Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Doggerel Dave said:

Dedicated to birds in cages also? A silly question: (\'all creatures\').
I really had not given the situation of trained raptors much consideration before you made your argument...many thanks Fay.

June 30th, 2021 08:56

Neville said:

... a great poem crafted with such insight and sensitivity ...

.. top marks from me Fay and for so many reasons ..

.. I used to fly hawks and had a tawny from a owlet .. but never again ...

.. there really is nowt like true freedom ..................... x

June 30th, 2021 08:36

_naturally_curious_ said:

I love the depth to this poem.

June 30th, 2021 08:26

Jerry Reynolds said:

Beautiful write, Fay.
Fire in the morning sailors warning.

June 29th, 2021 15:27

Goldfinch60 said:

Those patterns can bring such delight and warnings to us Fay.


June 29th, 2021 15:10

dusk arising said:

Blimey, I\'m afraid to look in the fridge after reading that! Each time I hear a weather forecast I shall now imagine the metreologist forking through meringue for truths (TBH they might just as well be for all their inaccuracies).
Super picture - though it reminded me of a still they showed me from my last endoscopy.

OK so i\'ve had my fun. I returned to the picture and taking each verse in turn saw your words repeated in the image before me. Quite amazing comparisons and quite quite accurate too.
How creative a mind you possess.

June 29th, 2021 13:30

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

June 29th, 2021 09:00

Neville said:

I am well and truly ... both warmed and warned ..enjoyed to the bloomin hilt dear Fay ............ x

June 29th, 2021 07:26

L. B. Mek said:

I literally spent some five minutes
just dreamily gazing at that breath-taking picture
if you took that yourself, then I\'m genuinely jealous!
thanks for sharing, dear Fay

June 29th, 2021 04:54

Goldfinch60 said:

So much emotion in your words Fay, saying goodbye can be so hard to do.


June 29th, 2021 00:03

L. B. Mek said:

what a brilliantly philosophical interpretation
of the wisdom, imbedded
in each nuanced insight, we glean
of Nature\'s majestic brilliance, dear Fay..
thanks for sharing

June 28th, 2021 06:18

Neville said:

Don\'t ya just hate goodbyes ... I think the term its self is often something of a misnomer ......... perfectly penned in such style as only our dear Lady Fay can pen em .. :)

.... Neville ............ x

June 28th, 2021 04:06

Goldfinch60 said:

With words like these Fay your life will become so enriched.


June 28th, 2021 00:26

Jerry Reynolds said:

A fine write, Fay.
Especially for one who\'s view is all is one thing happening.

June 27th, 2021 16:46

dusk arising said:

I have pondered these things and more. All are seen from our sentient viewpoint but there is surely so much more going on. Communication is closed to us. The nearest we get is with our lovely companion the dog.

Lets be honest though, we barely communicate with each other. War and famine etc.

Your post encourages the mind to go where it may never have considered to trespass before. There fore encouraging one\'s mind to expand.... wholesome.

June 27th, 2021 14:50

SureshG said:

A different motif from you, much easier to absorb, and yes, I wonder, if others ponder, as we humans do?
Light hearted but very enjoyable

June 27th, 2021 11:00

Doggerel Dave said:

Ponderings, on the evidence of what you present here have certainly enriched your life, but also ours..An imagination energising piece, Fay

June 27th, 2021 07:51

Saxon Crow said:

Lovely poem Fay. I believe its all alive and everutjing has its own mind

June 27th, 2021 07:37

Losing You
Saxon Crow said:

What a beautiful beautiful poem Fay. I feel myself welling up.

June 26th, 2021 00:42

Losing You
Goldfinch60 said:

Very emotive words Fay, I can totally understand your feelings.


June 26th, 2021 00:22

Losing You
Neville said:

there are, at least in my mind, many kinds of love ... here you have more than adequately poemed several of them and superbly ...

again though, so many of my learned reviewing predecessors have hit the mark with their own take on your very fine offering .... x

June 25th, 2021 16:16

Losing You
SureshG said:

I so truly believe in your words

June 25th, 2021 12:47

Losing You
Jerry Reynolds said:

Beautiful, Fay.
Dusk saw a shrub in a pot; I saw a lamp through some tears.

June 25th, 2021 09:39

Losing You
PrEm Ji said:

Love is that \'something\' which gives acceleration to life, even after losing someone....

June 25th, 2021 07:23

Losing You
Doggerel Dave said:

To me this is less about the kind of mystical thing that gets called love far too often, but about a deep and abiding care and respect which transcends anything which might be fleeting and can only be ended by external circumstance.
I confess to be totally caught by your well rounded account, Fay.

June 25th, 2021 06:49

Losing You
Accidental Poet said:

A very beautiful write Fay. ; )

June 25th, 2021 04:59

L. B. Mek said:

decades later and my training videos, loom back
larger than life
see, people wrongly assume when the fire is extinguished
so, the healing begins - when rather
its the opposite that occurs
for only, when that catastrophic threat of burning alive
is allowed to simmer, to the back of people\'s mind
do they then: begin
to feel and experience, the sheer horror
of what they\'ve just witnessed, endured
and mind-shatteringly: survived;
by the Fated whimsy
of the same Luck, that abandoned - all those
now, forevermore destined to be categorised
as mere casualties
to Mother Nature\'s insatiable flames: of Wrath...!

June 25th, 2021 04:32

Losing You
dusk arising said:

A mature love beautifully described and such a sad loss.

And all so well compacted into a uniform shape resembling a small shrub in a pot.

Today we see you very much alive and aware of the beauty surrounding us. Death has not taken you from this wonderful world.

June 25th, 2021 02:28

Goldfinch60 said:

Fine words Fay, nature will always win.


June 25th, 2021 00:59

Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks Fay. A richly worded piece.
I live in the middle of a heavily built up and populated city, on high ground. Flood, and fire (the subject here) are due to become even more endemic than they are already in Australia.
My bush-fire experience in the middle of last season\'s flames was extremely limited as the smoke pall outside my front door made even that step a health hazard.
Devastation and Government response unspeakable... I understand Hawaii was a nice safe spot....

June 24th, 2021 20:18

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