Comments received on poems by Doggerel Dave

rhmn_7 said:

What you do in & with life is the only part that matters! Nice poetry!

February 25th, 2024 09:18

An Informal Visit.
sorenbarrett said:

Couplets my friend. Well when Taylor came down here a girl dropped dead. They had to postpone the concert and people were upset. I know the name and have heard some of her songs but they are not my cup of tea. Loved this write Dave.

February 25th, 2024 05:34

An Informal Visit.
Thomas W Case said:

Great imagery and use of the senses.

February 24th, 2024 21:41

An Informal Visit.
Goldfinch60 said:

Two good fun couplets Dave.


February 24th, 2024 02:24

An Informal Visit.
Bella Shepard said:

Love the rhyme, and love the reason. I don\'t quite understand the hoopla, but then I had the Beatles, which my parents couldn\'t understand. Such a fun write my friend!

February 23rd, 2024 16:05

An Informal Visit.
Neville said:

dang your authors note stole my thunder .. and that\'s a hard act to swallow .. but quite understandable ..

February 23rd, 2024 11:24

An Informal Visit.
David Wakeling said:

Who is Taylor Swift? I couldn\'t tell you one song she sings

February 23rd, 2024 04:42

An Informal Visit.
orchidee said:

And an unwelcome visit from Sir Orchi ONS. lol.

February 23rd, 2024 03:17

An Informal Visit.
Teddy.15 said:

I\'ve never tried couplet myself looks really fun. What I see is loads of imagery and great rhyme. We have a bad windy storm here too today. Most enjoyed Dave. 🌹

February 23rd, 2024 03:07

Doggerel Dave said:

Not funny - ridiculous.
Thanks for the call.

February 21st, 2024 18:21

Thomas W Case said:

Funny stuff.

February 21st, 2024 15:59

sorenbarrett said:

I\'ve always been a fan of a guy that takes a chance. I used to fish with strange bait like frogs, bugs, and cheese. Now I fish with poems of questionable content. Great write Dave.

February 19th, 2024 17:03

sorenbarrett said:

So true Dave. This piece is easily relatable.

February 18th, 2024 08:18

Doggerel Dave said:

But are you proud to be Andy, a British gentleman....?

February 18th, 2024 06:53

Goldfinch60 said:

We each get dealt our when coming into this world Dave and at my time of life I may not have won every time but at least I am still in the game.


February 18th, 2024 02:18

Doggerel Dave said:

And orchi, are you proud of your identity....or not...and how have you played the game, under all those layers of BS Time for another title: Sir Orchi BS....?

February 18th, 2024 00:07

Doggerel Dave said:

They are having troubles, I read somewhere, with random numbers in the computational space. Could you not, orchi, as you have extensive experience with random answers, advise them? Do make sure you extract a reasonable fee.

February 17th, 2024 19:17

orchidee said:

Yes, lead them to comfortable space... where no thought required about anything of even minor importance! lol. They could always spend the free, non-thought time, playing snooker with Fido! A random suggestion there.

February 17th, 2024 11:12

Jerry Reynolds said:

A lot to think about there Dave. Redneck, White Trash, and Segerated South, has inspired a lot of good shit for me.

February 17th, 2024 08:51

The Titanic.
Neville said:

I guess whatever floats their boat ..

but .. ships, I see no ships .. also springs to mind ..

February 17th, 2024 04:20

Neville said:

You\'ve had long enough to get used to it mate .. wot about old dogs n new tricks eh ... You must be barking ..

February 17th, 2024 04:06

Doggerel Dave said:

You\'ve exceeded yourself, Sir Orchi Non Sequitur here to totally confuse the other readers into believing they have a leader who will guide them into a comfortable space where they won\'t be required to think seriously about anything..... congratulations...

February 17th, 2024 04:01

orchidee said:

Sir ONS used the \'roll of the dice\' analogy, and used loaded dice (he would!). He always won, not smelling rotten, but came up smelling of roses. lol.

February 17th, 2024 03:43

The Titanic.
sorenbarrett said:

I to think they should have paid attention to the word they gave, in that it was prophetic. The Titans were defeated and sent down to Tartarus just like the ship was defeated and sent to the bottom. Loved tje write Dave.

February 16th, 2024 20:34

The Titanic.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Misused indeed. Well done Dave.

February 16th, 2024 09:47

The Titanic.
orchidee said:

It was me who suggested it was perfectly safe. I of course escaped from the Titanic! lol. So says Sir ONS.
Antiques Roadshow - do I know it? I\'m in it as an exhibit!

February 16th, 2024 02:54

The Titanic.
Goldfinch60 said:

So true Dave, it sank so it just lays on the bottom of the and nothing can be done about it and nothing should be done about it should just be left there in peace.


February 16th, 2024 02:26

The Titanic.
2781 said:

Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

February 16th, 2024 00:53

The Titanic.
Parisab said:

Titanic was indeed a great example, for the “words misused” . Thanks for the reminder and the good write.

February 16th, 2024 00:52

The land of Anon.
sorenbarrett said:

I just came from there, in fact I might still be there, I\'m not sure, I\'ll have to check. No they tell me here is is Miss Understanding that is in charge.

February 15th, 2024 02:43

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