Comments received on poems by David Wakeling

These are the dark days
David Wakeling said:

What What

February 23rd, 2023 02:35

These are the dark days
2781 said:

Who who

February 23rd, 2023 00:19

My name is Mary Judith MaCallister
David Wakeling said:

No can do amigo no can do.Thanks for reading

February 21st, 2023 16:01

My name is Mary Judith MaCallister
Doggerel Dave said:

Surely this piece is deserving of at least a short commentary by you.
I\'m interested, but not enough to commit without some background.

February 21st, 2023 07:26

Mr Bellmeister catches the bus.
Olaf Gatermann said:

Sad story in a fine poem! Touching narrative...

February 20th, 2023 03:33

Mr Bellmeister catches the bus.
David Wakeling said:

Indeed.Thanks for your comments

February 19th, 2023 15:39

Mr Bellmeister catches the bus.
Doggerel Dave said:

A satisfying story well written - Thanks.
Since we all must go in the end, this was a good and easy option.

February 19th, 2023 05:05

The Train to Treblinka.
David Wakeling said:

Thank you for your comments.Much appreciated

February 18th, 2023 02:15

The Train to Treblinka.
L. B. Mek said:

(we Must never forget
and those words, that bravely
spotlight horror\'s reality
we Must
encourage, share and keep alive
in the hope, we never allow
a repeat, of such atrocities)
thanks for sharing, dear poet

February 17th, 2023 05:06

Little Davy Blue Eyes.
David Wakeling said: you need the definiton

February 17th, 2023 00:26

Little Davy Blue Eyes.
Ryszard said:

Ouch, dripping with cliché\'s and emotional drivel. Painful read.

February 16th, 2023 17:54

We are nearly home, my angel, we are nearly home.
David Wakeling said:

Thank you for your comments.Much apreciated

February 15th, 2023 05:38

We are nearly home, my angel, we are nearly home.
Iva Hotko said:

Tenderness and love coated with strength and determination worded in such a beautiful way. Thank you for sharing this poem :)

February 15th, 2023 03:51

God Pty Ltd
2781 said:

Even Judas threw the silver back.

February 14th, 2023 01:03

Dear Baby Caterina.
2781 said:

Wow, that was powerful.

February 14th, 2023 00:56

The House of Tears.
L. B. Mek said:

thanks for sharing, dear poet
your insightful words express
in detail
why, I refer to myself as a cynic..
(to contemplate
existence\'s spasmodic nature
untethered to reason or empathy
a callous, capricious
of seemingly haphazard, life
\'whatever that is\'
then going to sleep, to dream
of our idyllic naivety\'s
exemplifies, just how removed
we have to be, from reality
to survive
and witness one more, majestic
of hope...)

February 13th, 2023 06:34

The House of Tears.
David Wakeling said:

February 13th, 2023 05:50

The House of Tears.
2781 said:

The poem is neat, but I want to be like great grandad, at home,in my sleep.

February 13th, 2023 03:47

God Pty Ltd
David Wakeling said:

The truth is what ever you want it to be Judas Iscariot

February 12th, 2023 04:51

God Pty Ltd
2781 said:

What is truth? Pontius Pilate.

February 12th, 2023 01:53

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