Slimm. said:

Ha ha - - what a great video - -I chuckled at that happy pair - - those dogs sure do move my friend - they must love their run to that sandy paradise....

March 11th, 2020 11:19

Needles eye
Saxon Crow said:

Just what Jesus said Sir! Great poem Dan

March 11th, 2020 09:22

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