Comments received on poems by BRIAN & ANGELA

FUSION ON FLOWER ~ An Acrostic Sonnet
FredPeyer said:

Nice acrostic, Brian, but you forgot me, the weed!

November 10th, 2017 05:21

FUSION ON FLOWER ~ An Acrostic Sonnet
orchidee said:

Lovely write Brian. Never knew there was so many flowers. I must get out more and see them. But doh, it\'s not the season for flowers just now!

November 10th, 2017 03:00

FUSION ON FLOWER ~ An Acrostic Sonnet
Goldfinch60 said:

Good acrostic Brian.

November 10th, 2017 02:52

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet

Yes indeed LG ~ It is our innocence that has been eroded not (Thanks GOD) our morality ! Yours BRIAN

November 9th, 2017 18:41

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
lasergraph said:

Sad we have to ask. Our level of comfort has been encroached. We are now afraid of being misunderstood about our intent in such an activity that was once just innocent.

November 9th, 2017 17:02

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet

Thanks FRED ~ We live and learn ~ Love the conundrum about the two Male Russians kissing. In our Church and Family the Men do hug each other but the kisses are reserved for Men on Ladies and Ladies on Ladies. I had noticed in Russia and some East European Countries that the Men do kiss Men on each cheek ~ now I know the meaning ! Please add a Poem to my latest FUSION on FLOWERS ~ Thanks BRIAN

November 9th, 2017 15:29

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
FredPeyer said:

Brian, I like the subject you brought up here. There are times and places when hugging is appropriate, even wanted or necessary, and then there are times and places where it is not appropriate.
On a lighter side, do you know why Russian men hug and kiss both cheeks? First kiss: What did you bring me?, second kiss: Where did you hide it?

November 9th, 2017 14:34

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
Tony36 said:

Great write

November 9th, 2017 13:15

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
orchidee said:

Know what you mean Brian. Even in church not everyone likes hugs. it\'s easy if someone hugs us first. We know they won\'t mind a hug in return - or at the same time. But some usually stiff and starchy folk won\'t care for it. Or there may be some psychological bad experience in the past.
Here ends amateur psychology lecture on \'hugs or not to hug\'!
It\'s most embarrassing to us and others though, if we attempt to hug, and someone doesn\'t want it. No need to be a porcupine!

November 9th, 2017 11:00

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
Fay Slimm. said:

p.s. I just love that beautiful example in the picture you chose - look at their smiles and see how much they are all getting from authentic hugs.

November 9th, 2017 10:47

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
Fay Slimm. said:

Genuine hugs mean the world to those needing them - good read Brian and one which we all need to keep close in mind.

November 9th, 2017 10:43

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
Laura🌻 said:

Caro Amico Brian,
Hugs and kisses are fine...
depending on the giver!
In our Italian family, we
hug and kiss freely...
family, friends, and
especially our children...
even when we’re angry
with one another!
Saluti, abbracci e

November 9th, 2017 10:36

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
Louis Gibbs said:

Hugging, as satisfying as it can be, is an invasion of another\'s space after all, and should not be imposed on anyone not comfortable with it or receptive to it. You can tell, if watching for the signs prior to the hug.
Good write on an important subject, Brian! Thanks for introducing it for consideration.

November 9th, 2017 10:13

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
myself and me said:

This is an ill and crazy society. No matter what you do or you do not do, you always get blamed. Why? No answer for it.
Your poem got a good point.

November 9th, 2017 08:44

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
Christina8 said:

I think grown adults in a church giving a hug is okay. I\'d say more than okay. But what they are accusing people of is much worse. And we all know the allegations. But I still am sending my spiritual hug to you this morning-Hug! Christina

November 9th, 2017 07:21

TO HUG ~OR~ NOT TO HUG ? A 4 6 4 Sonnet
Michael Edwards said:

Even language where there is no consistency in what is now deemed right or wrong - I\'m not condoning what went on in the past but it was never questioned at the time and we have moved on. To castigate someone to the extent that they commit suicide for acting in the past in a way that is not now deemed acceptable - well shouldn\'t we be concentrating more on the present... ? I am also a bit tactile and the other week when a group of us got together everyone was giving everyone big hugs but I noticed a young girl who seemed quite uncomfortable with it. I know not the answer.

November 9th, 2017 06:48

Simone said:

I love that with most poems you explain how they are written. I have been trying to learn new ways to write. Thank you very good read. Friend are few and between.

November 8th, 2017 21:18

Christina8 said:

Sorry for my late reply-anyway I find them interesting. Some are a little out of whack but who I am to judge your poll? Very intriguing and unique. Thanks for sharing. SIsterly hugs-Christina

November 8th, 2017 18:05

poetsinspire said:

So good.

November 8th, 2017 17:48


Thanks STEVE it\'s the age we live in ~ almost a Post-Christian age. Commandments 5 to 10 are related to the Home & Community and 6 to 10 would be common to all Religions and be Laws in most Democratic Countries ! Thanks for your reasoned reply ~ Yours BRIAN

November 8th, 2017 11:55

orchidee said:

I think it\'s only to be expected in a not necessarily asking only church people survey, that the Community and Home commands have appeared first, and the Spiritual ones at the end. Looks pretty accurate to say that, or generally speaking in this list.

November 8th, 2017 10:15

Michael Edwards said:

After the first three they are not in the order I would place them but some don\'t apply to me anyway - nevertheless a good set of ground rules and good write.

November 8th, 2017 03:07

GROWING OLDER ~ A Reverse & Revamp Poem
Laura🌻 said:

Caro Amico Brian,
Growing older is not easy...
just ask my mom! It’s fine
if there are no aches or pains!
All we pray and wish for is
a good quality of life!
Liked the structure!
Very interesting!
Saluti e abbracci...

November 7th, 2017 23:40

Laura🌻 said:

Caro Amico Brian,
enjoyed the massage!
Soothing and relaxing!
Lemon blend with lemon
grass and orange~lavender
are my favorites! Thank you
for the experience...
mentally anyway!!
Saluti e abbracci...

November 7th, 2017 23:16

perrypoemlover said:

This poem is amazing and so inspiring! Thank you for publishing

November 7th, 2017 18:08

FredPeyer said:

Thanks for the recipes! Gotta use them on my wife, and she will be forever grateful!

November 7th, 2017 12:30

myself and me said:

Your poem is better than the aromatherapy itself, full of fragrance.

November 7th, 2017 12:27

orchidee said:

You having fun there?! I best not know details, or I shall swoon! heehee.

November 7th, 2017 12:09

Michael Edwards said:

Waft me Waft me Where do I lie? Massages the senses.

November 7th, 2017 08:28

Christina8 said:

Oh I love some of these combinations! Great job on this aromatherapy write! Sisterly hugs-Christina

November 7th, 2017 08:16

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