Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Failing Faith.
Laura🌻 said:


You will see...
Your faith will
get you through!

A friend of mine once told me that God was giving me as much as I could handle and not more than that! I just laughed and didn’t believe a word of it!
This happened during one of my darkest periods! I did make it...and you will too!
You are a survivor! Your faith will keep you strong! Just think...where would Joyce be without you? You are where you are for her! Stay strong! Love to you and Joyce!


July 26th, 2018 07:36

Failing Faith.
Samreen Chowdhury said:

this was heartfelt and was such a good read. thanks for sharing.

July 26th, 2018 05:28

Failing Faith.
Heartwriter said:

Goldie. We are after all only humans. In a body that is impossible to live perfect forever. You nor your wife are being punished. It happens to all of us at some point or fashion. Be strong. Be brave. Mostly remain happy with what you\'ve had and the sweetest of memories. I wish there were a cure. However life doesn\'t end here. It goes on in another dimension. Hold on to hope and just know that she loves you without ever ending! We all need understanding and patience is never easy. Hugs Goldie. I see your pain everyday in my neighbor. She can not even take her husband outside without help. He wanders away. Does not even know her name at times. So sorry.

July 26th, 2018 05:13

Failing Faith.
dusk arising said:

Certainly a test of faith. Or what alternative?

July 26th, 2018 04:22

Failing Faith.
orchidee said:

This is like some Psalms and sacred writings that other people have expressed at times.
It is reasoned and thought out, not a blundering in, though Job\'s wife wanted Job to curse God.
My poem today may seem \'triumphalistic\' to some (long word there!). I\'ve put things like:
\'Full of faith and the Spirit\'.
\'The life of God radiates from him (Stephen)\'.
Yet this is so for you too, I believe. Also for me, in my maybe \'lesser trials\'.

July 26th, 2018 02:12

Who Could Ask For More.
poetboy123 said:

Simple yet so meaningful as always, wonderful poem Gold.

July 25th, 2018 13:02

Who Could Ask For More.
orchidee said:

You asked for more - like Oliver Twist?!

July 25th, 2018 11:03

Who Could Ask For More.
Poetic Dan said:

Brilliant thanks for sharing your wonderful morning and thoughts.

July 25th, 2018 10:42

Who Could Ask For More.
Heartwriter said:

Beautiful sounds I am sure. The ocean is so healing and refreshing!

July 25th, 2018 06:43

Who Could Ask For More.
Laura🌻 said:


A beautiful inspiring morning read!
May the music continue to play to continue forth with another beautiful and productive day!


July 25th, 2018 05:52

Who Could Ask For More.
dusk arising said:

Lovely soothing music. You lucky man, your devices obviously love you. I got the blue screen of death on my laptop last night but managed to resurrect it.

July 25th, 2018 03:43

Who Could Ask For More.
orchidee said:

A fine write an start to the day Gold. A fine day ahead too hopefully!
To be gloomy - those dark mornings drawing in now? Depends what time we get up, I suppose.

July 25th, 2018 01:38

Time After Time.
MrNobody40 said:

\"They say that time is the fire in which we burn\"
When you\'re young it does feel as though time is stalking you. You don\'t really begin appreciating things until you get older. Thanks for the awesome poem.

July 24th, 2018 21:41

Time After Time.

HI ANDY ~ Thanks for showcasing ELLA ~ Best Blues Singer ever ans SUMMERTIME is perfect for her unique voice.
Time is a PARADOX because each of the 7.6 billion people on the Planet ~ get a pristine gift each night / day of 24 precious hours ! To say we\'ve no time is ridiculous ~ we\'ve all got plenty of TIME ~ It\'s how we use it that makes all the difference. I value each hour and uses my time wisely as does Angela ! Life expectancy in the UK is now 88 for Ladies and 85 for Men. Si I\'ve got another 50 Years (time to learn WELSH) and ANGELA nearly another 60 !
Thanks for sharing ~ Yours BRIAN & ANGELA. Love your attitude towards TIME ~ CARPE DIEM ~ HALLELUJAH !

July 24th, 2018 14:03

Time After Time.
Michael Edwards said:

What a great thought provoking write - the older you get the more you appreciate it.

