Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Keep going
Goldfinch60 said:

That mask can hide the wonder of you from others and the wonder of others from you. Allare wonderful.

June 23rd, 2019 00:32

Keep going
FineB said:

Hello Poetic Dan,

An awesome write and ever so inspiring.

Keep writing FineB

June 22nd, 2019 16:39

Keep going
dusk arising said:

Oi!! thats cheating! This is one you wrote a while ago.... the idea was to use your \'todays\' frame of mind to write about other stuff.....
. nice try lol

June 22nd, 2019 13:35

Keep going
vvnrose said:

Keep on keeping on ;) encouragement is important. Thanks for sharing.

June 22nd, 2019 13:34

Keep going
orchidee said:

I\'ll blame you - I\'ll keep on singing then. Arrgghhh , they say! lol.

June 22nd, 2019 10:54

Keep going
Michael Edwards said:

Never avoid what life throws at you, eventually it will be a golden egg..

Nice one Dan.

June 22nd, 2019 08:10

Keep going
Suresh said:

The very aspect of being born, is to live through whatever life throws at us, remembering that our actions have consequences, and as such our actions should be measured

June 22nd, 2019 07:50

If you come across
dusk arising said:

OK i\'m gonna change the subject for u. Have a week off and dont write about yourself for the following reason...... see what you learn about yourself by writing about other things or people.

WE are all creatures of mood and past.

June 21st, 2019 12:12

If you come across
Michael Edwards said:

Love the positivity - keep going Dan.

June 21st, 2019 10:25

If you come across
Fay Slimm. said:

A wonderfully refreshing read Dan - keep doing what you are doing and you will continue to adorn life\'s dream.

June 21st, 2019 03:46

If you come across
Neville said:

Write on, dream on brother....

June 21st, 2019 03:42

If you come across
Goldfinch60 said:

That dream will be successful for you Dan as the path that you have now found will lead you to joy and happiness.

June 21st, 2019 03:10

Blessed or cursed in giving all my worth
Michael Edwards said:

Keep travelling Dan - you\'re on the right path and the future is yours.

June 20th, 2019 12:53

Blessed or cursed in giving all my worth
Suresh said:

You have chosen your path, and the journey is yours to complete.
Yes, there will be hurdles in the way and moments will test your resolve, and you will waver a little but I am certain you can weather them all for your will shall always be strong

June 20th, 2019 12:20

Blessed or cursed in giving all my worth
Neville said:

without wanting to sound too twee.. a little bird hit the nail on the head with his comments here today.. keep moving up that wave into joy and love..... I know it is hard to be positive all the while.. in fact, it is probably impossible because stuff always comes along... but it also passes.... remember that... it also passes...... N

June 20th, 2019 09:19

Blessed or cursed in giving all my worth
dusk arising said:

Positivity wins every time - well done.

June 20th, 2019 08:04

Blessed or cursed in giving all my worth
orchidee said:

Meanwhile - don\'t listen to my singing. if you\'re on a roller-coaster of emotion, the only way will be down then! heehee.

June 20th, 2019 03:02

Blessed or cursed in giving all my worth
orchidee said:

Good write Dan. As I say though, I don\'t build my life ONLY on feelings. But what then? On my faith, I would say.

June 20th, 2019 03:01

Blessed or cursed in giving all my worth
Goldfinch60 said:

Very positive write Dan keep moving up that wave into joy and love.

June 20th, 2019 02:39

In shock
Goldfinch60 said:

You have come a long way Dan and with that experience you now have the strength to overcome that which may be missing.
Go forward in your life knowing that we are there for you.

June 20th, 2019 00:27

In shock
dusk arising said:

Dan, do the important stuff at times like this.

June 19th, 2019 14:05

In shock
Michael Edwards said:

Yup - we\'re all rootin\' for you. Just keep writing - and don\'t worry if you don\'t comment as much - now go sharpen that pencil.

June 19th, 2019 12:50

In shock
Neville said:

I certainly hope things work out for you Poetic Dan..

keep ya chin up sir, there are those out here who are rooting for you... N

June 19th, 2019 06:39

Again & Again
Suresh said:

It is the currency for survival,

June 18th, 2019 11:24

Again & Again
Goldfinch60 said:

So true Dan, it is such a shame that money means more than life in many instances.

June 18th, 2019 00:07

Again & Again
dusk arising said:

Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.

Khalil Gibran

But we all have our \'off\' days

June 17th, 2019 05:46

Again & Again
orchidee said:

I thought that thingy at the top was an eye test!
Dunno about me soul, but I lost me way in woods a few times! lol.

June 17th, 2019 05:03

Again & Again
Neville said:

a big little write & oh what a super message you have incorporated.... N

June 17th, 2019 04:38

Again & Again
Michael Edwards said:

Money rules I\'m afraid but that\'s life. Great work PD

June 17th, 2019 03:33

Crash & burn
dusk arising said:

Life brings unexpected challenges, disappointments, and mistakes. Without those we would truly be exceptional, but we are not. None of us are.
And so you are tested, and you may falter. But you will regain. Take from this day its wisdom. Hold it within you and let its strength be yours.
Stand with those who have faith in you. Peace and goodwill Dan.

\"out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing
there is a field
I\'ll meet you there\"


June 16th, 2019 18:26

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