Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Blessed to know you all
Fay Slimm. said:

You have arrived at where you are meant to be Dan - - keep walking along with your present voice ringing out to all who will listen......... Hugs for your achievement - - ........... XX Fay

June 9th, 2019 09:11

Blessed to know you all
orchidee said:

Oh woe! The only thing folk will be un-blessed with is me singing! heehee.

June 9th, 2019 08:40

Blessed to know you all
Michael Edwards said:

You\'ve arrived and poetically you\'re one of us.

June 9th, 2019 08:26

Blessed to know you all
Fay Slimm. said:

You have arrived at where you are meant to be Dan - - keep walking along with your present voice ringing out to all who will listen......... Hugs for your achievement - - ........... XX Fay

June 9th, 2019 07:41

Blessed to know you all
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

I\'ll never fly said the caterpillar...
Oh yes you will said he butterfly...
The passing of time is sometimes all we need
Great write Dab,,, sorry I mean Dan... there you are

June 9th, 2019 05:08

Blessed to know you all
Neville said:

I can see no reason why you should ever put yourself down again Dan... you have clearly moved forward and found not only a new voice and a new way of expressing yourself, but a new you too.... a pat on the back is in order ,,,,,,, Neville

June 9th, 2019 04:32

Fold & keep
Poetic Dan said:

They most certainly are my friend but easily found when in good company.

June 9th, 2019 03:07

Fold & keep
Goldfinch60 said:

Those thoughts of light and words of wisdom are always within us Dan.

June 9th, 2019 00:23

Fold & keep
Suresh said:

Fold and Keep
Well said

June 8th, 2019 11:48

Fold & keep
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan.

June 8th, 2019 10:40

Fold & keep
dusk arising said:

These modified words of an old but very popular song come to mind:-
\"When you\'ve walked through a storm, hold your head up high, and don\'t be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm is a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of the lark\"
That\'s you that is mate. And you sing it well. Keep on.

June 8th, 2019 10:29

Fold & keep
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Love this sentiment Dab
Great write

June 8th, 2019 09:08

Fold & keep
Neville said:

your writing goes from strength to strength.. nuff said...


June 8th, 2019 02:42

Arm and a leg
Neville said:

you need to keep all these together for the kids.. there are good lessons and morals here.. not just eggs n stuff.... :)

June 8th, 2019 01:10

Home is me
Suresh said:

The past, dreadful when it was present, now recalled as cause to strengthen your resolve to live the future to the fullest for yourself and those under your care, has brought you to a solemn state of mind.

June 7th, 2019 11:49

Home is me
Michael Edwards said:

A fine write which complements Fay\'s super piece also published today

June 7th, 2019 10:51

Home is me
Fay Slimm. said:

Life\'\'s journey is full of chances to learn and improve and your verse tells the fact of you doing just that Dan - - instead of curling over in failure you have taken the way to the stars and won.

June 7th, 2019 10:18

Home is me
Neville said:

I bet there aint a single one of us who aint happy for ya... keep believing and write on....


June 7th, 2019 10:13

Home is me
dusk arising said:

\'That which does not kill you makes you stronger\'
You have gathered together the rocks through which you stumbled and fell and with them built a mountain from where you can see more clearly.

June 7th, 2019 03:23

Arm and a leg
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write Dan.

June 7th, 2019 01:02

Arm and a leg
Michael Edwards said:

Great grinloads PD

June 6th, 2019 14:27

Arm and a leg
Suresh said:

Yes, our actions have consequences
Thnx for reminding us in your poetic way

June 6th, 2019 13:54

Arm and a leg
dusk arising said:

one for the kids.... will they groan though?

June 6th, 2019 08:13

Arm and a leg
orchidee said:

Yep, to be horribly pessimistic: The 3rd line near the end: \'No use getting up when you are down; give up, I say; makes sense to me!\' (heehee).

June 6th, 2019 07:20

Arm and a leg
Lorna said:

So funny - had me laughing out loud Dan........ especially the first one!

June 6th, 2019 04:07

kevin browne said:

Such a moving and touching piece of writing here which you have described incredibly well and to enhance the awareness and issues of such conditions. I wish you and your loved ones all the best for the future and that somehow you learn how to cope. God bless, Poetic Dan.

June 6th, 2019 01:51

Suresh said:

Any decease that makes one dependent on another for existence only, (while suffering in pain or not even remembering) and being bed ridden is painful to watch.
Not many family members have the emotional strength to provide the necessary comfort, as is your sister, or Goldfinch.
Thou poetically expressed, it is expressed well

June 5th, 2019 11:05

dusk arising said:

Whatever your religion, faith, belief or motivation it is illness\' and afflictions like this which test us to the core.
Im in sympathy for you and this senior lady who means so much to you.

June 5th, 2019 07:41

Lorna said:

Good bye to a lovely lady.........

June 5th, 2019 07:26

Michael Edwards said:

This quite touched me - my father had it and never knew me any more towards the end. He would have been devastated had he been aware how much he was affected.

But if he had been aware he wouldn\'t have had it. Well you know what I mean.

June 5th, 2019 06:24

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