Comments received on poems by Neville

Still Some Way to Go
L. B. Mek said:

read your words and couldn\'t help
relating to them in a selfishly
personal manner
hence my rant below, forgive me Hyung
(those dictators love to state
Poetry, should be read out loud
a must
I ask,
what if we\'ve worded poetic
what could never be spoken
tried to poetically, express
in-place of a yearning to caress
what then, dear \'know it all\'
must poetry exist to entertain
what if it\'s a note, a confession
with that sincerity of scarlet ink
intended to reach, just one
whose forgiveness, can never
be attained
yet still, that need to word something
and explain, necessitates
the existence if these poetic words)

May 12th, 2023 02:42

L. B. Mek said:

in the past, my partner left her phone with me
so I can help her get something fixed
every night, around 1 am
some fool, would call her number
and detail their encounters
I simply posted back her phone
never said a word to her after
years later, we met
she thought I had found someone else
and dumped her...
(perspective, warps
which end of that duplicity
we find, looking back at us)
or it may just be me n my horrid luck...
(such a relatable write, Hyung)

May 12th, 2023 02:32

Upon Recalling Youth and Poetry
L. B. Mek said:

\'What I try not
to remember
now though ..
Is just how many
times we
each failed to
notice time ..\'
my tenth read, and these lines still get me
so love this one Hyung

May 12th, 2023 02:24

Livestock Holiday
orchidee said:

I thought it said cheese-log - them wood louse thingys! I won\'t squash them. It\'s part of me Save Snails crusade - don\'t step on them in damp weather. A complete digression there, to throw us off the theme of the poem. Doh!

May 11th, 2023 14:59

Livestock Holiday
arqios said:

It ain\'t a holiday without incongruous events.

May 11th, 2023 07:04

Livestock Holiday
Fay Slimm. said:

Your personal comment after the poem creased me up even more than the tale of cheesecloth attire on a breathtaking female -- --only a mind like yours mon ami can conjour intrigue in nothing but a few lines. - - Great stuff................x

May 11th, 2023 02:01

Livestock Holiday
orchidee said:

Yep, sounds like another adventure of KP and I!

May 11th, 2023 01:22

Still Some Way to Go
Parisab said:

I see this as complete, you responded and chose the direction of your words and she was impacted with unintended consequence-great work about ambivalence, poet friend.

May 10th, 2023 14:10

Still Some Way to Go
Christina8 said:

\"A poem, uncompleted\"---Just adore that line when it comes to unrequited love, or an apology as you say. Great write, Neville! x

May 10th, 2023 10:35

Still Some Way to Go
arqios said:

The uncomplete-d sits there and can be returned to but that isn\'t always the easiest feat to accomplish. But Time it has been said is a great healer and when that time comes around a reconciliation restores and even lets soar. I pray for that for every uncomplete poem and every poet that they correspond to.

May 10th, 2023 08:36

Still Some Way to Go
MendedFences27 said:

Yes, that someone long ago that maybe could have been a muse, and never realizing that the opposite was also true.
As such, an \"incomplete poem,\" lingers in his mind. Loved this one. - Phil A.

May 10th, 2023 07:55

Still Some Way to Go
Fay Slimm. said:

An unfinished poem needs a completion and you have scribed an arresting apology for love unspoken
- --I among others can no doubt relate to being shy or scared when time comes for outing - -- glad to have read this one my friend............x

May 10th, 2023 05:17

Still Some Way to Go
orchidee said:

A good write N.
Ahh, all about me and KP! lol.

May 10th, 2023 02:13

Bella Shepard said:

Ouch! Why is it that the sound of the word \"duplicity\" seems somewhat benign, it rhymes beautifully with felicity and domesticity. And yet there is its sinister side that can bring volatility and hostility. It is a duplicitous word that you have done justice to dear friend. Good write!

May 9th, 2023 12:13

MendedFences27 said:

And he replied, \"We were just having coffee.\" And she replied, \" Yes, but with a lot of sugar on the side.\"
And \'Duplicity\" rhymes with stupidity. Never revisit where you\'ve been with another.
This poem is aptly titled for the title itself is duplicitous. I can\'t imagine one caught this outright, would ever be allowed to stay. You have given fair warning to those that consider love to be a game. Your poem is one of the hard lessons of life. Its realistic presentation, her vengeful attitude, and his silence, show where the moral high point lies. Loved it. - Phil A.