July 24th, 2018 10:57

Time After Time.
dusk arising said:

Great write again and stirring up my thoughts.
We\'re such rational beings, we like to see feel touch smell hear things so we can easily understand them. They\'re tangible. But time as you suggest cant be seen touched smelled etc, ... it\'s here and no sooner than it arrives a piece of it is gone ... that\'s worse than thoughts, at least we get to remember those.
But old buggers like us have learned to capture times treasures before they fade with our failing memory facility. By writing about things happening to us today, we can recall them in the years ahead... works for me, so far, anyway.

July 24th, 2018 09:53

Time After Time.
Heartwriter said:

I hope the rest of your time is as precious as you are. Such a sweet write dear sir!

July 24th, 2018 06:18

Time After Time.
Poetic Dan said:

It sure is precious.
Although time is a strange thing quantum physics is showing us \'proff\' it always exists the past, present and future nothing stops it all last forever.

July 24th, 2018 02:40

Time After Time.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. I still rush sometimes, but I\'m \'getting on a bit\' now too! I don\'t bother so much about being driven, ambitious, etc. Not that I was a dynamo to begin with anyway!
Also the song : \'We have all the time in the world\'. Louis Armstrong?
Meanwhile - I wish I took time in 1066. I rushed, and said to Harold \'Look up, Sire\', and he did. It\'s not a fable! lol.

July 24th, 2018 01:28

Changing Days.
Poetic Dan said:

This is so powerful my friend
Thank you for sharing

July 23rd, 2018 11:02

Changing Days.

Thanks ANDY for showcasing Kathleen again ~ this song requires her pathos. I can understand why it complements the poignancy of your experience. I can EMPATHISE not because I am facing similar but because of LOVE ! When our loved ones suffer we suffer with them because we can\'t suffer for them. Being separated from ANGELA by 11,500 miles (and 11 hours !) is hard but we can phone & Skype. Your POEM encourages me to believe that whatever happens to US in this life our TRUE LOVE will survive ! ANGELA has made her presence felt today by POSTING \"Spanish Haiku\" and a FUSION on Languages ! Thanks for such a POSITIVE POST ~ It lifts us all onto higher ground and gives us all confidence for the Future ~ AMEN ~ Yours BRIAN & ANGELA

July 23rd, 2018 08:33

Changing Days.
Laura🌻 said:

Good morning!
This one has made my cry! The tears are rolling down my cheeks! It is so, so sad to watch your loved one slip farther away each and every day! Good thoughts I send your way! Continue writing and let the music continue to soothe your heartache!


July 23rd, 2018 04:15

Changing Days.
Heartwriter said:

So sorry Goldie! She is so lucky to have such a fine man. I wish there was a cure. Take care!

July 23rd, 2018 03:48

Barge Life.
Laura🌻 said:


The best ride I’ve taken in quite a while... so tranquil and satisfying! Thank you!


July 23rd, 2018 03:43

Changing Days.
Michael Edwards said:

So sad Andy - little I can say but a fine heart tugging write nonetheless

July 23rd, 2018 02:15

Changing Days.
orchidee said:

We can\'t answer some (or many?) \'Why\'s\', can we? Easy enough to give a pat answer, especially if we\'re not involved ourselves.
Thinking of you both. :)

July 23rd, 2018 01:53

Changing Days.
dusk arising said:

Hold onto your sanity fine sir! Your writing is a window of your soul and i feel for you.
Advice eludes me today, saddened as i am to read your piece.

July 23rd, 2018 01:46

Barge Life.
orchidee said:

Sorry about those Skodas! Well, I\'m in me 3-wheeler. You know, the ones Mr Bean hates!

July 22nd, 2018 10:53

Barge Life.
Heartwriter said:

A great write. I enjoyed it alot. There\'s nothing as peaceful as a boat ride.

July 22nd, 2018 04:47

Barge Life.

Thanks ANDY ~ Love the SWINGLES ~ Unique sound ! Love the POEM have spent many happy hours messing about on canals ! Never owned a BOAT but have crewed (locks & galley) and hired. Yours BRIAN

July 22nd, 2018 02:52

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