Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Michael Edwards said:

A wonderful write and that last 6 line stanza is something else - super stuff Fay

February 22nd, 2019 06:28

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Good Mornin\' Fay

February 22nd, 2019 05:56

Goldfinch60 said:

Natures symphony is so wonderful to behold. Beautiful write as ever Fay.

February 22nd, 2019 01:35


Thanks for sharing FAY ~ such a omnicompetant Ode ! The Countryside in Cornwall : Essex : New Zealand is replete with sounds especially @ Dawn & Dusk when 21st C Cacophony is more silent ! But these place specific sounds tell you exactly where you are ~ without words ! We all live near the Coast and your third stanza reprises the Sounds of the Coast ! Softer in Essex than Cornwall or Auckland more SEASIDE than SEA COAST ! Thanks for amplifying the sounds of Natures Wordless Voice. Great poem to recite !
Blessings & Love ~ ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡

February 21st, 2019 12:05

dusk arising said:

Ribbit! You brought to mind the quiet of woodland with a gentle roar above as breeze plays through the tall foliage and the creaking of a tree trunk as it remembers the need to sway. Musty damp aromas fill the air.
All taken for granted in my youth.

February 21st, 2019 09:51

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.

February 21st, 2019 09:43

Neville said:

Somehow within words you have managed to capture natures voice in all it\'s guises and regional accents.. tender, awesome and starkly beautiful.. N

February 21st, 2019 06:02

Goldfinch60 said:

Absolutely beautiful write and tribute Fay.

February 21st, 2019 01:34

Michael Edwards said:

A great tribute beautifully crafted.

February 20th, 2019 10:03

Neville said:

this is such an incredibly well crafted and poignant tribute to an an obviously much loved friend..... the fact they were a poet in their very own right, makes these words even more pertinent..... beautiful indeed and truly so......... Neville

February 20th, 2019 07:11

orchidee said:

A fine tribute Fay.

February 20th, 2019 03:57

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

So many stories strt at the end Fay
This is beautiful

February 20th, 2019 03:28

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Great desriptive Fay as always

February 19th, 2019 16:55

Goldfinch60 said:

The light is always there for us Fay.

February 19th, 2019 16:27

Michael Edwards said:

A flowing read Fay

February 19th, 2019 12:13

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay. Reminds of \'Do we have proper rain?\' Or will it be \'decisive\' rain, not the drizzle or mizzle?!

February 19th, 2019 06:48

Neville said:

there are no two ways about it.. tis the way it is.. and always shall be....

Thank you Fay... Neville

February 19th, 2019 05:01

Neville said:

Just visited this page again.. just because I can.. bit of a guilty pleasure really.... N

February 18th, 2019 15:39


HOME BREWED WINE ! Nectar of the Gods ~ well perhaps sometimes ! It stirred many memories for your readers ! Like all Human Beings from time to time I am often bequeathed a Bottle of Home Brew ! In my experience most are impotable and deteriorate (or explode !) with time. Being a Chemist I have two ways of rendering such beverages potable & useful.
1. I can distil them (illegally ?) which produces neat ETHANOL (Alcohol 100%) which can be used in cooking etc !
2. I filter them through a water softener or a Column of Alumina (Aluminium Oxide) which removes all the \"Bitter Principles\" and renders Jungle Juice ~ Blander but much more potable ! Angela\'s PAPA is a Wine Merchant (RIOJA) and we often visit the Vineyards and perhaps more than anyone ~ We know that WINE MAKING is much more than a BLACK ART !
Love through Poetry ~

February 18th, 2019 11:58

Neville said:

absolutely delicious & heady .. a more than fine poem to warm our cockles on a cold winters eve...... I raise my glass to you Fay.. another splendid poem & true..... Neville

February 18th, 2019 11:17

Michael Edwards said:

Another fine write Fay.

February 18th, 2019 08:34

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

It\'s a Memory Lane Day!
Excellent Fay

February 18th, 2019 05:28

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful write Fay and it brings back so many memories. I used to make wine from the collected fruits of the countryside. I can still see my kids faces as they said \"Oh no, we\'re not going out collecting elder flowers again are we Dad!\"

February 18th, 2019 03:23

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay. They\'ll shoot me though - I keep adding water to their tipples. I tell them it saves them money, cos it will last longer, but they don\'t see it that way. They just spit out the diluted tipple with a \'Bleeuurgghhh!\' lol. There\'s no helping some people. heehee.

February 18th, 2019 03:17

Goldfinch60 said:

Those times of innocence where dreams are made.

February 16th, 2019 01:24


Thanks FAY : Love the picture : childhood soon disappears especially for GIRLS ! Love the Poem : Memories sure are made of this !
Scented dialect of childhod
Playtime that still ghosts my dreaming
Autumn -red juices of childhood
Summers ago beutiful wealth : cherished memories

Thanks for caring : Love ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

February 15th, 2019 13:45

Michael Edwards said:

Captures the innocence of childhood which also applies (in my case at least) to little lads as well. I used to love roaming in virgin countryside with my Dad who would point out the different wild flowers and birds - magical times.

February 15th, 2019 05:21

Neville said:

what recall, what a gift ...innocence & beauty personified, in word .... N

February 15th, 2019 04:36

orchidee said:

Eloquent recollections Fay.

February 15th, 2019 04:23

dusk arising said:

Beautiful. All those lovely things we took for granted as children are now rosey memories to be savoured whilst they still shine in the corner of our minds eye.
Lovely pic too.

February 15th, 2019 04:21

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