Comments received on poems by Tristan Robert Lange

Depth of Height
sorenbarrett said:

A wonderful Haiku for the New Year. Very nicely constructed

December 29th, 2024 08:09

The Write Fright
Dan Williams said:

Ah yes, the logjam. Sometimes I just have to let it alone for a while, no one is really pressuring me for output except me. Nice.

December 28th, 2024 19:58

A Sonnet on Scroogery
arqios said:

Now thatโ€™s the way! Old Uncle McScrooge was an enigma but also a standing lesson for some reason now summed up in this engaging sonnet. Liked and Faved!

December 28th, 2024 19:10

A Sonnet on Scroogery
Teddy.15 said:

I have only ever been able to write one Italian sonnet and it took 3 years to write, hats off to you dear Tristan. ๐ŸŒน I do bow to thee ๐ŸŒน

December 28th, 2024 13:50

A Sonnet on Scroogery
Thad Wilk said:

A very captivating
and evocative
Italian Sonnet I must say!!๐Ÿ’ฏ
The end couplet
blew me away! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
Wonderfully woven my friend!
Best regards โœŒ๏ธ Thad

December 28th, 2024 13:21

A Sonnet on Scroogery
sorenbarrett said:

Now I have to say that I have never heard a sonnet about the grinch like scrooge. A most fun read and well written too.

December 28th, 2024 12:31

A Sonnet on Scroogery
Poetic Licence said:

Money to be made out of anything, a very entertaining read

December 28th, 2024 12:27

A Sonnet on Scroogery
Tony36 said:

Excellent write Tristan

December 28th, 2024 11:59

A Sonnet on Scroogery
orchidee said:

Good write T.

December 28th, 2024 10:31

A Sonnet on Scroogery
Neville said:

You can beat an egg but you just can\'t beat Cheeky Missy for sonnets now can ya .. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘

December 28th, 2024 10:24

The Write Fright
Neville said:

Word blindness in its purest & most feared form .. now personified you canny so and so .. Neville ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘

December 28th, 2024 02:09

The Write Fright
Thad Wilk said:

A wonderful write
on what you can\'t โœ๏ธ write!๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿคฉ
Thank you for sharing,
to read a delight!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
Best regards,
your muse will
return don\'t
give up the fight!! ๐Ÿ’ช

December 27th, 2024 23:20

The Write Fright
Cheeky Missy said:

Writer\'s Block is only a monster IF you let it exist. If fantasy plays your harp, she will vaporize. But reality is never not here. The moment that thought begins creeping up on you, just take a look around you and begin to describe what you find. Utilize metaphors and similes and you\'ve extra points.
That aside, how characteristically superb, beautifully rendered with excellent imagery and a fitly haunting poignancy. Thank you for sharing.

December 27th, 2024 21:56

The Write Fright
arqios said:

Just what youโ€™re doing now, write about not being able to write. Get off the writing chair, desensitiseโ€ฆ. go out, do something you havenโ€™t done in a while, something that makes you forget and be lost in your moment. Enjoy. But take a on and pad with you or your โ€˜word processing deviceโ€™, keep them within reach but out of sight (cargo pant pockets, rucksack, perhaps) . Youโ€™re not writing atm, but living out poetry. But that just imo, works a treat to truly let your hair down without any plan or motive, ngl. But Iโ€™m sure you already knew that. And this poem is proof that youโ€™ve still got some juice in the tank.

December 27th, 2024 18:07

The Write Fright
Thomas W Case said:

Exactly. Fantastic.

December 27th, 2024 14:25

The Write Fright
sorenbarrett said:

It seems that everyone goes through this. I have been there and you have to let go to find something. Great write

December 27th, 2024 12:00

The Write Fright
orchidee said:

Good write T.

December 27th, 2024 11:37

The Write Fright
Teddy.15 said:

I always find when the inspiration isn\'t there it\'s just a pause and we must all take advantage of that peace, it will certainly be turned back on again in the switch of a light. So I\'m sorry I\'m not a believer in writers block, it should be called writers holiday lol ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ’œ

December 27th, 2024 10:49

The Write Fright
Poetic Licence said:

A poem that contradicts itself in a fun way, not knowing what to write, so wrote about not knowing what to write hence knew what to write. A very enjoyable read

December 27th, 2024 10:34

The Write Fright
Tony36 said:

Excellent write Tristan

December 27th, 2024 10:14

This Christmas Night
Thad Wilk said:

A very touching and
poignant poem ๐Ÿ˜ข
articulately penned!! ๐ŸŒŸ
Love the repeated lines!๐Ÿ˜
A captivating form
you have created,
much enjoyed my friend!๐Ÿ‘
Best regards โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ Thad

December 26th, 2024 22:22

This Christmas Night
arqios said:

Oh, awesome to get into: cascading revelations! Quite a technical triumph here married to substance and significance of content! Liked and Faved! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

December 26th, 2024 19:59

This Christmas Night
Cheeky Missy said:

Why are you absent from the merriment and festivities, dear, beloved poet? Imagery so exquisite I nearly swoon, indulging vicariously until I nearly hug myself, and very beautifully rendered with a heartbreaking poignancy whose import begs intrigue come capering, thank you for sharing.

December 26th, 2024 17:27

This Christmas Night
Cassie58 said:

A beautiful lyrical write. So emotionally heartbreaking, but so clever in its composition. How do you do it Tristan? You are a master of words. Wishing you all the very best.

December 26th, 2024 14:23

This Christmas Night
Teddy.15 said:

I see all the talents of a truly great songwriter, when something has flames our heart yet fizzled out can make us feel grief, but one can find that true passion once more here I feel a longing to be able to share ones true talent and this is about writing music. ๐ŸŒน

December 26th, 2024 12:57

This Christmas Night
Poetic Licence said:

A contrast of emotions searching for an answer, then coming to an understanding, really enjoyed the read. Thank you for explanation, more confused now!!!.

December 26th, 2024 12:10

This Christmas Night
orchidee said:

I of course include all this in my poetic compositions and me pentameter thingys! ๐Ÿ˜ A lot of crackling, etc, going on here.
It\'s more complicated than my \'formats\' Or could be, e.g. syllables per line - summat like that anyway!
I used to say \'metre\' but that\'s more technical with some stressed syllables, which I get too stressed working them out. Doh! lol.

December 26th, 2024 11:36

This Christmas Night
sorenbarrett said:

This could well be a song although sad and mournful it calls out with loss and yet memories of family and warmth. Beautiful in its darkness

December 26th, 2024 10:14

It\'s Christmas (or A Christmas Haiku)
Mutley Ravishes said:

That woodpecker looks ready to go!

December 26th, 2024 05:30

aDarkerMind said:

don\'t know how I missed this one Tristan, but found it eventually.

a dark write at it\'s very best.

December 26th, 2024 04:29

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