Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Symbols for Words.

July 14th, 2018 04:23

Symbols for Words.

Thanks ANDY the early part of the 20th C was a great era for the development of JAZZ. Love GENE KRUPER ~ He made the skins talk ! Yes it is a shame we have all become ROBOTS communicating electronically and not verbally. The sense of SPEECH & LANGUAGE is one of God\'s greatest gifts to Man and another proof that we are CREATED in God\'s likeness \"Just a fraction lover than the ANGELS\" and NOT MECHANISTICALLY EVOLVED \"Just a fraction higher than the APES\" I thank GOD every day that I am an ANGEL & not an APE ! I have stated elsewhere that I never have had (and never will have) a MOBILE and carrying a LAPTOP or TABLET is like carrying an OXYGEN CYLINDER ~ Thanks for caring & sharing ~ Please check my TIME POEM ~ Thanks ~ Yours BRIAN

July 14th, 2018 04:11

Symbols for Words.
Heartwriter said:

Lol! It\'s true speach is being limited in chaps today. It\'s much easier to symbolize. Great write.

July 14th, 2018 03:40

Symbols for Words.
Kevin Michael Bloor said:

Pertinent poem reflecting the reality of our age. I like the intimate, conversational style. You\'ve highlighted the abuse of technology by some people, who overuse and overrely on it, at a cost. Without modern technology, we (my wife and I) would never have got in touch after so many years, but it is a double-edged sword and you have graphically demonstrated this. Thank you and well done, sir!

July 14th, 2018 03:12

Symbols for Words.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. They could have been e-mailing each other across the table!
I\'m being Cliff Richard: \'Oh, it\'s so funny/ That we don\'t talk any more....\'

July 14th, 2018 01:34

Symbols for Words.
Poetic Dan said:

I think that\'s all it will be in the end like a kids version of Egyptian symbols. I love to chat especially on trains

July 14th, 2018 01:22

Symbols for Words.
Poetic Dan said:


July 14th, 2018 01:20

No Flying Tonight.
Heartwriter said:

Great write. Funny for sure.

July 13th, 2018 15:18

No Flying Tonight.
Michael Edwards said:

Ah gee - thanks for the smile.

July 13th, 2018 04:07

No Flying Tonight.
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Gold. Oh lol, you added no water to it. The fly would be unaffected if it had my scotch!

July 13th, 2018 02:03

That Will Be Me.
Fay Slimm. said:

We need never fear seeing ourselves maturing for our outlook on love grows with experience - - - beauty is in the eye of the beholder so look again and smile at that lovely lived-in face. xx

July 12th, 2018 17:28

That Will Be Me.
LaurašŸŒ» said:


After reading your fine poem, Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that you have not embraced the Dorian Gray syndrome and Iā€™m confident you never will!

I enjoyed listening to that ā€œmodern day yuppy bluesā€!


July 12th, 2018 17:05

That Will Be Me.

It happens to us all ~ even @ 35 I look in the Mirror (well I have never has a BEARD !) each morning and increasingly see my Dad ! So I splash on BRUT EXTRA ! I love FOLK SONGS ~ to my analytical mind ~ they are all funny & silly ~ which is why I love them ! BUT I much prefer Country Music because it always reflects REAL LIFE ! Thanks for the SONG & the POEM both an antidote (in some absurd way) to ENGLAND being CROATED ~ The only compensation is I will still be alive when the YOUNG LIONS graduate in 2022 ~ AMEN. Thanks for sharing ~ please check my FUSION on \"My Fave Hymn\" Brother BRIAN

July 12th, 2018 14:45

That Will Be Me.
Michael Edwards said:

I think we all see visions of ourselves in others - fine bit of observation.

July 12th, 2018 09:34

That Will Be Me.
Heartwriter said:

All too soon it will happen to us all. You are beautiful no matter the number. It doesn\'t matter the season you sit in today. It is just another time of year.

July 12th, 2018 06:12

That Will Be Me.
onepauly said:

try thinking in your mind
that your 20 years old.
it works for me.
ha! ha!

July 12th, 2018 04:38

That Will Be Me.
orchidee said:

Well, Brian\'s going to live to 117 - he wants to! But we is both hundreds of years old. Heehee. You gone grey?!

July 12th, 2018 03:28

That Will Be Me.
dusk arising said:

Was he that awful, the old man? Comfortably accepting the advancing years is wise, what point would there be in fighting?

July 12th, 2018 03:07

Caving Together.

THANKS ANDY ~ for a wonderful tribute (from the Heart) for all those who made a successful rescue ! Especially for the THAI SEAL who selflessly laid down his own life for the Boys and their Coach. The resonance of the Hebrew Slaves Chorus seemed aptly appropriate ~ thanks for caring ~ BRIAN Please spare a Prayer for Garry Southgate & Harry Kane and their very Young but Enthusiastic England Team ~ They are COMING HOME ~ but alas not the CUP ~ Yours BRIAN

July 11th, 2018 16:16

Caving Together.
dusk arising said:

Yes we can. The pulling together to save young lives is truly soul lifting. My inner prayers include a hope that such charity reaches the ears of those who plot terrorist actions and questions their resolve.
Fine writing sir.

July 11th, 2018 14:41

Caving Together.
orchidee said:

We must get plans set in motion for the 1066 gathering soon. (Hastings, October). Of course, it won\'t be as grand as the 950th anniversary which was in 2016. But it will be the 952nd one. Anyone attend them all? They been held every year since!

July 11th, 2018 10:13

Caving Together.
Heartwriter said:

A wonderful write about what can happen when others care about fellow human beings. Thanks!

July 11th, 2018 09:44

Caving Together.
LaurašŸŒ» said:


A wonderful tribute to the 13 rescued and the magnificent specialists who rescued them! When things get tough, the tough get going! Admirable!


July 11th, 2018 07:23

Caving Together.
onepauly said:

something to ponder

July 11th, 2018 03:27

Caving Together.
Michael Edwards said:

If only they worked together more often - great tribute piece Andy.

July 11th, 2018 02:18

Caving Together.
orchidee said:

A fine write and tribute Gold. A pity people may only work together in emergencies. Though there are ongoing good things - charities, research, help for the needy, etc.
What are the plans for 1066 this year?!

July 11th, 2018 01:48

Your Path.

First ANDY ~ let me congratulate you on 500 ~ You should select the best 100 and publish as ANDY\'S ANECDOTES ! love MAX RICTER ~ very haunting and great mood music for meditation ~ better than LSD ! Love the quote and Poem. I always appreciate it when other walk \"WITH ME\" but (like you) I know that I (and only I) can walk my \"OWN ROAD\" ~ AMEN Thanks BRIAN Please check my ROSE GARDEN ~ Thanks B !

July 10th, 2018 11:00

Your Path.
Heartwriter said:

A great write.

July 10th, 2018 10:49

Your Path.
LaurašŸŒ» said:


500 poems...Impressive!
I admire your writing

Yes, we all have our own path to walk!


July 10th, 2018 10:35

Your Path.
dusk arising said:

More wise words from you - the bard. I\'m already limping from several misplaced footfalls along the way. Happily lending a hand to others along the way, though i wonder how they view such an offer when they perceive my limp and stagger.

July 10th, 2018 06:32

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