Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Taken Into Peace.
woundedheart said:

Glad to hear not only that it was a success but also how much you enjoyed it. Whiskey and Mozart better than Brahms and Liszt 😂

December 12th, 2021 17:31

Taken Into Peace.
Garth Rakumakoe said:

Through your words, I was there with you Andy, and boy, what a fine day it was! You transported me sir.

December 12th, 2021 12:39

The Final Rehearsal.
Garth Rakumakoe said:

A piece of eloquent splendor. Speaks directly to the heart.

December 12th, 2021 12:09

Taken Into Peace.
dusk arising said:

All the hard work paid off, the congratulations come and the friendly audience slowly fade into the night leaving you pleased but tired with work still to do. Eventually the worth and comfort sit well as you relax and take stock. Your poem covers all this so well and what a pleasure it is to read. Merry christmas Mr Goldfinch, always giving of yourself and your talents.

December 12th, 2021 10:12

The Final Rehearsal.
Lorna said:

I read this after the actual performance poem so it\'s a prequel for me Andy! You sound so happy - that\'s great!

December 12th, 2021 06:31

Taken Into Peace.
Lorna said:

Oh Andy it\'s so nice to know you have such wonder in your life so you can still find happiness! This made me smile.

December 12th, 2021 05:36

Taken Into Peace.
Rozina said:

Congratulations! And for the restful poem you shared.

December 12th, 2021 04:37

Taken Into Peace.
spilleronsheet said:

Happy to hear that all was well
Mozart is truly epic
It’s soothing for me to hear the sonatas

December 12th, 2021 03:03

Taken Into Peace.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.
You could have ended the day with half an hour of my singing on a recording. But it would have given you nightmares! lol.

December 12th, 2021 02:57

Taken Into Peace.
Vamsi Sudha said:

Nice Write Gold !!

December 12th, 2021 02:53

The Final Rehearsal.
SureshG said:

A song of hope, that’s what we need now, that’s what the season belongs to, HOPE.
Thanks for sharing

December 11th, 2021 23:17

The Final Rehearsal.
spilleronsheet said:

That’s wonderful dear Andy
How wonderful would it be to be audience of you…if a recording is done, share it to

December 11th, 2021 13:22

The Final Rehearsal.
woundedheart said:

Send you all my best hope the concert goes with a bang. Nothing more beautiful than up raised voices in harmony the closest we ever come to God is in our singing and our dancing as the good book says. 🎤

December 11th, 2021 05:49

The Final Rehearsal.
Saxon Crow said:

On Monday my am dram group are performing Christmas Carol for the first time. Lots of excitement going on!

December 11th, 2021 04:50

The Final Rehearsal.
dusk arising said:

Will allthe choir be wearing face masks? Muffled voices were heard in the corner.... has it begun?

Just be very careful my friend, I don\'t want to rread that youve gone down with omicron

December 11th, 2021 03:07

The Final Rehearsal.
orchidee said:

All will be super, OK, wonderful, as long as I don\'t turn up to join ya. If I do, you\'ll have to sing loud to drown me out! lol.

December 11th, 2021 02:55

Camel Drive or Putt?
Coyote said:

LMFAO! Brilliant🤣

December 10th, 2021 18:00

Camel Drive or Putt?
dusk arising said:

Cor blimey I would love to see a film of that.... my minds eye sees the closing piece of the Benny Hill show complete with music, the camel being hotly pursued by the Keystone Cops.

Thanks for recounting that ridiculous scene and giving me a huge grin.

December 10th, 2021 13:31

Camel Drive or Putt?
Lorna said:

Love this camel levity Andy! Jay and I once chase a Moose that was heading for the highway and managed to get him to turn in another direction. But a camel No.... I think I read once that they tried to use camels in the US West at one point but for one reason or another that didn\'t work out.

December 10th, 2021 11:13

Camel Drive or Putt?
Paul Bell said:

Animals and children, one must never combine the two. Must admit, I\'m with the camel, bloody screaming kids. Think you\'ve aced this.

December 10th, 2021 08:38

Camel Drive or Putt?
spilleronsheet said:

What a wonderful sight
The images created the comedy in mind
Thanks dear Andy for sharing

December 10th, 2021 08:09

Camel Drive or Putt?
Doggerel Dave said:

Andy, as I\'m not a Facebook devotee (what would be the correct terminology - \'on Facebook \' , \'with Facebook\'?), I can only give you my profound thanks .... a laugh a minute.

December 10th, 2021 06:22

Camel Drive or Putt?
L. B. Mek said:

ha, the randomness of life
such a fun read, (both sections)
thanks for sharing Andy
hope you have a great weekend

December 10th, 2021 05:30

Camel Drive or Putt?
woundedheart said:

Ive seen a birdie an eagle and an albatross, ive even seen a Tiger but a camel thats a new one on me. Sounds like it made for great tv how long before it becomes a movie like Babe 😂. You have a skill at story telling loved the imagery

December 10th, 2021 04:03

Camel Drive or Putt?
Laura🌻 said:


A camel 🐪 on the lam?! Seeing that camel on the run must have been some sight to see!😂
A great posting. Thank you for sharing.

Laura 🌻

December 10th, 2021 03:37

Camel Drive or Putt?
orchidee said:

Oh lol. good write Gold. El Camel? Well, El Condor is in the clip.
Do shut up sometimes Orchi. lol.

December 10th, 2021 03:08

Camel Drive or Putt?
Saxon Crow said:

0nly in America! Good one GF

December 10th, 2021 02:43

Croquet With Nature
Lorna said:

Practicing for the sleigh ride I imagine and you were lucky enough to get a peak!

December 9th, 2021 14:44

Croquet With Nature
woundedheart said:

Croquet with the added bonus of deer performing their silent ballet sounds an idyllic afternoons pleasure. Better than using flamingos and hedgehogs like Alice ☺. Truely enjoyed your imagery and retelling of your day.

December 9th, 2021 14:11

Croquet With Nature
Neville said:

Yeah .. the way it oughta be ............. N

December 9th, 2021 11:55

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