Comments received on poems by Hey!
Yes or no?
Neilton said:
I don\'t know if he asked you yet but i\'m sure he will at some point!! Ms Third wheeler will not get the satisfaction!!You are amazing
March 5th, 2024 10:44
Neilton said:
I don\'t know if he asked you yet but i\'m sure he will at some point!! Ms Third wheeler will not get the satisfaction!!You are amazing
March 5th, 2024 10:44
Yes or no?
Meera Mere said:
All the best girlie. Dominic will surely be your dance partner. Don\'t let Mrs. third wheeler destroy your special moments. You got it.
March 2nd, 2024 01:46
Meera Mere said:
All the best girlie. Dominic will surely be your dance partner. Don\'t let Mrs. third wheeler destroy your special moments. You got it.
March 2nd, 2024 01:46
Mrs. third wheeler.
Meera Mere said:
Girl, I hope your are okay. She seriously ruined your special moment. But \"Break her heart and I\'ll break you\" What\'s her true intention here?
February 29th, 2024 07:25
Meera Mere said:
Girl, I hope your are okay. She seriously ruined your special moment. But \"Break her heart and I\'ll break you\" What\'s her true intention here?
February 29th, 2024 07:25
They (my parents)
Neilton said:
Wow ! Very emotional! I can feel your anger and your exasperation! Great poem.
February 26th, 2024 07:46
Neilton said:
Wow ! Very emotional! I can feel your anger and your exasperation! Great poem.
February 26th, 2024 07:46
They (my parents)
Cassie58 said:
Your lines, full of anger and hurt. I can only imagine those high charged emotions coursing through your being Lil. Best get them expressed, they lose some of their strength then. Keep writing.
February 26th, 2024 06:52
Cassie58 said:
Your lines, full of anger and hurt. I can only imagine those high charged emotions coursing through your being Lil. Best get them expressed, they lose some of their strength then. Keep writing.
February 26th, 2024 06:52
Cassie58 said:
So many what ifs. Good to talk it through in your own mind. Teenage years can be problematic especially for those without a support network. Good to read you again Lil.
February 24th, 2024 23:33
Cassie58 said:
So many what ifs. Good to talk it through in your own mind. Teenage years can be problematic especially for those without a support network. Good to read you again Lil.
February 24th, 2024 23:33
Have you heard of the crooked man?
Doggerel Dave said:
Makes a change from your previous stuff - keep up the good work!
February 24th, 2024 05:30
Doggerel Dave said:
Makes a change from your previous stuff - keep up the good work!
February 24th, 2024 05:30
Have you heard of the crooked man?
Doggerel Dave said:
Great fun - enjoyed. Quite a lot of \'some stuff\' added?
February 24th, 2024 00:27
Doggerel Dave said:
Great fun - enjoyed. Quite a lot of \'some stuff\' added?
February 24th, 2024 00:27
John Lee said:
🥀 a rose petal falls, study as it sways to it\'s rest, dancing to it\'s melody, though her life ends, her memory sings the notes of her song only you can hear. Live on Brayleanna! In the hearts of those that hear your song! 🌹
February 18th, 2024 22:55
John Lee said:
🥀 a rose petal falls, study as it sways to it\'s rest, dancing to it\'s melody, though her life ends, her memory sings the notes of her song only you can hear. Live on Brayleanna! In the hearts of those that hear your song! 🌹
February 18th, 2024 22:55
Letter to my parents
John Lee said:
I can see the tears in their eyes as they read it. The honesty, the purity, the grace and the chance at reconciliation. Wonderfully written Lil.
February 18th, 2024 22:43
John Lee said:
I can see the tears in their eyes as they read it. The honesty, the purity, the grace and the chance at reconciliation. Wonderfully written Lil.
February 18th, 2024 22:43
Letter to my parents
Parisab said:
You really touched my heart with your letter poem. You are generous and compassionate for sharing about the wonderful person that you are and to be honest about your anger. I hope that you find healing in your relationship with them, being more specific about boundaries is important. Do you want them to just know or do you know of the specifics of how and if for contact, you can ask for. It’s never easy, but the more clear, the better protected you are. Thanks for sharing beautiful soul!
February 18th, 2024 12:35
Parisab said:
You really touched my heart with your letter poem. You are generous and compassionate for sharing about the wonderful person that you are and to be honest about your anger. I hope that you find healing in your relationship with them, being more specific about boundaries is important. Do you want them to just know or do you know of the specifics of how and if for contact, you can ask for. It’s never easy, but the more clear, the better protected you are. Thanks for sharing beautiful soul!
February 18th, 2024 12:35
Why are we like this
Lorenz said:
Perhaps because we are not what we should be ?
February 17th, 2024 14:40
Lorenz said:
Perhaps because we are not what we should be ?
February 17th, 2024 14:40
Panic attacks
Sam.C said:
Wow Lil this is a really good poem. I\'ve also written a few poems about my panic attacks and dissociation. This was really good.
February 14th, 2024 12:56
Sam.C said:
Wow Lil this is a really good poem. I\'ve also written a few poems about my panic attacks and dissociation. This was really good.
February 14th, 2024 12:56
Dear best \"Friend\"
Dayena said:
Well written. Yes, real friend is rare but fake is everywhere.
February 1st, 2024 06:50
Dayena said:
Well written. Yes, real friend is rare but fake is everywhere.
