Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Accidental Poet said:

A Summer classic Fay. Love it. ; )

May 29th, 2021 11:04

Jerry Reynolds said:

Very sexy, Fay. Love it.

May 29th, 2021 09:27

orchidee said:

Any \'hot\' poems, and I faint - so I say! lol. It\'s me sheltered life. heehee.

May 29th, 2021 08:40

Doggerel Dave said:

I think you have had an interesting life, Fay Slimm - when and where can I purchase your \'reveal all\' autobiography?????

May 29th, 2021 07:32

dusk arising said:

Those of us living in the sometimes fertile lands outside a marriage come to know only too well the cyclical seasons of a love match. Include too the hopeful scattered seeds which never break soil. Hopeful, for when they do such a glorious blossoming enriches our lives with it\'s \'love summer\'.
The years bring patience and a knowing accepting peace. Memories of many summers.

The places my mind will travel to when reading your poetry is quite remarkable. A landscape of visions opens before me.

May 29th, 2021 03:46

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful words Fay, it was as though I was that fish.


May 29th, 2021 01:53

Love\'s Glow
SureshG said:

Love certainly warms the cockles of ones heart, as do your words the literary world.

May 28th, 2021 23:34

Trenz Pruca said:

Thank you. A great poem. Strong i,ages.

May 28th, 2021 22:36

Dove said:

Beautifully done, What came first the photo or the poem? Such a peaceful and graceful poem, lovely imagery too

May 28th, 2021 17:58

Jerry Reynolds said:

Great coffee read, Fay.

May 28th, 2021 08:45

Neville said:

this one, is either one, or five of the very best .. whatever the case may be clearly depends on the way one looks at it or them ... there is no doubt whatsoever though, the interface is seamless ...........

... a very special kind of poetry my friend ......................................... N x

May 28th, 2021 07:02

L. B. Mek said:

I remember this, (hope I\'m not mistaken)
one of your very best, dear Fay
a beautiful marriage
of imagery and artistry!

May 28th, 2021 05:15

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.

May 28th, 2021 04:53

dusk arising said:

A vision came as I read your words today. Nothing profound but a vision of Fay sat on the bank of the brook with her toes in the cool water so as to be closer to her subject. Calmly waiting for a fishy soul to enquire.
There is in your writing a sense of calm as time expires and the patient watching eye captures to become the knowing observer.

May 28th, 2021 04:34

Love\'s Glow
Neville said:

... to coin a phrase ...Love is all ya need ...
... warm glows & poetry apart ... this is something else

Neville ........................ x

May 28th, 2021 02:25

Love\'s Glow
Goldfinch60 said:

Love is so very strong in our lives Fay and your words have shown this strength.


May 28th, 2021 00:06

Love\'s Glow
dusk arising said:

Love comes to us like the promised treasure at the end of that rainbow of desire we know with the colours of self protection harbouring hope. A gift so precious that it is truly priceless.
Your words today reminded me of the warm \'twoness\' of real love.

May 27th, 2021 12:22

Love\'s Glow
AuburnScribbler said:

These two stanzas are true poetic medicine Fay, though beautifully delicate, they are mightily constructed.

Bravo, and I hope that all is well.

May 27th, 2021 07:02

Love\'s Glow
L. B. Mek said:

well I, do certainly feel
the magnetic capability you imbue within each write
empowering while nourishing our tapped-out, spirituality
a pathway to that lost language, devoid of words
where Nature guides us
through the wise words of her Poetess queens...
as ever I humbly thank you, dear Fay

May 27th, 2021 05:23

So Much
L. B. Mek said:

\'I watch
a sunflower slowly lifting
its stiff grass coloured, under-vest
to expose more yellow petals
to a small breeze\'..
what an immersive experience, it ease
to read your nature themed poetry, dear Fay
an absolute treasure!!!
thank you

May 27th, 2021 03:51

So Much
Goldfinch60 said:

Such wonderful words Fay showing the absolute glory of nature\'s palette before us in all its wonder.


May 27th, 2021 00:33

So Much
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good poem, Fay. Spring is a time of renewed hope.

May 26th, 2021 12:57

So Much
MendedFences27 said:

Difficult to convey the wonderment we feel when face to face with Nature\'s beauty. Language does not possess apt wording for such a thrill.
Your poem is a top notch presentation of flowering magnificence.
It uplifts the readers spirit while describing a mornings vision. Loved it. - Phil A.

May 26th, 2021 12:45

So Much
Doggerel Dave said:

I do admire Fay, no absorb at least, some of the meditative awareness you describe in your responses to nature, its rhythm and change even if I don’t know how to frame my reaction.
Here, I really felt this one – I’m unable to say any more……enuf?

May 26th, 2021 04:39

So Much
orchidee said:

We could do with more of them golden mornings. Spring is rushing by! Help!

May 26th, 2021 04:15

So Much
Neville said:

this humble pilgrim bows his head in awe my lady .. sipping from the nectared pool of words you leave behind this mane .. I feel a feeling stirred ...

tis spring after all .. and I am but a naughtyculturist .............. delicious too :)

Neville ............... x

May 26th, 2021 03:31

So Much
dusk arising said:

Whilst sat yearning for my body to awaken to springtime 2021 you lit my mind, taking me on a wonderful Fay poetic journey around the magic of plantlife in your garden. Easily I pictured each line and savoured the moments.
Refreshed now. I can feel spring well and truly sprung and i must away to the green of our wonderful land today to give praise.

Such an uplifting read Fay.

May 26th, 2021 03:08

Jerry Reynolds said:

Sunsets are a place of great wonder. Enjoyed this read, Fay.

May 25th, 2021 14:46

Neville said:

what a sight for sore eyes you have painted for us today dear Fay ...

May 25th, 2021 07:09

L. B. Mek said:

what a tongue-talising write you\'ve conjured, dear Fay
brilliant! even better, when read out loud
thanks for sharing

May 25th, 2021 04:29

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