Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Goldfinch60 said:

Dementia is such an awful disease, I know, my wife has it and I have to do practically everything for her but I do have our memories, she no longer has them though which is so sad.

June 5th, 2019 03:19

Believe it real
Goldfinch60 said:

In your life Dan believe in yourself, others may try to show you THEIR way but the way you are going and will go to move forward is inside YOU i5 is your way, follow that path.

June 4th, 2019 15:07

Believe it real
Lorna said:

Oh Dan - religious nuts aside - this is quantum physics and I totally believe in it (foregoing the strychnine and snakes that is). Applied Kinesiology, waves of energy around our bodies connecting us to something bigger, positive thinking absolutely! Quantum physics makes me dizzy when I try to understand it but it is a field that is well and truly developing.... and so you are on the right path just by opening up yourself to new positive ideas! This is awesome. He sounds very much the scientist to me -

June 4th, 2019 06:23

Believe it real
dusk arising said:

Once again a lot of wisdom in your words.

The video though is quite another matter.
The guy is selling you an idea and using very good proven strong sales technique. He is reinforcing what you already feel to promote other ideas which are new to you and radical. A well used selling method to get you to buy into the new idea. Finally he reinforces the radical by once again telling you something you already know ... belief (the placebo effect) is 95% proof of anything.

The world is full of Examples of this selling technique being used to promote anything from water filters to condominiums. The Christians used it to gain power over the masses.... other religions too.
Once you are a believer, a true believer, then it\'s difficult to shift your belief if we are talking about ideals rather than products. You aint going to believe for long in a water filter once it starts chucking out crap water and making u ill. But if you are convinced that there is a wholesome god up there somewhere who\'s son died on the cross for YOUR sins (what bloody sins) and you must accept all the punishments he slings at you (like famine, hurricanes, still births, handicapped babies) because \'they\' tell you you must accept it.... if you have become that much of a believer then you are so \'sold\' on the idea that its gonna be near impossible to get you off it.

So be careful about what you accept as a belief. Feelings - he was 100% right about - but you ALREADY KNEW THAT.

June 4th, 2019 05:00

Believe it real
orchidee said:

I feel we need to beware of that video. Jesus says \'They will take up serpents, and drink deadly poison, and it will not harm them\'. But it may have a \'spiritual\' meaning.
Some of it is just tempting God, I think. I mean, we would not normally handle snakes nor drink poison. Some turn it into a religious mania.

June 4th, 2019 03:28

Hardly a sound
Goldfinch60 said:

The beauty of joy and love shine through your words and the picture, a wonderful life you have Dan.

June 3rd, 2019 15:16

Hardly a sound
Laura🌻 said:


A super poem! Love the pic! Jorja is a beauty! She looks like she’s ready to take flight!

Have you seen “Rocketman”? It’s a great movie...if you’re a fan of Sir Elton John!

Through your writings, we’ve learned a great deal about you! All I can say is you’ve come a long way! You’ll be a great dad to that little girl who’ll be meeting you in September! She’ll have an awesome dad!


June 3rd, 2019 14:34

Hardly a sound
Michael Edwards said:

It gave me a sort of warm smile - nice one PD

June 3rd, 2019 08:45

Hardly a sound
Neville said:

Ha.. I am grinning so hard my cheeks ache.. and that is the bloomin truth... this is a delightful little poem and a smashing photo too.. seemingly filled with love and light and laughter....write on...


June 3rd, 2019 06:10

Hardly a sound
dusk arising said:

Careful with that wind M8. Though TBH i\'ve never smelled an eagles fart. Great picture, she has you just where she needs you and you are just where you want to be. You are supporting her so she feels at home in the beautiful background of life.
You are i hope right in that we exit peacefully... for some it hasn\'t been that way though.

June 3rd, 2019 02:54

Thanks for pushing me
Goldfinch60 said:

Your life has now been remedied and you are back on course to sail the Sea of Delight and Wonder that lies before you Dan, that sea may get choppy on occasions but it will never get rough. Well done my friend, well done.


June 3rd, 2019 00:37

Thanks for pushing me
orchidee said:

Good write Dan.
Meanwhile (meaning something daft will follow!) \'Did he fall or was he pushed?\' \'Wasn\'t me guv; I never pushed him off the cliff!\' (heehee).

