Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

The Gnome knows
Suresh said:

Your words and your pic really invoke a million thoughts.
Isn\'t it amazing when words freely flow, and that\'s poetry.
So well written,

May 21st, 2019 11:45

The Gnome knows
Neville said:

gnome ention of the elves, pixies or fairies.... but never mind, this is just about perfect as it is....... Neville

May 21st, 2019 08:33

The Gnome knows
dusk arising said:

I used to have a gnome but he buggered off after some swine pinched his fishing rod.
He was always complaining anyway because he never had any luck with birds. \"They just shit on me every time\" he said.

May 21st, 2019 07:29

The Gnome knows
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan.

May 21st, 2019 06:28

The Gnome knows
Michael Edwards said:

A real gem of a write PD - you\'ve triggered an idea for one of my own.

May 21st, 2019 06:15

Goldfinch60 said:

The light in your life is now there for us all to see.

May 21st, 2019 01:00

Suresh said:

.... and the flowers are starting to bloom.
Continue on this journey, the road is getting easier to travel

May 20th, 2019 10:53

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

We need to change the saying to:

Everything comes to those whom can bear the wait

Excellent Dan BRAVO and I totally agree, everyday needs a rhyme to be...

May 20th, 2019 07:31

dusk arising said:

Everyday is followed by a rhyme. Monday is followed by Tuesday... they rhyme... OK its a bit of a cop out but.... a rhyme.

Best i can do is point you at something i published on here in June of last year entitled \"through tears\".
Here\'s a link

May 20th, 2019 04:33

Michael Edwards said:

A delight of a read - I don\'t mind missing out on rhyme but poetry per se is a must.

May 20th, 2019 03:53

Before 40 I\'m building a starship
Neville said:

This is bloomin brilliant PD and yes, you should be proud.... I think you have come a long way in those 38 years and although you have further to go... I sincerely hope you build your starship and any other dreams you may harbour... Forgiveness is such a special gift.. I am glad you found you had it within you to offer it... Neville

May 20th, 2019 03:31

Before 40 I\'m building a starship
Goldfinch60 said:

Each new challenge is part of experience and your challenges have each been face and overcome with the strength within you, the one ahead will be less challenging and life will be wonderful.
\"Live long and prosper\".

May 20th, 2019 00:25

Before 40 I\'m building a starship
Suresh said:

If you have reached a stage in your life, that the past is mostly mended, then all you can do is to approach those in the past that you have offended.
If they recognize your present state of mind, and are able to join you going forward, then that is just fine, but ensure that you are no longer the victim of the events of the past.
Stay strong, forty is no longer mid-life.

May 19th, 2019 11:09

Before 40 I\'m building a starship
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes dear friend - life is a vital gift in which to discover the traits that bring happiness ........ a starship guided by love will take its voyagers farther than far into the real purpose of living here on this beautiful earth.

May 19th, 2019 04:54

Before 40 I\'m building a starship

HI PD : ANGELA HERE ! Love the MANTRA *Every Days a Vacation* Brian & I feel like that because we love our JOBS and we get paid ! Love the POEM. We all need to do something BIG before we are 40 ! BRIAN & I are going to apply to NASA to establish the MARS SPACE STATION (2030) we are the right age (31 & 35) and have NO CHILDREN and the right Training (PHYSIO & Environmental Scientist). The Application Form says *WARNING it could be a ONEWAYTICKET !* Well we all have dreams and we cant afford the £ Millions for a MOON TRIP : Perhaps we should build a Moon Rocket : Please post the BLUEPRINT ! Thanks for sharing A & B.

Blessings & Peace & Love

May 19th, 2019 04:13

Before 40 I\'m building a starship
dusk arising said:

Yes, be proud of what you are. The things you have overcome are your CV of qualifications to be the best human being you can be.

REgarding building that one final ship.... hmm i\'m doubtful. In my experience, before the ship is built you will want to build a slightly different one and before that one is complete another will enter you mind..... i\'m trying to say that i think it\'s a continual process.
However, some ships sink in failure. Thats just life. Best thing to do then is to turn that negative into a positive. With every ending (a negative) then there must be a new beginning (a positive). Keeping that running through life is surely a recipe for contentment/happiness.... well i hope so.

May 19th, 2019 03:33

Dark and light, never two shall meet
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good very deep write Dan. That balance is there for us all and we need to find that balance.
Your travels in your life have found that balance and from that your life is becoming full of wonder and peace.

May 19th, 2019 00:37

Dark and light, never two shall meet
Suresh said:

Your recognition and independence from your past is well expressed in your writings.

May 18th, 2019 12:34

Dark and light, never two shall meet
dusk arising said:

Do those theta and delta waves of our brain in sleep hold the gateway to reality our waking beta waves only glimpse?
More afoot here than we can perceive any further than a hint of it\'s existence.

May 18th, 2019 09:11

Dark and light, never two shall meet
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Geat write Dn
...and light needs life
Darkness needs nothing

May 18th, 2019 06:56

Dark and light, never two shall meet
Neville said:

the unity of opposites need not be opposed other than by their very existence and even then... peacefully.... very nicely composed my friend

May 18th, 2019 05:20

Dark and light, never two shall meet
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes balance is all we can benefit by Dan - I love the expression i\"children of the stars\" - we are made of the same stuff so we can shine if we so wish. Keep at that struggle my friend.

May 18th, 2019 04:17

A rhyme is a rhyme
Goldfinch60 said:

Poets write from the heart and the soul, as do you Dan.

May 18th, 2019 00:07

Neville said:

when all around is dark.. one needs to delve deep within oneself to find the light that still glows there but dimly...

treat the glow kindly and it shall both warm and protect thee..... Neville

May 17th, 2019 13:13

A rhyme is a rhyme
Neville said:

Brilliantly put and more than just a tad Dr. Seuss like...

I like green eggs & ham .. without the ham.... Neville

May 17th, 2019 12:28

A rhyme is a rhyme
Suresh said:

A poets brush is their pen, and their expressions the paint.

May 17th, 2019 09:50

A rhyme is a rhyme
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Bang on Dan
It\'s like making eggs
we can all put eggs in a pan
but make it something we want to eat
That\'s an omelet

May 17th, 2019 07:21

A rhyme is a rhyme
Michael Edwards said:

Spot on - as an artist can see inspiration in something others dismiss so a poet can chose words that others wouldn\'t be able to put together.

May 17th, 2019 05:59

A rhyme is a rhyme
Fay Slimm. said:

You describe the reasons and essence of poetry so well here Dan - - a very fine read.

May 17th, 2019 04:47

A rhyme is a rhyme
dusk arising said:

That is one lovely video. The lovely long haired German Shepherd is clearly a poet and loves to recite. The ball thing too is cleary his/her muse.

To me, content takes precedent over rhyme everytime. Rhyming simply limits the applicable words available to the poet.
However i do enjoy using rhyme for fun in lighthearted pieces.

May 17th, 2019 04:10

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