Comments received on poems by Neville

The Sound, the Taste and Feel of Her Tongue
orchidee said:

Should I meet her?! lol.

March 4th, 2022 03:18

The Tale of Brulee
spilleronsheet said:

What a lovely description of one of man’s best friend…most loyal at heart….felt nostalgic about my old friend who grew up with me and my cousins…it was a German shepherd…very well crafted dear Neville and thanks for sharing and you reignited my forgotten memories

March 3rd, 2022 19:43

The Tale of Brulee
Rozina said:

Hehehe I had no idea! Until I read your comment about your dog. Very entertaining Neville.

March 3rd, 2022 18:30

The Tale of Brulee
Laura🌻 said:


…and I thought you’d be writing about a
crème brûlée you’d be enjoying after your walk with your dog.😉
Enjoyed the read.

Thank you for sharing.


March 3rd, 2022 16:21

The Tale of Brulee
Dove said:

Awe , and I thought it was a Golden Cocker Spaniel-

Lovely imagery, sun-kissed

March 3rd, 2022 10:47

The Tale of Brulee
Rocky Lagou said:

What an image portrayed so finely! I almost saw the dog\'s tail just wagging back and forth. Very well done! ✨

March 3rd, 2022 10:14

The Tale of Brulee
Poetic Dan said:

Lmao... this was brilliant!

I have to take screenshot of my photos or they won\'t load ;)

Keep up the write my friend

March 3rd, 2022 09:41

The Tale of Brulee
Christina8 said:

A beautiful poem about your dog, very descriptive. Loved it!

March 3rd, 2022 08:09

The Tale of Brulee
orchidee said:

Good write N.

March 3rd, 2022 07:19

The Tale of Brulee
Fay Slimm. said:

Your pen paints her beauty so well Nev - -- a lovely read.............x

March 3rd, 2022 06:58

The Tale of Brulee
L. B. Mek said:

love the image of that last line
\'rudder\' is such an apt wording..
I remember as a child
we had a huge Dane, dense black in colour
so black, it glowed
like a moonless night sky
and every evening, when my father
commuting back home
would turn the car
on to our street, half a mile
from our door
the barking would begin
so energetic, every night
trying to pull the car along those last few yards, a little quicker..
(if you\'re not some monster of a human
and love dogs
I consider you kin..
I\'m simple minded, like that
unashamedly so!) lol

March 3rd, 2022 06:41

The Tale of Brulee
Doggerel Dave said:

And as the truck moved off, there would be no more laying around. The joy of a dog in a moving vehicle......

March 3rd, 2022 06:30

The Tale of Brulee
Paul Bell said:

Dogs know how to enjoy themselves, as the thirst for life shows. I just tell mines he\'s chipped, so he can take himself out and get lost and then found. lol

March 3rd, 2022 05:46

The Tale of Brulee
dusk arising said:

Is it a dog?.... is it a plane?...... is it a bird?...... It\'s Batgirl..... no.... I digress......

Well Neville once again an engmatic challenge... I\'ve read it three times and I can\'t get the image of a golden retriever laid on the back seat out of my mind. Wagging it\'s rudder of a tail.

A dog\'s tail can be the most destructive article known to mankind in the wrong circumstances.

March 3rd, 2022 04:53

A Scatter of Moments
Goldfinch60 said:

May those moments of love come together Neville and give you total fulfilment.


March 3rd, 2022 01:47

A Scatter of Moments
Laura🌻 said:


Love the title…
the ending words lend themselves to the cohesiveness of your entire poem.

Thank you for sharing.


March 2nd, 2022 16:17

A Scatter of Moments
Rocky Lagou said:

Lovely! A little memory pocket full of joy! Hope you have a great day!

March 2nd, 2022 10:25

A Scatter of Moments
Christina8 said:

So glad to know you are on the mend and writing...A beautiful tribute to someone special and so eloquently written indeed......C

March 2nd, 2022 09:25

A Scatter of Moments
Rozina said:

A lovely tribute with great lines. Hope you’re recovering well.

March 2nd, 2022 09:12

A Scatter of Moments
orchidee said:

Can ya beat those moments? Which ones? Answer: any of them ya wish to recall!
What am I waffling on about?! lol.

March 2nd, 2022 08:15

A Scatter of Moments
orchidee said:

Good write N. Best wishes.

March 2nd, 2022 06:17

A Scatter of Moments
Michael Edwards said:

What a great write - tears in my eyes as I know my wife of so many years is suffering and all we have is hope. Keep writing dear friend.

March 2nd, 2022 05:55

A Scatter of Moments
dusk arising said:

Ah yes, those opioid induced hospital bed dreams....... LOL .... It\'s so good to get home though.... hope you didn\'t pick up any horrible hospital infections (I\'m still suffering from one i picked up last Oct).

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

March 2nd, 2022 05:31

A Scatter of Moments
Fay Slimm. said:

beautifully put this tribute to a special someone dear nev --- glad to know you\'re back home again and writing romance....................x

March 2nd, 2022 05:01

Between Squalls
spilleronsheet said:

A nostalgia of beach
Yearning for the breeze
That tells a song
Beautiful dear Neville
And heal faster friend
Spring back soon
And thanks to dear Nurse
See you soon

March 2nd, 2022 00:31

Between Squalls
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good write, Neville. Stay well.

March 1st, 2022 18:09

Between Squalls
Laura🌻 said:


By now, you must be home. Ignore ‘those flocking angry gulls..’ rest up and let your special person pamper you.


March 1st, 2022 11:26

Between Squalls
Christina8 said:

This reminds me of summer. A very descriptive poem. Hope you got the well deserved rest you needed!

March 1st, 2022 09:34

Between Squalls
L. B. Mek said:

oooh lala, less than a week back
and you\'re all over the Nurses, lol
hope you get well soon, dear Poet
and yes,
\'the degenerate babble
do make such a ruckus
their hackling and squabbling\'

March 1st, 2022 05:02

Between Squalls
Fay Slimm. said:

Ignore they squalls Nev and get yaself home, warm an better agen soon.....................x......x

March 1st, 2022 04:26

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