Comments received on poems by Teddy.15

The Poetess and the Pussy
Teddy.15 said:

Dear Dave Well thank you very much then.

July 18th, 2023 00:59

Goldfinch60 said:

Such true words Teddy but I am sure that you have many dreams in your heart.


July 18th, 2023 00:25

The Poetess and the Pussy
Doggerel Dave said:

😁 I\'ll pay that one, Teddy.

July 18th, 2023 00:23

The Last Goodbye
MendedFences27 said:

Funny how the historical \"Last Goodbye,\" has changed with the technology, first written and sent by courier, then written and sent by mail, then by phone, and today by text,
Your experience shows that males never learn how to handle relationships. We are much too macho to get hurt. Your poem is also a lesson on how to survive the breakup. \"Just get on with my life,\" a powerful statement. - Phil A.

July 17th, 2023 21:29

MendedFences27 said:

Beautifully spoken. A host of truth in so few words. One must have hope to live. - Phil A.

July 17th, 2023 12:28

Poetic Dan said:

I guess. I\'ve definitely been flightless a few times but can a bird just have a switch flicked or a beautiful moment of inspiration to bring those wings back quicker than we can blink.

If true the human should be grateful just to hear that bird sing!

Thanks for the thoughts my friend
Keep up the write

July 17th, 2023 07:57

The Poetess and the Pussy
JazilPoet said:

Lmao😂😂, its awesome tho💯

July 17th, 2023 06:26

L. B. Mek said:

\'truth is beauty
and beauty truth\'
as Keats said best
your Poem
epitomises his philosophy
so acutely, dear Poetess
\'dare to dream
and have your wings
dare, to live!\'

July 17th, 2023 04:14

The Poetess and the Pussy
L. B. Mek said:

\'at least when you\'re gone, you\'re gone
I’ve still got eight more f…… lives to live\'
always goo to be reminded, others
may have it worse
thanks for the chuckles my friend
your choice of cat fits well
with that snide witty persona
they would so say it like that
great fun! thank you

July 17th, 2023 04:11

The Last Goodbye
L. B. Mek said:

we never know what it will take
to cut that line, and
transmogrify someone\'s role
in our lives
from pivotal
to that rear mirror, irrelevant
but what a relief, when it arrives
so we may live our life, unchained
from regret...
(I so relate my friend
your matter of fact delivery
suited this subject
a crisp clean poem, about
a clean break)
how fitting

July 17th, 2023 04:06

Just The Peaceful Silence of A Happy Day
L. B. Mek said:

nature\'s gifts, are so gracefully subtle
we oft, fail to notice and appreciate
thus, thankful am I for your poetic
reminder, dear Poetess
this, a fresh breeze
of tranquillity, in a poem
such a lovely read
thank you!

July 17th, 2023 03:59

LIZ said:

An empty canvas, a blank sheet, let\'s fill them up with all our gifts! ❤️

July 17th, 2023 03:26

orchidee said:

Bit like some birds in cages? What to do about \'domestic\' birds? Budgies, etc.

July 17th, 2023 01:49

The Poetess and the Pussy
Goldfinch60 said:

Cats are such arrogant creatures. LOL


July 17th, 2023 01:05

The Poetess and the Pussy
Eugene S. said:

I needed that! 👍

July 16th, 2023 14:28

The Poetess and the Pussy
orchidee said:

Oohh lol. Ahh, a talking cat - like Fido, me talking dog!
They\'ll take us to the madhouse soon. lol. I been there once already. Was where I met KP.

July 16th, 2023 14:21

The Poetess and the Pussy
LIZ said:

LMAO 🤣 Damn! But really....the cat\'s not wrong! Title got me fooled for a minute. “those who have never experienced madness at least once in their lives, have never lived”-isn\'t that the truth!!!!!

July 16th, 2023 14:13

Goldfinch60 said:

That spark of light will always be with you Teddy and it will shine out for us all.


July 16th, 2023 01:55

My Path to Paradise Begins in Hell
Goldfinch60 said:

Love can be so overpowering in many different ways Teddy.


July 16th, 2023 01:30

The Last Goodbye
Goldfinch60 said:

I know that your life became filled with joy, wonder and love Teddy.


July 16th, 2023 01:18

The Last Goodbye
Neville said:

when it feels as bad as that, then it just has to be done .. did you get change from the phone ... I seem to recall one did if the call was cut short ..

and although I\'m sure it hurt like hell at the time, you now know deep down in your heart that you did the right thing .. Here, have a little bit of mine 💔x

July 16th, 2023 00:28

The Last Goodbye
orchidee said:

Aww, I remember the moment you said goodbye to me. I wish I had never met \'someone else\' - being KP. That\'ll teach me to leave ya! lol.

July 15th, 2023 11:24

The Last Goodbye
peto said:

Happy new life
Always a joy to read Teddy
No change today

July 15th, 2023 10:20

The Last Goodbye
Poetic Dan said:

Boom... love you it. Do what you need to move on and let those wings take you far beyond what we ever dreamed was possible! The great unknown

Keep up the write my friend

July 15th, 2023 07:15

The Last Goodbye
LIZ said:

Mmmm when we finally....let go!!! ❤️

July 15th, 2023 07:02

Just The Peaceful Silence of A Happy Day
peto said:

Absolutely loved this
Rhyme flow spit on
And my fav on any write
Brilliant ending

July 15th, 2023 04:47

Just The Peaceful Silence of A Happy Day
orchidee said:

Good write Teddy.
KP will have to have this gold, cos I got no gold bars to give her - never did have - lol.
Not that I\'m skint, but for our wedding her ring was a ring pull from a can of drink, from me to her! heehee.
Her ring to me was made of botox (if that\'s possible?) lol.

July 14th, 2023 08:33

Just The Peaceful Silence of A Happy Day
LIZ said:

Beautiful!! ❤️

July 14th, 2023 07:35

My Path to Paradise Begins in Hell
L. B. Mek said:

Beatrice has some serious competition!
beautifully realised and rendered from art to last syllable
that we\'re passionate about
makes it so easy for us to write
I find
a lovely dedication dear Poetess
(hope you have a lovely weekend)

July 14th, 2023 04:15

L. B. Mek said:

\'my intelligence, challenged
will win through to wisdom
a simple spark in my mind\'

July 14th, 2023 04:11

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