Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Nocturnal hour
Suresh said:

Road ahead, yours to travel
Much ahead, waiting for you

August 26th, 2019 01:08

Nocturnal hour
Goldfinch60 said:

May that fine life be always with you and you sail towards the light.

August 25th, 2019 23:53

Nocturnal hour
Laura🌻 said:


Onward and upward...
is the way to go! You’ve embarked on a wonderful personal journey!
Kudos 👏🏼


August 25th, 2019 22:54

Nocturnal hour
dusk arising said:

\'Giving the gifts we never had\'

Those gifts were growing inside waiting for the day you were brave enough to realise what they are and generous enough to give away.

August 25th, 2019 14:02

Nocturnal hour
dusk arising said:

\'Giving the gifts we never had\'

Those gifts were growing inside waiting for the day you were brave enough to realise what they are and generous enough to give away.

August 25th, 2019 12:03

Nocturnal hour
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan.

August 25th, 2019 11:20

4 weeks today!
sylviasearcher said:


Thanks for reminding me of the brighter side of life this morning

I can feel your excitement and joy in this one. It is intoxicating.

What a lucky baby!

August 22nd, 2019 03:06

4 weeks today!
Neville said:

wow.. not long now.. what a great way of keeping check.. and also a great way of remembering point of interest along the way..... N

August 21st, 2019 01:48

4 weeks today!
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful positive write Danb such a magnificent change has come over you and I am so pleased for you. Your newborn will obviously come into a family of wisdom, humour and that most important that of love. Love is all.


August 21st, 2019 01:36

4 weeks today!
dusk arising said:

Hello Mrs Dan. What a wonderful bump you are carrying and you carry it so well. Sympathy with you in the discomfort of these late stages. Soon be over.

Well done Dan, finally let us see the mothership. The one who has made finding your true worth well worth the soul searching you have put yourself through.

August 20th, 2019 18:01

4 weeks today!
Fay Slimm. said:

A write full of positive vibes - keep up the fine flow of love for self and for everyone Dan - - - good read.

August 20th, 2019 13:52

4 weeks today!
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Dan.

August 20th, 2019 10:58

It\'s be fun but she had to go
Neville said:

I felt the same when I had to let my chariot go...

August 19th, 2019 02:59

It\'s be fun but she had to go
Goldfinch60 said:

That first car is always special. If ever I was going to do a trip over 100 miles I would service it!

August 18th, 2019 00:58

It\'s be fun but she had to go
Jeffrey Roy said:

Good poem to read Poetic Dan

August 17th, 2019 15:31

It\'s be fun but she had to go
dusk arising said:

Ahh yes that first car and learning how to repair it. All those adventures.

Thank you for bringing back those good old memories.

August 17th, 2019 14:00

It\'s be fun but she had to go
dusk arising said:

Ahh yes that first car and learning how to repair it. All those adventures.

Thank you for bringing back those good old memories.

August 17th, 2019 12:36

Perfectly imperfect
PoeticBiscuit said:

Wonderfully spoken Dan, keep being that light!

August 16th, 2019 20:08

Perfectly imperfect
Goldfinch60 said:

That light will always be there for you Dan.

August 16th, 2019 15:18

Perfectly imperfect
dusk arising said:

Oh i\'m far to old to remember anything like that Dan.

My childhood cuddle was a golliwog who i loved to bits and was my comfort.... well you can guess how i felt about all the controversy around that issue.... i didn\'t fight it.

August 16th, 2019 13:29

Perfectly imperfect
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan.

August 16th, 2019 11:13

Perfectly imperfect
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Those vibes are POWER Vibes unless I\'m mistaken?
Happy thoughts Dan keep \'em coming

August 16th, 2019 09:22

Find your rainbow
Neville said:

Now there\'s a thought.. nice one too..

August 15th, 2019 02:14

Find your rainbow
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words and the last line is so true. We all have rainbows within us.

August 14th, 2019 15:45

Find your rainbow
Christina8 said:

What a positive message. No rain where I live, so it\'s nice to see your point of view! More rainbows in your world than in mine, lol. Great quote too! Thanks for sharing the positivity in your life, Dan! Much respect....Christina

August 14th, 2019 15:35

Find your rainbow
PoeticBiscuit said:

But what’s at the end of the rainbow?

Jokes aside this was a lovely write Dan. We all could use some rain to help us find our inner rainbow.

August 14th, 2019 14:08

Find your rainbow
Fay Slimm. said:

A wonderfully inspiring image you chose to head your poem today Dan - we certainly do need all our energy for supporting the positive - - good thoughts my friend.

August 14th, 2019 10:21

Find your rainbow
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan. Are them dogs named Fido? Are they \'18+ watchdogs\', like my non-existent dog is?!
Not meaning their age, but barking if poems are not marked 18+ where they should be.

August 14th, 2019 10:14

Find your rainbow

Thanks for sharing DAN - Love the video very stimulating & doggy ! Love the POEM but in essence it reminds us that without RAIN there are NO RAINBOWS - without SORROW there is NO JOY etc etc ! As you say \"If we keep moving forward - we will always find a RAINBOW !

Love the VISUAL & QUOTE ! That is our Mantra too
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Yours ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡💙🧡💙🧡

August 14th, 2019 09:17

See beyond & travel on
Neville said:


August 13th, 2019 16:59

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