May 9th, 2023 12:09

Christina8 said:

I love it, don\'t know any other way to say it, I really like the title as well....x

May 9th, 2023 11:30

arqios said:

Oh wow. Cheating\'s never fine. As for duplicity, that\'s best left to duplicating machines, but never replicating such sordid behaviours.

May 9th, 2023 07:19

Fay Slimm. said:

Wording the end of a failing affair couldn\'t be better penned dear Nev. - -- gentle but telling this outing of truth. - -- - methinks concealment stirs feelings too deep for more intimacy after discovering any
intention to mislead .......x

May 9th, 2023 07:05

orchidee said:

A fine write N. I always says to KP that I have a headache! lol.

May 9th, 2023 01:35

Did You Ever Dare to Ask
MendedFences27 said:

Some might wonder, \" Why question a good thing?\" But without complete knowledge that thing can be misunderstood. Questioning, then. becomes important. Incomplete understanding can ruin a relationship.
A daring title, followed by the wisdom of a running question, leading to an obvious result. A most enjoyable poem and a bit of wisdom too. - Phil A.

May 8th, 2023 21:32

Echoes Seldom Lie These Days
MendedFences27 said:

Besides the physical ties that bind there are the emotional and psychological ties as well. The fire never dies if there is fuel and an open chimney.
Your poem paints a picture of long-lasting love, and how rare it is in today\'s throw-away world. As for \"echoes\" and \"robin\'s eggs\" - What we say or speak is of major importance, and life has a full palette of blues. Loved this one. - Phil A.

May 8th, 2023 15:32

Upon Recalling Youth and Poetry
MendedFences27 said:

Youth is the sweetest time of life, often filled with romance, friends, food. drink. and music. Time itself, becomes irrelevant and only selfish needs prevail. Yet, as fodder for poetry, reminiscence of that time brings forth pages.
Your poem rings true to those times and those moments. It stirs the memories of your readers. Your chosen words give life to their forgotten memories. Thank you for posting this. It sparked a recall of many such happenings. - Phil A.

May 8th, 2023 15:14

Did You Ever Dare to Ask
Christina8 said:

Love this sexy intimate and such a great memory (?) at the same time.....Wow, I\'m blushing!!

May 8th, 2023 11:39

Did You Ever Dare to Ask
L. B. Mek said:

(it\'s scary to look closely
at our reflections
as in eyes, rest fragments
of reasoning to our deeds)
for some this will be a fun cheeky, read
for rest of us, it will be a sobering reminder
of those let down\'s and shameful escapes
we so ardently, repress
n forget..
but either way, there\'s no denying
this a great write, Hyung
thank you!
(you\'ve spoilt my poetic sweet tooth
rotten, today
treat yourself to a double, double
of your favourite)
Salut! mi Amigo
Hope you n yours, have a lovely
Sun-kissed week

May 8th, 2023 04:46

Just a Man With a Thing About Bees
L. B. Mek said:

\'It’s simple, my fees
are extortionate ..

Then as he
gagged at the
thought of parting
with money,

a bee came along

with a bum
full of honey and
placed a sting
at the back of his
throat ..\'
love this, on so many levels
your insightful self-ridicule, witty
penetrating and fun
then that societal arrowed commentary
on that trending herd collective
exasperating, need
to sensationalise
(as news feed, indoctrinated)
that bombastic bastardisation
of every minutia blemish or imperfection
in nature or anything existential
just, so they can point a finger
and add to that concussive chorus
of belligerent, ignorance
maybe you should compile
similarly, anecdotal
work place, satires or reflections
for your next collection;
arrowed poignancy, gift wrapped
in all-thing Poesy, funtastic!)
a great read

May 8th, 2023 04:37

Upon Recalling Youth and Poetry
L. B. Mek said:

