Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Michael Edwards said:

Not been on MPS much lately and haven\'t seen many from you - this is a great return read Fay.

April 9th, 2021 14:22

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

April 9th, 2021 06:31

Doggerel Dave said:

Sometimes (quite often) your poetry is pretty dense, Fay. And this is one such example. I read it, i think, three times (if you can force me to read something three times, then you have a teensy bit of a worrying power).
Anyway... I\'m awake now - awake enough to thank you..

April 9th, 2021 06:25

L. B. Mek said:

a timely request, and a write worth reposting time n again
a year or so since I read it first, but I recognised it immediately: fondly
that choice wording of \'quiescence\' jumps-out once again, dear Fay
thanks for sharing

April 9th, 2021 05:53

April Calling
Michael Edwards said:

And the sun is shining and all\'s well with the world - well certainlyin my bit of it. Fine write as always Fay.

April 5th, 2021 06:08

April Calling
Michael Edwards said:

And the sun is shining and all\'s well with the world - well certainlyin my bit of it. Fine write as always Fay.

April 5th, 2021 06:08

April Calling
L. B. Mek said:

\'Such winging in skies
when feathers compete to feed
tiny beaks with needed live slivers
and widest mouths filled,\'..
amount of corvids I have seen due to covid \'forcibly\' gifting me time, to take-in my natural surroundings, especially black-billed magpies\' with decadent blue and green tinted - shimmering, black wings
as a wondrous contrast to their pristine white bodies, has been such an unexpected positive this past few weeks, in my all grey London: of overt Pigeon - abundance, lol..
another great read dear Fay,
\'come April, we beseech thee: bless us
with your rejuvenating Spring\'

April 5th, 2021 05:15

April Calling
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful words Fay showing Spring at its finest.


April 5th, 2021 00:17

April Calling
orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.

April 4th, 2021 08:54

April Calling
SureshG said:

Such a calling that invokes words strewn together to warm the cockles of mere mortals of the literary world like us - is what your prose has so done.

April 4th, 2021 05:36

Neville said:

you just penned one helluva kaleidoscope here my friend ....... beautiful and then some .......... x

April 3rd, 2021 16:38

Things Nearest
SureshG said:

This is the third one on nature that I am reading going backwards in time, each one , that you have so beautifully crafted.

April 2nd, 2021 17:11

The Minute
SureshG said:

Little is a conceptual word, if viewed from “Gulliver’s Travels”, for there is always something smaller than the smallest, but your poetic intellect has surely made even the minute sound grandiose.

April 2nd, 2021 17:07

SureshG said:

It’s like reading colors walk off the pallet, spreading their awesome vibrancy, that you have so masterfully done.

April 2nd, 2021 16:05

Goldfinch60 said:

The colour of life so wonderfully put into words Fay.


April 2nd, 2021 00:40

Jerry Reynolds said:

Wow, Fay, that\'s just beautiful.

April 1st, 2021 17:14

Brimelow said:

Ambitious poem! Delightful wordplay

April 1st, 2021 13:04

L. B. Mek said:

\'Releasing time to observe alchemy\'s live
unfurling in sky-scape or bubbles
of rain creates surprises of shade-shape
to humanity\'s black-and-white life.\'
beautifully painted dear Fay!
whether it be dawn, sunset, or that rare wonder of rainbow
you captured the cadence of our heart\'s strings
while witnessing, this rare gleaned gifts
to nature\'s rays of kaleidoscopic magnificence..
(reading you nature poetry makes me
want to start planning a nomadic holiday, lol)

April 1st, 2021 06:44

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.

April 1st, 2021 04:30

The Minute
dusk arising said:

Exquisite! I haven\'t been coming into mps much lately but so pleased i did this morning to catch this beauty.
Showing once again how in touch you are with nature all around.
The last verse/stanza on its own lifts me.

March 31st, 2021 04:08

The Minute
Goldfinch60 said:

It is the small things that are there in our lives that need to be seen with open eyes, minds and hearts.


March 31st, 2021 01:20

The Minute
L. B. Mek said:

\'Grass blades creak, restless plants
Blooms rustle and squeak as petals
Soil heaves with stir when rootlets
Busyness mutters in all miniscule
as ever dear Fay, I\'m left mesmerised by your choice wording, wonderful imagery!

March 30th, 2021 06:15

The Minute
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
Now it\'s very \'sad\'. A person got upset because someone kept saying \'tiny little\' in the same sentence, meaning the same thing.
Haven\'t these people got anything better to do? They should \'get a life\', certainly \'get out more\'! lol.

March 30th, 2021 06:05

The Minute
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lovely words , Fay 🙂 beautiful read

March 30th, 2021 05:05

Things Nearest
Goldfinch60 said:

Always beautiful flowers to see Fay.


March 26th, 2021 01:35

Things Nearest
L. B. Mek said:

others like me, would probably just write \'smell those flowers and partake in nature\'s gifted rivers\',
while you dear Fay, turn mere glanced inspiration into soothing words of poetry\'s: Spring

March 25th, 2021 06:32

Things Nearest
Doggerel Dave said:

Thank you for the mention of the dandelion, Fay. Such memories of my heroic efforts as a kid to ensure their further propagation….Your concluding two lines were totally justified, as I discovered on a consult with Prof Google. I Had not realized how edible they were.

March 25th, 2021 05:55

L. B. Mek said:

here dear Fay, you\'ve penned synchronised testimony, generation\'s removed
articulating with clarity
just why this heritage we champion: that of poetry
as our chosen source to sought wisdom or solace
is a legacy that unfailingly stands the test of time and humanity\'s penchant for self-sabotage

March 25th, 2021 05:52

Things Nearest
orchidee said:

Great write Fay.

March 25th, 2021 05:33

Things Nearest
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

We need to take notice . Great last line and so true

March 25th, 2021 04:24

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