Comments received on poems by Neville

She Smelt Like 24 Carat Gold
GenXer Shamrocker ☘️ said:

Is anyone else having the issue where you click on your public profile and it says a critical error is on the website?

January 21st, 2023 10:18

She Smelt Like 24 Carat Gold
Christina8 said:

This is a really sensual, great piece! In those moments she must have been like a treasure, like gold! x

January 21st, 2023 09:14

She Smelt Like 24 Carat Gold
orchidee said:

KP smelt like gold too - when it\'s heated and melted in smelting, that is.
That\'ll be her botox melting.
She wanted something 24 carat, so I bought her a bag of carrots! lol.
Now KP - don\'t say I never give you anything!

January 21st, 2023 08:34

She Smelt Like 24 Carat Gold
Fay Slimm. said:

Strangely I can relate to the smell of reputedly odourless minerals though never had chance to sniff gold at so high a carat ! - -- your intimate lines can create memories dear Sire with the comparison your romantic words made - -- moer please- ........... x

January 21st, 2023 05:07

The Day Before the Day Before Today
Christina8 said:

Great introspective write! I like your reference to monochrome reflections......yes, this is quite good! x

January 20th, 2023 22:30

The Day Before the Day Before Today
Bella Shepard said:

The mystery of time permeates your poem, and the last four lines are priceless. For some reason, memories for me are like a classic movie in black and white, preserved in time, where I may start the projector and enjoy them over and over again. This verse so lovely!

January 20th, 2023 17:08

The Day Before the Day Before Today
Doggerel Dave said:

Can\'t help but unusually empathize with orchi above, Nev. However confusion can be very productive...

January 20th, 2023 16:38

The Day Before the Day Before Today
orchidee said:

Good write N, but what day is that - Christmas?! lol.
With this, I feel like I\'m going shopping and meeting myself coming back, while on the way there! lol. I\'m a confused laddie - today, tomorrow, etc.

January 20th, 2023 14:32

The Day Before the Day Before Today
Fay Slimm. said:

Your penchant for telling intimate incidents ought to make any todays more colourfully vivid than unlived tomorrows - great usage of word-play my friend and those clever repetitions make for reading your beguiling reflections all over again. Into my faves with this little tongue-twister.........x

January 20th, 2023 13:30

A Handful of Random Thoughts and a Sunflower
Kinsey Peterson said:

Neville- once again a beautiful work of art. Distraction, while beautiful, is only that, a distraction. At what point do we face the music? To what song do we dance?

January 20th, 2023 09:55

Heartsure ..
L. B. Mek said:

yes, recently rambling on a comment
I mentioned, when making choices
it\'s ok for our mind to be unsure
but never our heart..
glad we think alike dear Poet
a nugget of wisdom
wrapped-up in relatable poetry
thank you!

January 20th, 2023 04:18

A Handful of Random Thoughts and a Sunflower
L. B. Mek said:

we seldom realise
how much history, walks into our life
mesmerised by that wink and smile
2023 and society\'s, scarlet badges
await to embarrass, stigmatise
those who choose to love bravely
different wording
a lot less, eye rolling
yet that archaic mindset, still exists
so yes indeed, wise poet:
\'Don’t think about her lovers
think about patience, charity and sunflowers ..\'
(this that part of your poetry
which champions humanity\'s
capacity for humane, empathy)
I read and learn Hyung

January 20th, 2023 04:11

Heartsure ..
orchidee said:

Ahh, a poem about KP and me! lol.

January 19th, 2023 08:17

Heartsure ..
Fay Slimm. said:

So clear the points caught here re.the heart Nev. - - listen to it and in due time it will reveal the truth............

January 19th, 2023 07:46

Christina8 said:

Oh she\'s such a beautiful child and I will certainly buy \'chasing light\' especially because you donate to charity! I hope she is doing better!!

