Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Emerging December.
orchidee said:

You may see more of December emerging, or any month for that matter, near the coast.
The only \'coastal\' stuff I will see is the duck pond near the Co-op! lol.

December 1st, 2022 08:47

Emerging December.
dusk arising said:

so thats whats going on in my bones is it. i knew something were up!

December 1st, 2022 08:07

Emerging December.
arqios said:

Here we have the hearth lit and blinds drawn to hurry spring along!!! Apropos.

December 1st, 2022 07:11

Emerging December.
Doggerel Dave said:

The upcoming Festive Season never feels quite the same in the Antipodes - but thanks for the memories, Fay.

December 1st, 2022 06:35

Emerging December.
Neville said:

You have captured the very essence of my own birth month perfectly x

December 1st, 2022 05:43

Goldfinch60 said:

So very true Fay, love is forever.


December 1st, 2022 02:26

ruthtitus54 said:

great job!!! loved the way you used self expression in this one keep writing!!!

November 30th, 2022 18:52

Bella Shepard said:

I love the beautiful, ethereal graphic that you have chosen. This puts me in mind of those early morning dreams just before waking, so pleasurable and lingering that you carry it throughout the day. Love is forever! Enchanting dear friend.

November 30th, 2022 10:46

orchidee said:

\'Here, here\', or is it \'Hear, hear\'? - good write Fay.

November 30th, 2022 08:18

Caring dove said:

Lovely words fay 🙂

November 30th, 2022 06:27

JoyJoy said:

I love how it is simple yet very deep!

November 30th, 2022 05:47

Neville said:

this is one o them real love poems innit x tis indeed lovely Fay x

November 30th, 2022 05:28

dusk arising said:

making \'here\' a special place when each and every \'here\' is a place of loves reveal

November 30th, 2022 05:25

Goldfinch60 said:

What a wonderful poem Fay, the description of it from within your mind is astounding.


November 30th, 2022 02:20

Classicmister said:

A beautiful write Faye - I could almost sense the smell of ocean and kelp. I wish I lived nearer the sea to walk along the beach and experience all that you do,

November 29th, 2022 08:10

dusk arising said:

Though much around us is beautiful and does not tell of the struggles to survive.

I guess you got me thinking off on a tangent here.

November 29th, 2022 07:13

orchidee said:

It\'s one of my certain comments: I never knew there was so much to know about weedy stuff. Well, I know now from this fine write!
There was some fancy sea kelp handwash. The perfume of it lasted for hours.

November 29th, 2022 05:53

Neville said:

I am glad you took it home where it writefully belonged .. not everyone appreciates that kelp is for life and not just for Christmas ........ x

I loved this for shore ........ :)

November 29th, 2022 05:21

arqios said:

Reminds me of those kelp forests that Patrick Duffy swam through as the Man from Atlantis. This verse brings an awareness of the place for everything and to see that every thing is allowed in their proper place.

November 29th, 2022 04:15

Caring dove said:

This shows your compassion snd care for nature , Fay 🙂 you show care towards sea kelp . A very interesting read .. like the mention of the lizard and dragon and the personification in this writing ., how you are thinking how it might feel were it to have feelings . Love the mention of the amber toned face and the ending line how you want to carry it back to where it belongs . Nature is so important and we should care for it ))

November 29th, 2022 04:14

Doing his Best
Bella Shepard said:

A beautiful tribute to a beautiful creature. I can envision as I read, this soaring bird of prey in all it\'s maneuvers. Your love of nature is something I always look forward to dear friend.

November 28th, 2022 13:17

Doing his Best
sorenbarrett said:

This brings so many memories. Watching hawks and eagles as a grand part of nature. So well and succinctly worded.

November 28th, 2022 07:58

L. B. Mek said:

such Gorgeous Poetry!
Crazy, how essence-aligned we can be to others
Just the other day I began penning something with the same theme, dear Fay
(although our numerical age, may lack vitality\'s youth
still, for some of us
tender be our heart\'s years and thus, in our autumn
we seize Sunset twilight\'s, Sunkissed scenes
and in acceptance, align our pulse
with inevitability\'s coming tide of finiteness
flowing with life, as it was meant to be unearthed
one milestone breath, at a time...)

November 28th, 2022 04:53

Neville said:

what could possibly be better than the yawn of dwindle .. so very muchly enjoyed Fay .. indeed, I am so glad I checked back and found this one my friend ... Neville x

November 27th, 2022 10:31

Doing his Best
Doggerel Dave said:

Your poem, Fay frames this raptor\'s fearful symmetry as did another poet frame the Tyger.

November 27th, 2022 00:32

Doing his Best
Goldfinch60 said:

I have watched kestrels many times Fay, they are wonderful to see.


November 26th, 2022 04:01

Doing his Best
Neville said:

Here, you have captured the essence, spirit and vitality of the windhover .. more widely known as the kestrel taken from the French crecerelle meaning small or falco tinnunculus .. an amazing creature in more ways than one .. many more ways in fact .............Neville x

November 26th, 2022 00:27

Doing his Best
SureshG said:

The sight when focused,
and senses heightened
The prey confused,
oblivious and frightened.
Kestrel kill rate of 60% plus
Your eloquence will surely make it blush

November 25th, 2022 17:55

Doing his Best
orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.

November 25th, 2022 08:11

Back Then
L. B. Mek said:

halcyon time
volcanic abandon\'..

November 25th, 2022 03:51

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