June 2nd, 2019 07:54

Thanks for pushing me
dusk arising said:

Empathy, know what that is? Well youve got it in shedloads... thats how u relate to people so well. You\'ve been there, you\'ve lived it..... you didnt go to uni and learn all about it and get some letters after ya name to prove youre a qualified ex uni geek! ..... NO!.. for you, living it, without any choice, living it day to day every day - THAT taught you. And yeah, youre damned right. You are fully paid up, fuily qualified to do what the F u want to do innit?

Enjoyed reading your words today poet.

June 2nd, 2019 05:01

Thanks for pushing me
Neville said:

maybe, you were not meant to sleep until you had got all this off ya chest... maybe it was just meant to be... whatever the case, you have certainly captured and penned some incredibly uplifting thoughts and insights.... a very interesting & indeed compelling read sir... good on ya.... Neville

June 2nd, 2019 04:36

4 years of sharing
dusk arising said:

Some are gone and some remain.

Some are quite missed. MPS has attracted some quite outstanding personalities in the time i have been posting here and you sir rank highly amongst those outstanding persons.
You always GIVE of yourself and in that amazingly humble way about you that you have.
Always good to read your words.

June 2nd, 2019 01:18

4 years of sharing
orchidee said:

Good write Dan. Pity I been singing 4 years - seems like 400 years to everyone else! heehee.

June 1st, 2019 12:32

4 years of sharing
Goldfinch60 said:

You have come a long way in those four years Dan and I am sure that you will go further into the light of your world.

June 1st, 2019 12:11

In our own time
Goldfinch60 said:

This is the best thing you have written in my opinion. You now know that the light is there for you where once there was darkness, that light will never fail.
I do not say this very often but this poem is going into my favourites.

May 31st, 2019 01:36

In our own time
Michael Edwards said:

What a great uplifting read - good on yer Dan.

May 30th, 2019 13:40

In our own time
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Just calling yourself a poet doesn\'t make you a poet
But you are one Dan
You have to write it\'s the ink coming out of your soul
There is poetical snobbery... But not amongst poets.
Great open hearted read Thank you for posting

May 30th, 2019 08:57

In our own time
kevin browne said:

And, whilst in your own time. please don\'t stop writing such moving and sentimental poems such as this one. I\'ts difficult to let out and express your most inner, thoughtful and sorrowing pain within your own heart. I love you and the way you deal with life in such an inspiring way I can\'t help wanting more of your own dedication to writing such poems. Bring on the next one, brother poet.

May 30th, 2019 08:25

In our own time
dusk arising said:

I think those are your finest words Dan. Open and truthful and in contact with your genuine heartfelt feelings. What more could a poet be? What more could a poet ask of him/her self?
The world is your oyster.

May 30th, 2019 08:22

Waiting for you
Suresh said:

Another light read, Dan.

May 29th, 2019 10:15

Waiting for you
dusk arising said:

Good fun stuff.

May 29th, 2019 05:44

Double lock the gate!
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful write Dan, may baby sparkle enjoy your words and love.

May 29th, 2019 01:21

Double lock the gate!
Michael Edwards said:

A delightful read Dan.

May 29th, 2019 01:17

Double lock the gate!
AuburnScribbler said:

Very nice, lovely imagery, and a really good message about security.


May 28th, 2019 10:50

Double lock the gate!
Suresh said:

There was a poem I made up with my grandson, I can\'t remember it all:

There was a monkey swinging in the window
And the window was open
The monkey went flying through the window
But his tail got caught in the jam

Kiddies rhymes are quirky but it\'s the laugh that follows which is fun. Have a lot of funny moments

May 28th, 2019 10:30

Double lock the gate!
dusk arising said:

All the cats in the grass
will stand up and smile
at the very first cry
from your newly born child

all those neighborhood dogs
will woof with delight
when youre pushing a pram
and stop you on sight

the birds up above
have a cunning wee plan
to sing every morning
for the children of Dan

the bees in the flowers
gonna buzz out a rap
for that lil girl blossom
or that lil boy chap

Dontcha just love kiddies rhymes.
Yours is a superb nonsense piece today.

May 28th, 2019 09:58

A dog whisper not many know
kevin browne said:

Yes, and allow that return to balance and harmony may live on forever within your wonderful dogs life. A well versed poem to tribute to the art of loving a dog.

May 28th, 2019 04:26

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