Comments received on poems by spilleronsheet

Late night
Neville said:

you have the gift of capturing moments that so often fill my own dark hours until I finally succumb & the words rattling around in my head take a well deserved break ...a very relatable post my friend ...


November 22nd, 2021 02:42

Late night
Goldfinch60 said:

That reality of wonder can often be formed within ourselves spilleronsheet. Very goo words.


November 22nd, 2021 02:35

Late night
Coyote said:

You capture the spirit of 3am brilliantly. Great write.

November 21st, 2021 18:47

Late night
orchidee said:

A fine write S.

November 21st, 2021 11:36

Late night
dusk arising said:

The lonesome blues playing on ones mind is never a way to be at peace with the life of the night. Well described in your post today.

November 21st, 2021 11:02

Late night
Vamsi Sudha said:

Dear Spiller,..Your description was very picturesque...
You really feel when you write.. !! Good one again !!!

November 21st, 2021 09:41

Late night
Fay Slimm. said:

The movement you rouse in this on-going description of beating the blues when alone at night is fantastic and leaves this reader wanting to read it again and this time aloud - - first rate writing my friend.

November 21st, 2021 09:38

The invisible hands
Paul Bell said:

The state of being alone, or being lonely. I sometimes think, humans have forgotten the earth they live in. We take it for granted she\'ll look after us, and she only asks the same back, even if you\'re only a little cog she still appreciates you.

November 20th, 2021 05:21

The invisible hands
Goldfinch60 said:

Those invisible hands can lift you into such wonderful places spilleronsheet and giving us words like these are bound to take you into those places.


November 20th, 2021 01:44

The invisible hands
orchidee said:

Good write S.

November 19th, 2021 09:31

The invisible hands
Caring dove said:

I really like this … ) nicely expressed , good choice of words 🙂 there is a sense of comfort in the words you write

November 19th, 2021 08:49

The invisible hands
Sharkylang said:

Could be good if it had any structure, rhyming, or punctuation.

November 19th, 2021 08:37

The invisible hands
Neville said:

this is not just a poem, this is a canvass both shaded & coloured yet hungry to have the fine detail filled in .. superbly crafted and one to both reflect and meditate upon .. N x

November 19th, 2021 08:14

The invisible hands
dusk arising said:

Confronted with the vastness of creation, the sky, ocean or mountainscape we become aware of our tiny insignificance in the wonder of it all. Our worries and frustrations become a speck of no meaning as we spritually harmonise with our surroundings and an inner strength is refreshed.

That\'s what i got from reading your words today. A theme i have tried to put into words on several occasions and posted on here. I really like the way you\'ve handled this today though and i shall keep it and reflect upon it. So it goes into my favourites.

November 19th, 2021 07:55

Two squirrels
Goldfinch60 said:

It is so wonderful to watch squirrels, we used to have them in our garden and it was a joy to watch them playing.


November 19th, 2021 01:42

Two squirrels
Neville said:

After a long day at work, I really needed the smile your two squirrels put on my face .. Cheers to the three of you ................................. Neville

November 18th, 2021 14:06

Two squirrels
Vamsi Sudha said:

Lovely cheerful poem and seemed you had a great day !!
A real poetic approach to a squirrels play.. different perspectives of a poet !!
Nice Cute one - Spiller !! :)

November 18th, 2021 12:31

Two squirrels
Paul Bell said:

Cheeky wee squirrels are going nuts this year. Do they know something we don\'t? Is winter round the corner.

November 18th, 2021 10:31

Two squirrels
orchidee said:

Good write S. Yes, lovely creatures.

November 18th, 2021 09:39

Two squirrels
Fay Slimm. said:

One of my favourite creatures are fun-loving squirrels which your words describe so well -- I really enjoyed the read.

November 18th, 2021 09:37

Two squirrels
dusk arising said:

You certainly capture here how squirrels always seem to be joyous creatures. I used to leave unsaleable sandwiches (wife had sandwich round) out for them and dutifully they would dash along the garden wall in staccato fashion and pick up a sarnie to eat within a few fett of me peering through french window. These were grey squirrels. Al,so i recall the squirrels in a birmingham park would come begging and take food from your hand. Lovely creatures.

Enjoyed reading your words

November 18th, 2021 09:08

Where shall it end
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderfully emotive words spilleronsheet.


November 17th, 2021 01:37

Where shall it end
Vamsi Sudha said:

Dear Spiller, Every Tunnel has a bright opening !! It will Surely END there. Optimism is the best friend of life. Never leave it at any cost. wonderful heartful write as usual !!!

November 16th, 2021 21:08

Visit to outside
Neville said:

To coin a phrase, you have just writ the tooth the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth ............ or very nearly .... maybe ...................... am coming down with cabin fever methinks :)

November 16th, 2021 04:00

Visit to outside
Goldfinch60 said:

Such an emotive write spilleronsheet. To be trapped inside for so long is mindbending. I have always though on how fortunate I am in being able to go out every day into the wonder of Nature, (and croquet of course).
I hope all is well with you soon and the glory of the outside comes back.


November 16th, 2021 01:40

Visit to outside
Rozina said:

We have survived. Thank you for sharing your poem.

November 15th, 2021 21:41

Visit to outside
Vamsi Sudha said:

Let each tear drop of yours turn to wonderful poetry. Poetry is a an expression of Emotions when felt very deeply !! So keep writing, because everyone is not a poet !!

November 15th, 2021 13:53

Visit to outside
L. B. Mek said:

lol, I\'m sorry
I couldn\'t help but find humour in your wry cynicism, of our recent reality\'s
absurd hypocrisy
(if we don\'t laugh-away
our frustrations;
we cry, engulfed
by our infuriation)...
such a relatable write, thanks for sharing!
really liked these lines:
one day
the time is ripe
they finally greet the morning starlight
only to dismay
the visit to doctor beside
for a slight fever
in a curiosity
what it shall be
which germ attacks oneself

Its the changing season
subsides back to bed
glaring at the flat roof instead
few days pass
as receding waves
days of illness are back again
now it’s a visit to a dentist instead\'

November 15th, 2021 08:19

Visit to outside
orchidee said:

You got your coat (and hat too maybe?). You getting out more, as they say?! heehee.
I had to get my coat. I overstayed my welcome at a friend\'s. Well. I only wanted to show them my 10 albums of holiday pics! Doh!

November 15th, 2021 06:12

Visit to outside
Paul Bell said:

Now is the time to get out and spread oneself on society. Or, as my doctor says, send me a picture of your health, and I\'ll set you free.

November 15th, 2021 05:28

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