Comments received on poems by FredPeyer

Goldfinch60 said:

We all have expectations that are sometimes dashed but what we must do is pick ourselves up and start again. Good write.

August 18th, 2017 01:06

Michael Edwards said:

Came to an abrupt halt on this one wondering where the \'u\' in mould had gone until it dawned on me this is the American spelling - I tell you I\'m not with it this morning. Anyway once over that I must say this so good - I often by-pass poems about emotions in I call the \'Woe is Me\' genre but no chance of that here.

August 18th, 2017 00:58

myself and me said:

Hei, you describe the symptom better than the doctors, the doctors can\'t beat you on writing poems.

Mine is not constant, only bother me occasionally.

August 17th, 2017 21:00

poetboy123 said:

I hadn\'t heard of it until now, but this poem expressed incredibly about your acceptance!

August 17th, 2017 20:49

malubotelho said:

Ihhh! I can join the club. I had it bad but now is a little better. It gets better if I exercise my neck and jogging helps too. You described it so well. Thanks for sharing.

August 17th, 2017 11:06

Louis Gibbs said:

A good poem, Fred, describing a cruel affliction. My sympathy! My hearing affliction is quite different ... called \'sensory overload\', a symptom of Asperger\'s syndrome. Loud or sharp noises cause pain. We just learn to live with them, as you have done quite well, apparently. I appreciated your fine poem.

August 17th, 2017 07:56

Goldfinch60 said:

Very strong write, it is an awful problem for many. One of my friends has it and he gets so angry about it sometimes.

August 17th, 2017 01:49

orchidee said:

It\'s not really voices in the head, is it? That\'s something else. Thankfully I don\'t have this myself. But know what you mean, when we \'hear sounds\' in silent places.

August 17th, 2017 01:47

Michael Edwards said:

A great write about a lousy condition - nice one Fred

August 17th, 2017 00:37

burning-embers said:

Yep, sometimes benign you dont notice it, other times like a massive turbine. Excellent writing

August 17th, 2017 00:19

Nicholas Browning said:

The voices inside our heads. This is nice. I don\'t know too much about the disorder, but I understand it. Nicely done.

August 17th, 2017 00:17

Four Shorts: Concupiscence / Longing / Old Couple / Love
myself and me said:

Wrap up four complicated subject in a perfect short way. Love all of them.

August 16th, 2017 19:36

First Love
myself and me said:

It bring all the sweet memories back. The dreaming, the kiss and the holding hands.
Very sweet.

August 16th, 2017 19:13

Four Shorts: Concupiscence / Longing / Old Couple / Love
Tony36 said:

Great writes

August 16th, 2017 12:55

Four Shorts: Concupiscence / Longing / Old Couple / Love
malubotelho said:

Wow! I liked everyone. So graceful writing. I know what you mean about old love and the underwear washing. I think when we get older together we become more like brother and sister. It is truly love. I\'ve got divorced from my only husband but we are now like brother and sister. We still loving each other.

August 16th, 2017 10:40

Four Shorts: Concupiscence / Longing / Old Couple / Love
Louis Gibbs said:

Four brilliant, touching short ones, Fred. It takes a special poetic mind to speak so well with so few words ... not a one wasted! Kudos.

August 16th, 2017 09:34

Four Shorts: Concupiscence / Longing / Old Couple / Love
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write(s). I especially relate to \'Old couple\' I have seen those swans many times.

August 16th, 2017 01:13

First Love
sue.evans said:

A lovely poem depicting the first flush of love in a relationship - very sweet.

August 15th, 2017 16:39

private poet said:

The human spirit is so resilient that hope finds its own way in.

August 15th, 2017 12:57

First Love
private poet said:

You captured the emotions perfectly!

August 15th, 2017 12:56

First Love
Alf W said:

Very nice and to the point, but the picture was well received and conveyed everything you were portraying. Well done!

August 15th, 2017 10:48

First Love
Heather T said:

New love\'s first stumbling blushes! What a fine job you\'ve done, scribing those intense moments into poetry.

August 15th, 2017 08:11

First Love
malubotelho said:

Awesome writing Fred. You described so well the emotion of first love. Very sweet of you to capture those memories and portrait it here.

August 15th, 2017 07:41

First Love
Louis Gibbs said:

You captured the awkwardness of first love beautifully, Fred. Couldn\'t have been done any better!

August 15th, 2017 07:31

First Love
Michael Edwards said:

Oh those early days - memories flood back - super write Fred

August 15th, 2017 06:17

First Love
Fay Slimm. said:

You capture the essence of a young first love with this beautiful verse Fred.

August 15th, 2017 06:04

First Love
burning-embers said:

Fred.. nice one... i\'m tempted to think, from your comment on my \'dont look\' piece, i jogged your memory. How wonderful those early clumsy fumbles at love have blossomed into the story of your life my friend. I envy any man who has had the fortune to remain wed for life. No, i know you ain\'t dead yet.

August 15th, 2017 05:22

First Love
Accidental Poet said:

I remember these feelings like it was only yesterday. Except I never got to hold her hand or kiss her. It\'s been 50 years of dreaming of these words you penned. Thank you. A great write Fred.

August 15th, 2017 04:24

First Love
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

Wow u described young love, first love so uniquely and realistically yet so fabulous in poetic wording. Great freeverse style and how u captured minute emotions climaxing superbly n gingerly. Kudos.

So nice to read from u again. Hope u will write your thoughts too under my latest poem.

August 15th, 2017 02:38

First Love
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful write reminding us of that first love.

August 15th, 2017 02:36

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