Comments received on poems by Neville

Ten Years After
Kinsey Peterson said:

We may not remember numbers, but we remember words. Yours are particularly touching and help to embed the muse in time for the rest of eternity. Thank you.

December 1st, 2022 11:44

Just Another Shot in The Dark
Kinsey Peterson said:

This is beautiful. I only wish I had a secret room and someone to lie beside me. Thank you for the poem Neville.

December 1st, 2022 11:21

Just Another Shot in The Dark
orchidee said:

I\'m understanding the message in this - but meanwhile - in the dark? Put a light on?! heehee.

December 1st, 2022 08:46

Just Another Shot in The Dark
dusk arising said:

we all have our secret/sacred places of dreamsville... our safe haven

December 1st, 2022 08:09

Just Another Shot in The Dark
arqios said:

Indeed for each and every person this may be applicable on both parts.

December 1st, 2022 07:09

Just Another Shot in The Dark
Fay Slimm. said:

It meets very well Nev and the two verse repetition adds to its pitiful poignance...x

December 1st, 2022 06:54

Just Another Shot in The Dark
Fay Slimm. said:

Pathos issues from every line here - and from the title too -- the feeling of being abused goes so sadly deep into the psyche . - -- a relatable write for both genders methinks Nev.....x

December 1st, 2022 05:29

Ten Years After
Goldfinch60 said:

That love will never be forgotten.


December 1st, 2022 02:25

Ten Years After
Accidental Poet said:

Sounds like love at first sight to me N.

At reading your title, I\'d thought this was going to be about the rock band Ten Years After. But I was still not disappointed.

November 30th, 2022 18:46

Ten Years After
Bella Shepard said:

An encounter, seared upon the mind, not easily forgotten. Though time may dim the details, the impact remains and serves to comfort. So well versed dear friend.

November 30th, 2022 10:53

Ten Years After
Dr. Soma said:

Beautiful, Poet.

November 30th, 2022 10:07

Ten Years After
orchidee said:

Did I meet such a lass?! lol.

November 30th, 2022 08:17

Ten Years After
Doggerel Dave said:

The residue, since the data so obviously redundant....but such residue........

November 30th, 2022 06:23

Ten Years After
JoyJoy said:

Beautifully relatable...

November 30th, 2022 05:48

Ten Years After
Fay Slimm. said:

Love \'s memory is timeless and its fire never alters. A comforting read dear friend.

November 30th, 2022 05:22

Ten Years After
dusk arising said:

like tail lights in the snow... with no indication of where or how far they will go

November 30th, 2022 04:54

Ten Years After
arqios said:

Same could be said about these exchanges of poetry. But perhaps they would have to be read aloud as the eyesight is gradually but surely fading as well.

November 30th, 2022 04:42

Just Another Zen Thing
MendedFences27 said:

\"Disjointed fragments\" and \"mistaken\" identity, a split personality and an unrecognizable one. A dilemma to ponder, if only for enlightenment, and not the pleasure of the words. I\'ve been thinking on this. - Phil A.

November 29th, 2022 18:57

That Last Time Look
Rocky Lagou said:

This is so amazinggggg!!
Neville you have versified the \"last look\" so aptly.
Be it from a lover, a family member.
It reminded me of my late mother,
and the times she\'d glance at me from her hospital bed.
Or the times when she felt better, and gave me her signature mommy stare.
Thank you for this Neville.
Those times definitely have the power to \"bear [their] name\" forever in our memories.

November 29th, 2022 14:48

That Last Time Look
MendedFences27 said:

I\'ve been told that, to a sailor\'s wife, every encounter is a last encounter. She sailed away on the bow of his boat and left you standing on the shore. That look of longing encourages a sense of unfulfillment.
What a concise and exact depiction of parting ways. Thoroughly enjoyed it. - Phil A

November 29th, 2022 10:20

That Last Time Look
Kinsey Peterson said:

Oh gosh I love your poems. Thank you for sharing your words :)

November 29th, 2022 08:58

That Last Time Look
dusk arising said:

The story begs to be told.

November 29th, 2022 07:20

That Last Time Look
arqios said:

To name valuable things after someone, that sure is fine!

November 29th, 2022 04:23

That Last Time Look
Fay Slimm. said:

Ah -is it a boat or a woman I wonder -- the sadness of love\'s final adieu intrigues yet again mon ami. This glimpse of endings only your pen can poem so very enthrallingly...........x

November 29th, 2022 03:36

That Last Time Look
Doggerel Dave said:

The distance, the the resultant emptiness (will it ever be filled again?)
Not particularly worried if I got this wrong, Nev. I found plenty to cogitate over.

November 29th, 2022 03:13

That Last Time Look
orchidee said:

It shore is a good write - spelling mistake intended in this comment. lol.

November 29th, 2022 02:45

Just Another Zen Thing
SureshG said:

We are so enraptured by the part we are, that the whole completely alludes us. But that aside, your words are composition for meditation

November 28th, 2022 17:00

Just Another Zen Thing
Bella Shepard said:

The zen of life meets the enigma of existence in two 3 line stanzas. Short and sweet, and has my head reeling. Things that confound me a lot more these days, you have very simply put into words. Extraordinary write dear Nev!

November 28th, 2022 12:18

Just Another Zen Thing
sorenbarrett said:

A great analogy and wonderful poem put very succinctly and words as smooth as honey.

November 28th, 2022 06:23

Just Another Zen Thing
L. B. Mek said:

thew words, express
why, at times
during a meditative state
we feel like, we\'re being pulled apart
torn both that sincerity in our now
and that all-consuming chaos
awaiting, a blink or two away
this is why the yin and yang, states
remain constant
never one or the other in sole authority
like regret and hope, co-existing
in one momentous yet insiginficant
(another subtle gem, dear Poet
imagery smacks us in the face
but its brevity is so hidden
ever-so subtly
most will read, fish their Cod\'s of poetic delight
never realising, those more rewarding eels and vendace, depths
that await, those who linger
over these seawater words
and contemplate...)

November 28th, 2022 04:44

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