January 19th, 2023 03:04

More Than Nearly Dearly Departed
Christina8 said:

That is the worst way to die that I can imagine! Evocative write but I see now it\'s a true story....well done! x

January 19th, 2023 02:59

Cause and Affect
Christina8 said:

Yes there is a lingering thought as we age about what will happen to us.....during our lives most of us loved and lusted a lot....and how that affected them. I hope we can say the world is better off because we were here. x

January 19th, 2023 02:55

A Handful of Random Thoughts and a Sunflower
Christina8 said:

I love this whimsical write! Tis better to think on the positive than the negative for sure. Love it! x

January 19th, 2023 02:49

A Handful of Random Thoughts and a Sunflower
Bella Shepard said:

Your words evoke images, emotions and a sunflower pressed between the pages of a book for safe keeping. Delightful, charming, a lovely,sentimental piece dear friend.

January 18th, 2023 13:32

A Handful of Random Thoughts and a Sunflower
Goldfinch60 said:

Those times of yore when love was so new and so compelling Neville.


January 18th, 2023 02:45

A Handful of Random Thoughts and a Sunflower
Rocky Lagou said:

I think sometimes during tribulations and hardships one must search for the light despite the hard times.

\"Butterflies and poetry\" pretty much sums up how I do just that :)

January 17th, 2023 14:39

A Handful of Random Thoughts and a Sunflower
Fay Slimm. said:

Ah those were the days eh ? Place and time brought beguilingly back with thoughts about who was there and why - - hope the patience was eventually rewarded my friend.........x

January 17th, 2023 07:10

A Handful of Random Thoughts and a Sunflower
orchidee said:

Good write Neville.

January 17th, 2023 06:18

A Handful of Random Thoughts and a Sunflower
Doggerel Dave said:

Do you last longer that way..... Nev?

January 17th, 2023 06:16

Rape of the Sabine Women
Natalie Gladmir said:

The motivation behind the abduction of the Sabine women is contested among ancient sources. Livy writes that Rome\'s motivation for abducting the Sabine women was solely to increase the city\'s population and claims that no direct sexual assault took place during the abduction. Livy says that Romulus offered the Sabine women free choice as well as civic and property rights. According to Livy, Romulus spoke to each of them in person, declaring \"that it was all owing to the pride of their parents in denying right of intermarriage to their neighbours. They would live in honourable wedlock, and share all their property and civil rights, and – dearest of all to human nature – would be the mothers of freemen.\"
What do you think about this historical analysis, dear author?

January 17th, 2023 04:56

Cause and Affect
Doggerel Dave said:

Could have left that one out, Nev. I just about manage that anxiety, that although \"my intentions are good\" they maybe have left scars.......

January 16th, 2023 07:20

Cause and Affect
Fay Slimm. said:

A deep and thoughtful few lines amigo - -- Searching for differences between love and lust can raise repercussions that are best left to the bravest methinks. What has been was perhaps fated maybe..................x

January 16th, 2023 06:07

Cause and Affect
L. B. Mek said:

what can I say Hyung
I read and just started typing away
thanks for inspiring my humble scribble
such a relatable read, wonderful tone of sincerity
reinforcing the seriousness of the subject matter
(long, has it been since I too
questioned, my zeal
for that all-purpose, perfect-fit
and so, eventually
I surrendered, my need
for square edges
to my, hopes and wishes
now I fish with blank pages
upon bleak ink\'s, cages
seeking merely a reasoning
to shed some meaning
all else, I surrender to fate
or universe or whatever gets
to decide
I merely, tiptoe the line
between living life
with one arm outside of half open
car windows
swaying, with the motorway winds
choosing my lane
and hoping, eventually it delivers me
somewhere near, my desired

January 16th, 2023 05:46

Cause and Affect
orchidee said:

I\'ll have to swoon if there\'s any lust! lol.

January 16th, 2023 05:41

More Than Nearly Dearly Departed
L. B. Mek said:

I mimic the shudder of our dear Fay
\'haunting\' to say the least
when i was younger, detective horror mysteries
were my reading genre of choice
till, I got older
and that fantastic premise, visited
my everyday
like that bone chilling, slap
of winter\'s winds
delivered, during Spring\'s
April shower, reality...
(laud the humanity and tenderness
aside the crass, matter of fact
hard-hitting, \'wake up call\' wording)
deftly executed, Hyung
just sad, such a write
will always be necessary

January 16th, 2023 03:27

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