Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful emotive words Fay.


April 14th, 2022 01:24

Pearcemelville 兎敏 said:

studied metaphors that engaged
me with images
Tucked away yearning
awakens and persists
I can see the memory
in the shape of the pillow
stronger images of dawnlight
creeping the gentleness of beckoning fingers
I can see you in a house on a Portsmouth cliff looking out to sea

April 13th, 2022 20:37

dusk arising said:

A long time ago there was a hit called \'sailor\' - \"as i call across the sea, come home to me\" remember it?

Your reader can\'t help but feel the yearning and perhaps a little fear in your finely tuned words today Fay. Allsorts of picture themes spring to mind. These emotions you express go so far back in history yet are as relevant today as they ever were. Easy to picture you in that cottage going about your day to day yet tied to glancing from that window, eagerly ready to dash down to the shoreline.

April 13th, 2022 18:09

Michael Edwards said:

It transports the mind - the magic of your words.

April 13th, 2022 14:27

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

April 13th, 2022 13:25

Neville said:

these exceptional words fan out like a fisherman\'s net and leave this enthralled reader pondering the many wives and lovers who are as yet still waiting .................... N x

April 13th, 2022 09:18

spilleronsheet said:

Yearning and missing clung to my heart
The loved ones separated over the years
Eyes longing for glimpse
Simply marvellous dear Fay

April 13th, 2022 09:04

Rocky Lagou said:

I almost heard subtle waves splashing in the background of this marvel. I adore this bittersweet glimpse into a longing for someone. Great job!

April 13th, 2022 08:35

So Ready
spilleronsheet said:

Love a beautiful sight… a scenery so hard to elegantly paced the love within ourselves that lay…well inked dear Fay

April 13th, 2022 00:07

So Ready
Rozina said:

Another great write. Wonderful lines.

April 12th, 2022 18:26

So Ready
MendedFences27 said:

Cries from the inner self rise up in the twilight of sleep. Moments are envisioned or remembered. The mind succumbs to the deepest desires.
Wow! A great write Fay. The strongest desires of the unkissed, exposed. Loved it. - Phil A.

April 12th, 2022 11:42

So Ready
Neville said:

this is nothing short of spleniferous :) x

April 12th, 2022 09:27

So Ready
Christina8 said:

I love this poem! The last stanza was truly amazing.....all in all a fabulous poem, thanks so much for sharing!

April 12th, 2022 08:37

So Ready
L. B. Mek said:

\'Can need stay submerged forever\'
it remains, a glance away
from that forever being shattered
and yet still
a nervous, flushed face
from ensuring, our choices
make it last, forever
as an obstacle to our awaiting
(just a beautiful crystallisation of feelings
few dare, to try and acknowledge
let alone
own, with pride
and share, within such accessibly
brave words
thank you, dear Fay)

April 12th, 2022 05:38

So Ready
dean langmuir said:

Good one,take care

April 12th, 2022 05:17

So Ready
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

April 12th, 2022 02:17

So Ready
dusk arising said:

Really sensitive depiction of that inner self \"us\" we all relax with as we fall to slumber when ideals succumb to need and desire cries to be sated.
Could only be written by one with a deep understanding of self and profound mastery of the word.
A \'must have\' for my favourites.

April 12th, 2022 02:10

Rozina said:

Beautifully written Fay. A joy to read and savour.

April 11th, 2022 16:39

Neville said:

so damned good I\'m sure that you must have shares in both stevia &
Via-Michelin ........................... N x

April 11th, 2022 16:30

dusk arising said:

There is so much woven in here. The reality of love and romance being a lot more complex than the usual lightened poetic version of love leads me to think that this piece reflects an actual romance or chance of romance. That thought brings a delightful smile to my face for it is springtime and the world is coming alive with \'the birds and the bees\' and the blossoming of everything on and beneath the trees.
Wishing you a very enjoyable spring dear friend.

April 11th, 2022 10:44

Rocky Lagou said:

Wow. Such a sweet poem Fay. I felt each word glide across my mind. I love this romantic initiation!

April 11th, 2022 09:19

Rocky Lagou said:

And a wonderful comeback indeeed. This is great Fay! Continue writing to your heart\'s desire!

April 11th, 2022 08:20

L. B. Mek said:

I was experiencing withdrawal symptoms, dear Fay
glad you\'re \'wired\' back-in!
\'Bent on pivotal
lack a shock
reels at any vortex
and begin
knock-back swerving
by meant detours
around uncaring known
in deficient installments\'..
(when we give, all we have
and they count out - their receipt\'s
to insure, they
don\'t lose out
in this game they\'re making of romance
and our potholed, heart\'s...
and all we can do, is pay that bill
of fate
and save
what part of heart\'s, remain
by their callous, indifference..)
this, that cruelty
in romance\'s, calculative

April 11th, 2022 06:57

Neville said:

Ahh\' that\'s better ........................... x

April 11th, 2022 02:55

Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Good poem Fay .. interesting words .. I’m not sure what happened or what went wrong .. but it’s so nice to have you on here ))

April 11th, 2022 01:45

Goldfinch60 said:

Good to see you back Fay.


April 11th, 2022 00:25

dusk arising said:

So good to see you here again. Welcome back, I certainly missed your fine posts and comments on here. The place just wasn\'t the same withoutcha.
I hope your snazzy new device is an absolute dream to use and encourages you to tickle the keys with evermore poetry for our delight.

Today I\'m recovering from over indulging in alcohol and reading your post hasn\'t helped my head at all LOL. Yes with all those crossed wires going on one could even fall out with ones self. To quote a song lyric from good old King Crimson \"confusion will be my epitaph\"

April 10th, 2022 11:25

Michael Edwards said:

Warmest of hugs received - and a big welcome back

April 10th, 2022 10:42

Christina8 said:

I was wondering where you were! My experience with this site is if you enter your password incorrectly more than once it\'s this whole rigamarole you have to go through. so glad you are back!! Great write for today, by the way. So glad you get to share them again!

April 10th, 2022 08:20

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
Happened to me, or rather I could not access the site for a few days.
Joined up elsewhere, but complicated site, \'noisy\' or too \'busy\' with requests, adverts, etc.

April 10th, 2022 05:20

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