Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Spring Splendour.
Alan .S. Jeeves said:

It is definitely the image of daffodils that form the catalyst for thoughts of spring. A fine positive poem from your quill Fay.

Ex animo, Alan

February 26th, 2020 15:14

Spring Splendour.

ANGELA HERE - Good Evening FAY ! For Me the transition from Winter to Spring (in the UK) is the most dramatic of the four Annual Seasonal Changes. In the Countryside Nature moves from Barren to Bounty - from Death to Development - from Freezing to Freshness - in essence its all about S * X !
Love the shape of the Poem - reminded Me of BLUEBELLS harbinger of Late Spring / Summer ! Thanks for sharing a lovely glimpse of Sister Spring and an antidote to the recent Drizle - Damp & Darkness even in Sunny Essex. Thank GOD that Spring is already Springing - AMEN !

Blessings & Peace & Joy now that Spring has Sprung !
Love ANGELA & BRIAN - πŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ’œπŸ€πŸ§‘
No Poem today - Please check our latest FUSION - Thanks A & B !
*What is your favourite Letter ?* Please add a verse - Thanks

February 26th, 2020 13:50

Spring Splendour.
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

February 26th, 2020 10:16

Spring Splendour.
dusk arising said:

Cor! I wish.... even the wading birds round here have got their wellies on..... there\'s nothing doing here \'cept wait for fair weather to repair those windblown fences.
It was your 4th line which \'got\' me. You won\'t do much driving around here unless you have a tractor beneath you... everywhere is flooded.

Pushing all that to one side though, I do like your poem encouraging spring.... i can see daffodils in my minds eye.

February 26th, 2020 09:35

Spring Splendour.
Neville said:

Not long now Fay and what better reminder could an old geezer ask for... perfectly penned with two capital P\'s.....


February 26th, 2020 09:34

Spring Splendour.
Saxon Crow said:

Yay for Spring!!! Best time of the year :) which was wonderfully stated in your poem

February 26th, 2020 09:29

Life Song.
🐀s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

A great inspiring poem that promotes love and peace in a superb way that all should heed. Kudos for this beautiful poem!

Pls Pleez do read and comment my newest poem too.

February 26th, 2020 06:41

Life Song.
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write Fay, the differences in us all should be accepted with respect to one and all. Peace will be there for us all.


February 26th, 2020 01:06

Life Song.

Good Evening FAY ~ We love all the sentiments in this perfect POEM !
V 1. Very true ~ we are all individuals ~ but we are all one Universal Family and we should treat each other as we would our siblings ~ AMEN
V 2. Not all our fellow Humans are cohesive ~ some are very destructive ! They are enemies of UNITY!
V 3. We must all be tolerant of each other and seek to *Give Peace a Chance !*

Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love Angela & Brian πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›
Please check our latest FUSION ~ Thanks
*What is your favourite Letter ?*

February 25th, 2020 19:25

Life Song.
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

February 25th, 2020 11:27

Life Song.
dusk arising said:

These are lovely words consigning a humane message to each reader.

Sadly though, we are not the first generation to express such a desire. Those who went before us have been ignored by and large, and we too shall largely be ignored. But the message is wholesome and true and we must continue and encourage future generations.

A great poem from you today Fay with much wisdom and support here amid folks who are used to using their mind. Still so many would prefer the sword oft encouraged by traditions of so called religious fervour.

February 25th, 2020 10:35

Life Song.
Alan .S. Jeeves said:

Wisdom and philosophy go well together. A well written piece Fay.

Ex animo, Alan

February 25th, 2020 08:53

Life Song.
Saxon Crow said:

It certainly does bring the light Fay. A good poem of future hopes in the now using the past!

February 25th, 2020 08:29

Life Song.
Fay Slimm. said:

Hoping this write introduces a bit of light at the end of our troubled globe\'s ever-darkening tunnels.

February 25th, 2020 06:53

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful Fay, those whopper swans are magnificent birds. We had some fly over the croquet lawn a few days ago.


February 25th, 2020 01:43

dusk arising said:

Don\'t we all share your wish too.

Lovely short piece today which made me grin with your bugling and honkings.

February 24th, 2020 10:24

Saxon Crow said:

Ypur imagination clearly gives you wings. Good poem Fay

February 24th, 2020 07:36

orchidee said:

Good write Fay. Those birds coming or going at this season?

February 24th, 2020 05:48


ANGELA HERE - Thanks for sharing FAY - just catching up on MPS before work ! Hope you*re not thinking of leaving. Bird Migration is a Mystery but also a neccessity. Like Human Migration. Love the PIC love the POEM !

Blessings & Peace & Joy
Loe Angela & Brian πŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ’™

February 24th, 2020 04:46

Michael Edwards said:

A little gem Fay - love it.

February 24th, 2020 04:45

She Rises.
Goldfinch60 said:

The sun in our lives is there every morning and always will be, great write Fay.


February 22nd, 2020 01:05

She Rises.
dusk arising said:

Overpowered by majestic sun
darkness hides in shadows
until, reaching it\'s zenith
darkness recedes beneath
where rat and damp foulness
give solace

Fay sometimes you create a vision in my mind ,with your writing, that has to \'out\'. Such was today.

\'Over first tremble of her prelude to fire\' what an amazing line of poetry.

February 21st, 2020 19:20

She Rises.

ANGELA HERE - Good evening Fay ! Thanks for a great tribute to Brother Sun the sustainer of all life on Earth through Photosynthesis and maintainng the ambient Temperature - currently at 16C (= 61F).
V 1. Let there be light
V 2. Let the sunlight define the DAY
V 3. Yes indeed each New Day is a Surprise but it is also
a Provision. One of our Creators sublime Gifts to Mankind.
It behoves us not to agravate the SUN into Global Warming !
The SUN is mechanistic and responds to Our Excesses !

Blessings & Peace & Joy to You
Love Angela & Brian πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

February 21st, 2020 16:54

She Rises.
Alan .S. Jeeves said:

A warming write for today Fay, well done

\'The blush of dawn may yet restore
Our light and joy and hope once more.
Sad soul, take comfort, nor forget
That sunrise never failed us yet\'.
~ Celia Thaxter.

Ex animo, Alan

February 21st, 2020 10:10

She Rises.
Saxon Crow said:

Lovely poem Fay :)

February 21st, 2020 07:55

She Rises.
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

February 21st, 2020 03:59

She Rises.
Michael Edwards said:

There\'s sunshine on the horizon - super write Fay.

February 21st, 2020 03:21

She Rises.
Fay Slimm. said:

I wrote these few lines after sight of a sun-rise last summer - - - hope it helps to illuminate the waiting until summer arrives in the U.K. again.

February 21st, 2020 03:19

Goldfinch60 said:

That mystery of love is always in us and looking for the answer to the mystery always pulls us further into the depths of love.
Another wonderful write Fay, this will have to go into favourites.


February 21st, 2020 01:41


Thanks FAY for sharing & caring with this awesome Ode ! The experience of Love & being in Love is indeed a many splendoured thng ! When it enters our LIVES we surely KNOW it even though we cant always epressit verbally. Love is indeed better felt than telt ! All those we love (or have loved) are firmly etched in our sub-conscious. Recall can result in intense joy but also intense pain ! Love never wilts and from time to time our minds (and hormones !) release a fresh bredth & depth of Love ! Thats how it is with US ~ Amen. Thanks for undestanding !

Love - Joy & Peace to YOU

February 20th, 2020 18:46

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