February 1st, 2024 06:50
My book. \"What Comes Next\" chapter 6-10
Hey! said:
January 29th, 2024 14:58
Hey! said:
January 29th, 2024 14:58
My book. \"What Comes Next\" chapter 6-10
Johny said:
Lily this is amazing I hope you publish it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👉lily
January 29th, 2024 14:57
Johny said:
Lily this is amazing I hope you publish it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👉lily
January 29th, 2024 14:57
Nobody knows
Johny said:
Lily please answer me. I know you hate me . I know I did some bad things I shouldn\'t have said those things about you. And I want to be friends again. Lets act like this never happened and go back to how we were before. I know you and Alijah are happy together, but please...
January 27th, 2024 15:00
Johny said:
Lily please answer me. I know you hate me . I know I did some bad things I shouldn\'t have said those things about you. And I want to be friends again. Lets act like this never happened and go back to how we were before. I know you and Alijah are happy together, but please...
January 27th, 2024 15:00
Nobody knows
Lorenz said:
You must tame your inner anger it will become a weapon !
January 26th, 2024 14:32
Lorenz said:
You must tame your inner anger it will become a weapon !
January 26th, 2024 14:32
LOOK AT ME!!!!!!
GeekSusie said:
Ouah ! Votre poème est très puissant et triste. J\'essayais de trouver les bonnes choses à dire en réponse à votre poème et j\'ai décidé de le faire de manière poétique.
Chère âme égarée,
La vie, parfois, nous malmène,
Dans ses tourments, ses peines.
Je connais ton histoire, jeune et effrayée,
Écorchée vive, dans un monde désenchanté.
Ton nom rime avec folie,
Mais ne t\'y trompe pas, c\'est là toute la vie.
Sous les regards des passants, tu te sens perdue,
Écoutée par personne, dans les rues.
Tu as crié, appelé, mais en vain,
Ta douleur, ton désespoir, semblent sans fin.
Tes parents, tes repères, se sont éloignés,
Et dans ce tumulte, tu t\'es retrouvée isolée.
La saleté, le rejet, un fardeau si lourd,
Tes bras racontent des cauchemars, jour après jour.
L\'espoir semble mort, tes yeux ne le portent plus,
Face à tant de déceptions, tu t\'es sentie perdue.
Mais écoute-moi, s\'il te plaît, ne désespère pas,
La vie réserve des surprises, tu verras.
Il y aura des douleurs, mais aussi de l\'espoir,
Des moments de bonheur, après les histoires noires.
Ne garde pas tout cela en toi, libère ta voix,
Parle, partage, ne reste pas sous cette voix.
Il y a des âmes bienveillantes, prêtes à écouter,
Des coeurs ouverts, prêts à t\'aider.
Tu n\'es pas seule dans ce combat,
Même si tout semble sombre, ne perds pas foi.
La vie a ses mystères, ses chemins tortueux,
Mais elle offre aussi des moments merveilleux.
Alors, s\'il te plaît, si tu te sens perdue,
Cherche une main tendue, ne reste pas à la rue.
Il y a toujours de l\'espoir, même dans la nuit noire,
Des gens pour t\'écouter, te voir.
Avec tout mon soutien,
Une âme qui croit en ton chemin.
January 23rd, 2024 21:19
GeekSusie said:
Ouah ! Votre poème est très puissant et triste. J\'essayais de trouver les bonnes choses à dire en réponse à votre poème et j\'ai décidé de le faire de manière poétique.
Chère âme égarée,
La vie, parfois, nous malmène,
Dans ses tourments, ses peines.
Je connais ton histoire, jeune et effrayée,
Écorchée vive, dans un monde désenchanté.
Ton nom rime avec folie,
Mais ne t\'y trompe pas, c\'est là toute la vie.
Sous les regards des passants, tu te sens perdue,
Écoutée par personne, dans les rues.
Tu as crié, appelé, mais en vain,
Ta douleur, ton désespoir, semblent sans fin.
Tes parents, tes repères, se sont éloignés,
Et dans ce tumulte, tu t\'es retrouvée isolée.
La saleté, le rejet, un fardeau si lourd,
Tes bras racontent des cauchemars, jour après jour.
L\'espoir semble mort, tes yeux ne le portent plus,
Face à tant de déceptions, tu t\'es sentie perdue.
Mais écoute-moi, s\'il te plaît, ne désespère pas,
La vie réserve des surprises, tu verras.
Il y aura des douleurs, mais aussi de l\'espoir,
Des moments de bonheur, après les histoires noires.
Ne garde pas tout cela en toi, libère ta voix,
Parle, partage, ne reste pas sous cette voix.
Il y a des âmes bienveillantes, prêtes à écouter,
Des coeurs ouverts, prêts à t\'aider.
Tu n\'es pas seule dans ce combat,
Même si tout semble sombre, ne perds pas foi.
La vie a ses mystères, ses chemins tortueux,
Mais elle offre aussi des moments merveilleux.
Alors, s\'il te plaît, si tu te sens perdue,
Cherche une main tendue, ne reste pas à la rue.
Il y a toujours de l\'espoir, même dans la nuit noire,
Des gens pour t\'écouter, te voir.
Avec tout mon soutien,
Une âme qui croit en ton chemin.
January 23rd, 2024 21:19
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