Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Found Absent.
Michael Edwards said:

I went down a couple of mines many years back as part of my job following claims for injury - not a place I would wish to return so I have nothing but admiration for those who worked in them (and those who still do). This is a super work about them.

November 29th, 2017 11:38

Found Absent.
orchidee said:

A fine write Fay. I read some document from a place of employment of years ago. Things like - work will be 7am to 7pm. Lunch is 30mins, during which work will on no account cease.
A rota is drawn up for collection of coal from the outside shed for the office fireplace, etc.
A friend recently moaned that he worked \'late\' until 4.30pm, then did not even have to wait for a bus, as he drove home. Luxury!

November 29th, 2017 10:38

Found Absent.
kevin browne said:

as a man from Somerset I am well aware of the authenticity about this poem. filled with everything you could wish for in a poem and more. a great and rare write.

November 29th, 2017 10:18

Found Absent.
Syd said:

I enjoyed this Fay. My grandfather was a coal miner. He used to tell some harrowing stories of things which happened \"down the pit\" as they would call it - Syd

November 29th, 2017 10:04

In Transit.
FredPeyer said:

Fay, after reading your incredible poem, I will never look at raindrops the same way again!

November 29th, 2017 03:26

In Transit.
Michael Edwards said:

Magical write Fay.

November 28th, 2017 11:23

In Transit.
Louis Gibbs said:

\"Eyes with keen poetic insight\" ... I really like that line! Insight is the hallmark of a poet, indeed.
Well expressed observations of the life of raindrops on window panes ... and well formed, Fay!

November 28th, 2017 09:27

In Transit.
myself and me said:

You are the keen poet who write everything so beautiful.

November 28th, 2017 09:10

In Transit.
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful colour filled write Fay.

November 28th, 2017 09:05

In Transit.
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

November 28th, 2017 08:46

A Thought.
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write and so very true.

November 28th, 2017 02:06

A Thought.
FredPeyer said:

Fay, nobody could say it better than you just did!

November 27th, 2017 21:06

A Thought.

Thanks FAY for reminding us of the Ten Secrets of LOVE and endorsing them with a cautionary ODE ~ we have all taken note ! This very DAY with HARRY & MEGHAN we have witnessed and shared TRUE LOVE between Two lovely Young People ~ from very different backgrounds ~ but whose HEARTS beat as ONE ! This is the Alpha & Omega of True Love ~ Yours as ever BRIAN

November 27th, 2017 16:11

A Thought.
Louis Gibbs said:

Wise thoughts, neatly presented, Fay!

November 27th, 2017 11:54

A Thought.
orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.

November 27th, 2017 10:40

A Thought.
Syd said:

Great poem Fay and so true - Syd

November 27th, 2017 10:14

A Thought.
Laura🌻 said:

Fabulous message
my dear Poetess Fay!
LOVE is all...
A wondrous thought indeed!

November 27th, 2017 08:53

A Thought.
Michael Edwards said:

Ah love - fine work Fay

November 27th, 2017 07:12

Goldfinch60 said:

Super write Fay, \"The calm of taking pause\" is something we all nee to do.

November 27th, 2017 01:53

rrodriguez said:

Excellent write... I want to recharge, but not yet. I have to write another poem. Maybe later... I\'m ready to go. Fine write. Thank you.

November 26th, 2017 11:59

Louis Gibbs said:

Beautifully balanced and structured, Fay! Such fine attention to form ... so important an element of fine poetry, adding to and enhancing its beauty. And this is a beauty! An appreciation of the in-breath of nature. Kudos!

November 26th, 2017 11:42

orchidee said:

Good write and pic Fay.

November 26th, 2017 09:02

Accidental Poet said:

A beautiful write of the growing old of the year and the coming of Winter months. But as I\'ve been noticing in my own growing old, the time seems to go by faster, so before we know it, Spring will be knocking upon our doors once again.

November 26th, 2017 09:00

Michael Edwards said:

Beautifully written Fay - but it also means cluttering up the house with a load of decorations, piles of cards to be written, parcels to be wrapped - oh for spring.

November 26th, 2017 06:15

kevin browne said:

beautifully written, FaySlimm. I\'m certainly wrapping up warm this winter. the heat has gone and the cold runs through.

November 26th, 2017 05:51

Were I.
Laura🌻 said:

My dear Poetess Fay,
Another extraordinary gem of a write accompanied by a great pic! Thank you for the share!

November 25th, 2017 22:43

Were I.

Thanks FAY for a very sensuous and alluring Love Poem ! Each verse draws us closer into you to fulfil your desires and share in your pleasures ! Bedded and sating need ~ Feelings unfolding ~ On fire and finding Paradise ~ TOGETHER ! Love the visual ~ a perfect trysting place for Love alfresco and \"DULUX\" would ensure your Lover behaved like a Gentleman ! Thanks for caring ~ Gentle Hugs ~ BRIAN @@@

November 24th, 2017 18:06

Were I.
Christina8 said:

Oh I love this poem, Fay! I hope you find Paradise! Very well written.

November 24th, 2017 16:17

No Words.
FredPeyer said:

Sometimes we learn more without words....
Beautifully said, as only you can!

November 24th, 2017 12:36

Were I.
FredPeyer said:

A simple message, said in an incredibly beautiful way. Fay, I adore your writing! A favorite for sure!

November 24th, 2017 11:38

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