Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Suresh said:

Yes, foundation

August 5th, 2019 11:33

Neville said:

You may have something here sir.... foundations are the key.. build em strong.................... N

August 5th, 2019 11:28

Nature said
FineB said:

Hello Poetic Dan,

What a lovely and enchanting poem.

You have captured the essence of life and nature - they are both to be enjoyed.

Keep writing

August 4th, 2019 17:39

Nature said
PoeticBiscuit said:

Wonderfully done dan, loved every bit of it! Nature is one of the greatest inspirations.

August 4th, 2019 09:29

Nature said
dusk arising said:

That is one wicked video - superb, great selection of soundtrack too.

What a refreshing poem from you today... uplifted me... thank you Dan

August 4th, 2019 08:17

Nature said
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Dan.

August 4th, 2019 07:12

Nature said
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful message Dan, life IS for everyone, enjoy every moment.

Love the video.

August 4th, 2019 03:20

Elders are the question, youth are the answer
Seek said:

A great homecoming for the unborn! In my advancing years, youth is behind me, but I would still like to think, life\'s endless gifts await.

August 3rd, 2019 23:01

Elders are the question, youth are the answer
Suresh said:

Know this to be your responsibility, not your possession.
Extend your hand to hold on, your laughter to smile for, your intellect to share.....

August 3rd, 2019 19:10

Elders are the question, youth are the answer
Goldfinch60 said:

That life will be renewed as the youngster will show you the way to a wonderful future with you guiding her.

August 3rd, 2019 14:18

Elders are the question, youth are the answer
PoeticBiscuit said:

This is just an amazing piece of art. Congratulations on the little one and I can’t wait to read the things they inspire you to write.

August 3rd, 2019 11:09

Elders are the question, youth are the answer
dusk arising said:

No reason to lose touch with our youth but do not dismiss the wisdom of your years, a thing which youth can never possess. Until of course it stops being youth.

August 3rd, 2019 07:25

Elders are the question, youth are the answer
kevin browne said:

I think you\'ve captured your heart at it\'s best. A baby beating to every breath it takes. A well penned peice if work. Great thinking within your poetry. Very thought provocing indded...!!

August 3rd, 2019 05:21

Elders are the question, youth are the answer
Neville said:

this is a delightful little pre-birth dedication... and applicable throughout parenthood............

August 3rd, 2019 04:08

Who covers the young ears, explicit language
Goldfinch60 said:

Racism and bad language just will not go away.
A few years ago I was visiting my Mum in her apartment when I saw two guys walking up the road with their young boys, probably brought them from school and every other words was the f word.
Good write Dan, good on you for sticking up for the rights of man.

August 3rd, 2019 00:24

Who covers the young ears, explicit language
PoeticBiscuit said:

I love this, a great poem with an even greater message. I struggle with following a story when writing poems so it was nice to see you do it perfectly. Racism is still alive when it should have been dead long ago. Keep on writing and sharing these messages that need to be heard my friend.

August 2nd, 2019 17:45

Who covers the young ears, explicit language
Christina8 said:

Thank you for standing up for racial injustice...I have a mixed family. There are a lot of racists here and it angers me so.......much respect!

August 2nd, 2019 13:35

Who covers the young ears, explicit language
dusk arising said:

Some will only see your words and not your meaning today Dan. Sadly swear words shut peoples minds to the main point, i don\'t know whether they are narrow minded or just thick.

You are right to be angered by such thoughtless people as the individual you describe. Within our peaceful and reasoning mind there remains a link to the flight or fight instinct and this guy as you said \'ticked your boxes\'. Good on you for not letting the oaf think such behaviour is acceptable and good on you for drawing the line which you were not prepared to cross because of your own self respect.

August 2nd, 2019 07:25

Who covers the young ears, explicit language
orchidee said:

Cats and dogs! An anti-social cat at the start of your poem. (oohh).
Too much F and B from people can show laziness, I think - just not bothering to find suitable alternative words.

August 2nd, 2019 03:43

Love you more
Goldfinch60 said:

Happy Birthday to Rainbow Ninja. Your love for her shines through your words Dan, that love will shine forever through your Spirit, your soul and you words. Great write.

August 2nd, 2019 01:15

Love you more
Christina8 said:

Oh your daughter is so lucky to be loved so much! Happy birthday to her! Good vibes to you both!

August 1st, 2019 21:28

Love you more
dusk arising said:

Dan, if you put that video together you sure have a talent for it...... talk to me and i will give u ideas about how to get work from it....

What a lovely poem... laughed out loud several times.... great kids you have... great dad they have... thought again about your words -they have the only key and they showed yo your key,
Happiness just shouts its presence from both vid and poem.... you create good vibes.

August 1st, 2019 11:49

Love you more
Neville said:

Happy Birthday Rainbow Ninja.. can ya see that ya Dad loves ya...

Coz we can.......... N

August 1st, 2019 11:46

Love you more
Suresh said:

...more than words can express.

August 1st, 2019 10:36

Love you more
Fay Slimm. said:

Such a loving birthday poem Dan and adding my own wishes to your beautiful daughter on her special day.

August 1st, 2019 05:50

Love you more
Michael Edwards said:

A tugfull of great comments - I could use them all when it comes to my own daughter, to my wife, in fact to all the female relatives in my life. I love them all.

August 1st, 2019 05:41

Love you more
orchidee said:

Ahh, a fine Ninja Happy Birthday tribute Dan! Arrgghhh - teenage years?! But you love \'em still!

August 1st, 2019 03:11

Shard of a shard
Fay Slimm. said:

An amazing piece of encouragement and sense. Humility was and is ever the answer. Thank you Dan.

July 31st, 2019 13:21

Shard of a shard
Suresh said:

Keep on writing. Write to record, to recall, to revisit, but above all, write for yourself.

July 31st, 2019 13:13

Shard of a shard
Neville said:

I think these words should be read as they are writ or laid down... and without any attempt to synthesize or analyse them or their meaning... I am quite sure if your readers are able to approach your written voice in such a way.... they will be more than happy with what they find and feel..... I enjoyed this page very much sir..... Neville

July 31st, 2019 07:02

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