One of your very, VERY, very
best!!!!!! dear Poet supreme
No superlatives can do my
sensations/feelings, justice
All I can do is let you verify, how
favourably your poem
with one of my all-Time favourite poems
What a treasure in a read
you\'ve captured
that Autumnal of youth, reverie\'s
sweet accented melancholy
such a triumph of your subtle, pen
I congratulate you on reaching such a poetic peak, Hyung!
I read and try, to learn
(one of my favourite poems
is a brilliant Ezra Pound translation
of LI Bai\'s poetic Genius
a poem originally titled \'Exile\'s letter\'
read below, although i\'m sure you know it already:
\'\'So-Kin of Rakuho, ancient friend, I now remember
That you built me a special tavern,
By the south side of the bridge at Ten-Shin.
With yellow gold and white jewels
we paid for the songs and laughter,
And we were drunk for month after month,
forgetting the kings and princes.
Intelligent men came drifting in, from the sea
and from the west border,
And with them, and with you especially,
there was nothing at cross-purpose;
And they made nothing of sea-crossing
or of mountain-crossing,
If only they could be of that fellowship.
And we all spoke out our hearts and minds …
and without regret.
And then I was sent off to South Wei,
smothered in laurel groves,
And you to the north of Raku-hoku,
Till we had nothing but thoughts and memories between us.
And when separation had come to its worst
We met, and travelled together into Sen-Go
Through all the thirty-six folds of the turning and twisting waters;
Into a valley of a thousand bright flowers …
that was the first valley,
And on into ten thousand valleys
full of voices and pine-winds.
With silver harness and reins of gold,
prostrating themselves on the ground,
Out came the East-of-Kan foreman and his company;
And there came also the “True-man” of Shi-yo to meet me,
Playing on a jewelled mouth-organ.
In the storied houses of San-Ko they gave us
more Sennin music;
Many instruments, like the sound of young phœnix broods.
And the foreman of Kan-Chu, drunk,
Danced because his long sleeves
Wouldn’t keep still, with that music playing.
And I, wrapped in brocade, went to sleep with my head on his lap,
And my spirit so high that it was all over the heavens.

And before the end of the day we were scattered like stars or rain.
I had to be off to So, far away over the waters,
You back to your river-bridge.
And your father, who was brave as a leopard,
Was governor in Hei Shu and put down the barbarian rabble.
And one May he had you send for me, despite the long distance;
And what with broken wheels and so on, I won’t say it wasn’t hard going …
Over roads twisted like sheep’s guts.
And I was still going, late in the year,
in the cutting wind from the north,
And thinking how little you cared for the cost …
and you caring enough to pay it.
Then what a reception!
Red jade cups, food well set, on a blue jewelled table;
And I was drunk, and had no thought of returning;
And you would walk out with me to the western corner of the castle,
To the dynastic temple, with the water about it clear as blue jade,
With boats floating, and the sound of mouth-organs and drums,
With ripples like dragon-scales going grass-green on the water,
Pleasure lasting, with courtezans going and coming without hindrance,
With the willow-flakes falling like snow,
And the vermilioned girls getting drunk about sunset,
And the waters a hundred feet deep reflecting green eyebrows—
Eyebrows painted green are a fine sight in young moonlight,
Gracefully painted—and the girls singing back at each other,
Dancing in transparent brocade,
And the wind lifting the song, and interrupting it,
Tossing it up under the clouds.

And all this comes to an end,
And is not again to be met with.
I went up to the court for examination,
Tried Layu’s luck, offered the Choyu song,
And got no promotion,
And went back to the East Mountains white-headed.

And once again we met, later, at the South Bridge head.
And then the crowd broke up—you went north to San palace.
And if you ask how I regret that parting?
It is like the flowers falling at spring’s end,
confused, whirled in a tangle.
What is the use of talking! And there is no end of talking—
There is no end of things in the heart.

I call in the boy,
Have him sit on his knees to write and seal this,
And I send it a thousand miles, thinking.\'\')

May 8th, 2023 04:21

Did You Ever Dare to Ask
orchidee said:

It was me playing the guitar - until I swooned at what I saw! heehee. Did you hear the crash as I fell off me chair?!

May 8th, 2023 02:04

Just a Man With a Thing About Bees
arqios said:

Would be other than another day at the quill while the swill twirls against zomboid thrill.

May 7th, 2023 16:24

Just a Man With a Thing About Bees
Bella Shepard said:

I agree with learned poets, supercilious is very impressive. Now if you\'d spelled it differently as \"supersillyous\" I could see it taking on a different, somewhat Monty Pythonesque tone, lol. Either way, a great write my friend.

May 7th, 2023 14:00

Just a Man With a Thing About Bees
Christina8 said:

I agree with Bobby O on this one, the fact that you added \"Supercilious\" to this makes it so perfect. Great story telling, I loved it! x

May 7th, 2023 07:37

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