Comments received on poems by Lil

Why are we like this
2781 said:

Good question.

February 17th, 2024 09:15

Panic attacks
Sam.C said:

Wow Lil this is a really good poem. I\'ve also written a few poems about my panic attacks and dissociation. This was really good.

February 14th, 2024 12:56

Superbowl win
vividvoid14 said:

happy for the chiefs victory

February 12th, 2024 11:57

JuneM said:

Amazing friend! This just made my day! :)

February 8th, 2024 10:05

Lorenz said:

Beautiful upbeat melody !

February 8th, 2024 09:07

Dear best \"Friend\"
Dayena said:

Well written. Yes, real friend is rare but fake is everywhere.

February 1st, 2024 06:50

one by one
2781 said:

You write extremely well for your age.

January 31st, 2024 06:43

My book. \"What Comes Next\" chapter 6-10
Lil said:


January 29th, 2024 14:58

My book. \"What Comes Next\" chapter 6-10
Johny said:

Lily this is amazing I hope you publish it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👉lily

January 29th, 2024 14:57

Nobody knows
Johny said:

Lily please answer me. I know you hate me . I know I did some bad things I shouldn\'t have said those things about you. And I want to be friends again. Lets act like this never happened and go back to how we were before. I know you and Alijah are happy together, but please...

January 27th, 2024 15:00

Nobody knows
Lorenz said:

You must tame your inner anger it will become a weapon !

January 26th, 2024 14:32

LOOK AT ME!!!!!!
GeekSusie said:

Ouah ! Votre poème est très puissant et triste. J\'essayais de trouver les bonnes choses à dire en réponse à votre poème et j\'ai décidé de le faire de manière poétique.

Chère âme égarée,

La vie, parfois, nous malmène,
Dans ses tourments, ses peines.
Je connais ton histoire, jeune et effrayée,
Écorchée vive, dans un monde désenchanté.

Ton nom rime avec folie,
Mais ne t\'y trompe pas, c\'est là toute la vie.
Sous les regards des passants, tu te sens perdue,
Écoutée par personne, dans les rues.

Tu as crié, appelé, mais en vain,
Ta douleur, ton désespoir, semblent sans fin.
Tes parents, tes repères, se sont éloignés,
Et dans ce tumulte, tu t\'es retrouvée isolée.

La saleté, le rejet, un fardeau si lourd,
Tes bras racontent des cauchemars, jour après jour.
L\'espoir semble mort, tes yeux ne le portent plus,
Face à tant de déceptions, tu t\'es sentie perdue.

Mais écoute-moi, s\'il te plaît, ne désespère pas,
La vie réserve des surprises, tu verras.
Il y aura des douleurs, mais aussi de l\'espoir,
Des moments de bonheur, après les histoires noires.

Ne garde pas tout cela en toi, libère ta voix,
Parle, partage, ne reste pas sous cette voix.
Il y a des âmes bienveillantes, prêtes à écouter,
Des coeurs ouverts, prêts à t\'aider.

Tu n\'es pas seule dans ce combat,
Même si tout semble sombre, ne perds pas foi.
La vie a ses mystères, ses chemins tortueux,
Mais elle offre aussi des moments merveilleux.

Alors, s\'il te plaît, si tu te sens perdue,
Cherche une main tendue, ne reste pas à la rue.
Il y a toujours de l\'espoir, même dans la nuit noire,
Des gens pour t\'écouter, te voir.

Avec tout mon soutien,
Une âme qui croit en ton chemin.

January 23rd, 2024 21:19

Love and heart break.
Thomas W Case said:

Fantastic work.

January 23rd, 2024 19:48

Love and heart break.
Johny said:

This is amazing

January 23rd, 2024 17:50

Thomas W Case said:

Very relatable. Excellent.

January 21st, 2024 16:14

Lorenz said:

The topic is inspiring (And therapeutic) I also suffer a form of claustro caused by human density around .

January 21st, 2024 15:19

What my childhood felt like
Lorenz said:

We were only things of thought...

January 20th, 2024 02:08

Panic attacks
Parisab said:

Thanks for sharing your personal poem-panic attacks are false alarms and mean nothing-but ‘when you stay true to yourself’ they will leave and forget you…

January 20th, 2024 00:32

Dear best \"Friend\"
Ella-1427 said:

Really well written as well as really well said. I don\'t wish for anyone to relate to this poem, but for those who do you put these emotions together perfectly :)

January 18th, 2024 08:09

Lorenz said:

Poetry is therapy !

January 17th, 2024 10:56

Cassie58 said:

Where you break you grow stronger. Tell your story. You rose from the dark sea bed into the glory of sunlight. Make sure the sun always shines on you Lil.

January 17th, 2024 06:46

Dear best \"Friend\"
Cassie58 said:

True friends are like gold dust. They stay with you through life. In the good times, in the bad times. Sadly you will encounter imposters on the way. Relatable poem Lil. You look young. Plenty of time yet to make lifelong friends. Hang in there.

January 17th, 2024 03:27

Dear best \"Friend\"
Accidental Poet said:

True, the lines between friends and enemies is a blur at best. But there are some who are true friends. Takes a long time to really know who your friends are. Written really well Lil. 😉👍

January 16th, 2024 19:17

Dear best \"Friend\"
Lorenz said:

With some friends there\'s no point in having enemies !

January 16th, 2024 17:14

Panic Attacks
Tooway said:

Nice explanation, sadly these don\'t get easier with age :)

January 15th, 2024 20:02

Panic Attacks
Cassie58 said:

Crushing to experience. Your posted image is powerful. Nothing remotely pleasant about finding yourself having to deal with one of these.

January 15th, 2024 13:03

Panic Attacks
2781 said:

Be anxious for nothing...

January 15th, 2024 02:40

Panic Attacks
jarcher54 said:

Is it your drawing?

January 15th, 2024 01:26

Panic Attacks
jarcher54 said:

A powerful description... I hope you can find some respite!

January 15th, 2024 01:22

Dev Parth said:

nice one
Keep trying

January 9th, 2024 08:05

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