Comments received on poems by Teddy.15

From The Underside Of The Wild Roses
Goldfinch60 said:

So true Teddy but if you enjoy it its meaning may not matter.


February 2nd, 2024 02:27

Night Song
Goldfinch60 said:

We each have our book and what we must not forget Teddy is that the next chapter in our life may be wonderful as is the current chapter of life that I am in.


February 2nd, 2024 02:24

From The Underside Of The Wild Roses
Bella Shepard said:

Such a wonderful thought to ponder, and you express it beautifully. The picture is so reflective of your words, you have a gift for always picking the right one. I love this dearly!

February 1st, 2024 17:24

From The Underside Of The Wild Roses
peto said:

Hi Teddy
That didn\'t really work
Was questioning the work of a great poet

February 1st, 2024 15:28

From The Underside Of The Wild Roses
peto said:

I\'ll ask before you snuff it
What does it mean?
Clever as always

February 1st, 2024 15:12

From The Underside Of The Wild Roses
Accidental Poet said:

I know the feeling Teddy. Sometimes, no one understands the poem as much as the one who wrote it. But this is a little Gem of work. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

February 1st, 2024 09:41

From The Underside Of The Wild Roses
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m still pondering the title - haven\'t got to the main meal yet....

You are a poetic tease at times, Teddy.....πŸ˜‰

February 1st, 2024 07:32

From The Underside Of The Wild Roses
sorenbarrett said:

Many great artists not appreciated in their life time, I think of Van Gogh and others. Beauty does not need to be understood just felt. My mark of a great poem is one that touches me emotionally. A wonderful write Teddy

February 1st, 2024 04:33

From The Underside Of The Wild Roses
Neville said:

and there are those who say size matters .. ha, what do they know eh ❣️

February 1st, 2024 03:43

From The Underside Of The Wild Roses
Tom Dylan said:

A good point, Teddy. This poem is perfect. And the title, just wow!

February 1st, 2024 03:04

Never Really Gone
Cassie58 said:

Beautiful sentiment here Teddy. So very nicely conveyed. The loss of a mother, so painful. I wear my mother!s coat. Like you I resemble my mum in looks. That makes me feel warm. Very nice write. Second anniversary of my mother!s passing tomorrow.

January 31st, 2024 13:51

Night Song
Thomas W Case said:

This is superb Teddy, our lives are truly stories with all the good and bad.

January 31st, 2024 11:59

Night Song
Accidental Poet said:

For lack of a better word Teddy, beautiful! 🌹 😊

January 31st, 2024 10:15

Night Song
Neville said:

such an honest reflection .. and don\'t ya just love to hear nightingales .. we had a pair at my last place and dozens in Bulgaria .. a FAB title for any forthcoming book too Teddy ..

January 31st, 2024 08:48

Night Song
sorenbarrett said:

Yes so true Teddy poetry to me is life itself, the thoughts that pass through my head and the experiences I have. I see some that write about one topic alone and wonder if that is all that they think. Poetry to me is emotion and that covers all that is human or animal. A most wonderful write that I identify with.

January 31st, 2024 08:22

Night Song
Tom Dylan said:

Love this, Teddy. That we\'re all just books made up of pages and chapters. Just fantastic.

January 31st, 2024 06:12

Night Song
Nubianpoet said:

Enjoyed the write, Teddy πŸŒΉπŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸΎ

January 31st, 2024 06:06

Goldfinch60 said:

Very emotive words Teddy, we all think like that sometimes but we must draw back the curtains, open the doors and windows to let the light in our lives and let our words flow into the ether for all to hear.


January 31st, 2024 02:16

Thomas W Case said:

Beautiful and vulnerable. Great write Teddy. Reminds me of Emily Dickinson.

January 30th, 2024 19:56

Bella Shepard said:

Every poem contains a thought, and every thought is a precious thing to share. If it is snubbed, or quashed, it is the
perpetrators who do this, that are the poorer for it. This is the whole package, beautifully versed wrapped in a wonderfully emotive picture. Lovedit!

January 30th, 2024 16:17

Neville said:

so many would be poets .. so little time for so many of them ..

January 30th, 2024 13:23

spilleronsheet said:

This somehow created so much resonance as if something went in chorus…

January 30th, 2024 12:08

Accidental Poet said:

this a rare view of how cruel human nature can be towards its own human spirit. Let every pen be free to write as it sees fit. A beautiful poem Teddy, but for you dear poet, that\'s just a walk in the park. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

January 30th, 2024 08:41

Tom Dylan said:

A powerful poem, Teddy. I can really relate. I\'m not generally a sensitive guy but when it comes to my writing, any criticism can really sting. I am like an over-protective parent when it comes to my stories and poems. This was a great write.

January 30th, 2024 06:47

My Heaviest Suitcase Contains My Heart
sorenbarrett said:

Sad but hopeful words containing the wisdom we all need in a world of loss. To let go and be able to forgive oneself then others is one of the most difficult steps in climbing that \"mountain ever so high above the clouds\". A most beautiful message set in tender words.

January 29th, 2024 05:38

Where Time Really Does Stand Sill
Neville said:

I can relate to every single word .. but am surrounded by them .. I have a thing about old clocks & watches, my house tocks to me 24/7 and it is a source of much comfort .. well poemed Teddy .. its good to see what makes someone else tick .. Neville

January 29th, 2024 04:03

Where Time Really Does Stand Sill
Bella Shepard said:

This poem feels as if it is the beginning of a beautiful life story that your are telling, one that I wish would go on. Thank you for this sweet delight!

January 28th, 2024 16:35

Where Time Really Does Stand Sill
Thomas W Case said:

This is a beautiful scene, Teddy, I love it.

January 28th, 2024 12:35

Where Time Really Does Stand Sill
sorenbarrett said:

Time stands still in our minds once in a while although it seems to race at other times. Maybe time is just an invention of the human mind, other animals don\'t seem to worry about it. Thought provoking write Teddy.

January 28th, 2024 12:06

Where Time Really Does Stand Sill
Accidental Poet said:

Teddy, I just love this picture, is this really your attic? I love the way the light comes in through the windows and lights up the room. I don\'t see the clock, but I also love how you describe your fondness of the clock and room. If only walls could talk. Almost like there\'s an unseen poem in that room waiting to be read. Excellent Teddy. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

January 28th, 2024 11:04

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